
Body Image (2017)

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

Gênero : Terror

Runtime : 3M

Director : Kim Garland
Escritor : Kim Garland


A woman is tormented by her compulsion to stay thin.


Jocelyn Vammer
Jocelyn Vammer


Matt Garland
Matt Garland
Ian Choplick
Ian Choplick
Lee Rothenflue
Lee Rothenflue
Janice Gilman
Janice Gilman
Vita Tanga
Vita Tanga
Katherine Clark
Katherine Clark
Art Direction
Ashley K. Thomas
Ashley K. Thomas
Makeup Effects Designer
sara hayworth
sara hayworth
First Assistant Director
Carlos 'Storm' Martinez
Carlos 'Storm' Martinez
Sound Effects Designer
Kim Garland
Kim Garland
Kim Garland
Kim Garland


Pretty Ugly People
Lucy has always used food to escape life's problems, but when this self-titled "fat friend" lures her group of old college buddies to the Montana wilderness, she reveals a new self - skinny, beautiful and still flawed.
Garotas Formosas
Jazmin Biltmore é uma designer de moda plus size, que decide criar uma linha sensual para mulheres tamanho GG. Porém, ela não consegue financiamento para mesma. Cansada de sempre receber não como resposta, Jazmin é surpreendida ao ganhar uma viagem com tudo pago para um maravilhoso resort, onde acredita que encontrará o homem da sua vida.
The Butch Factor
What does mean to be gay and be a man? There's no straight answer for sure. From the Castro culture of the 1970s to today’s Bears and gym rats, this fascinating investigation of gay men and sexuality blows the lid off old stereotypes and showcases a battalion of interviewees including muscle men, rodeo riders, rugby players and cops. The men speak candidly on topics from homophobia to metrosexuality to embracing effeminacy as they reveal what it means to be a gay man in America today.
I Who Have No One
After years of wanting to look like those who grace the covers of magazines, Frances ends up making headlines in a different way.
Embrace follows body image activist Taryn Brumfitt's crusade as she explores the global issue of body loathing, inspiring us to change the way we feel about ourselves and think about our bodies.
Gap-Toothed Women
A documentary short by Les Blank about the beauty of gap teeth in women.
O Lar
Marthe, Michel e seus três filhos moram tranqüilamente em uma casa isolada no meio do nada, em frente à qual uma larga estrada permanece vazia, fechada desde sua construção. No início do verão, ela é finalmente inaugurada. A família tenta manter sua rotina, mesmo com o estresse causado pelo barulho incessante de centenas de carros. Mas os efeitos a longo prazo do incômodo com a constante perturbação instauram um clima crescente de tensão familiar. Ainda assim, eles se recusam a deixar o lar construído com tanta dedicação.
An average gay guy discovers a magic website that can change him into the fantasy man he desires, but there is a price to pay.
All the Cats Join In
A cool cat teen hears a tune on the jukebox at the malt shop and calls his girl; she rounds up a crowd and soon the place is jumping. No dialogue, just the song lyrics. The pencil drawing everyone is shown throughout the first half.
Naked on the Inside
Six extra-ordinary people from around the world reveal their bodies and share their secrets in a unique experiment in search of their inner selves.
The Penis Extension Clinic
Penis extension surgery is a booming business in the UK and we have exclusive access to a clinic that promises to make your manhood wider and longer for £7,000. Truck driver Leon is about to go under the knife for a second time to get an even bigger penis, something his girlfriend says is unnecessary. We also meet Michael who thinks he would have had more successful relationships if he’d been more confident about his body, that’s why he’s about to put himself through penis extension surgery at the ripe old age of 64.
Alesha: Look But Don't Touch
Documentary in which singer Alesha Dixon, concerned about the increasing pressure on women to conform to an ideal body type, investigates the practice of airbrushing and retouching that has become a staple of magazine photos. Keen to discover whether these images simply celebrate the female form or whether they make harmful, unrealistic demands on women and society, her journey sees her sitting in on 18-year-old Ellie's boob job, hearing fashion mag insider Liz Jones and celeb mate Cheryl Cole complain about the beauty industry and appearing on a front cover with her own body beautiful untouched.
Straight/Curve: Redefining Body Image
A documentary about body image and the industry leaders challenging society's unrealistic and dangerous standards of beauty.
Second Screen
Second Screen follows David, a fitness influencer who begins to develop an addiction to social media. As this takes a drastic turn in order to keep his online persona intact, will he able to deal with the reality he faces in front of him?
Perfect Image?
Two actresses take us through a series of 'raps' and sketches about what it means to be beautiful and black.
Curta Metragem de Fábio Leal
Cultura de la Delgadez
Personal stories taken from a survey on how women's lives are affected by a culture obsessed with body image and thinness.
My Fat Arse and I
Uma dia uma garota experimenta um par de calças novas, mas elas não servem. Mais precisamente, o zíper não fecha. A garota fica desnorteada. No espelho, ela se vê como o leitão mais gordo que o mundo já viu. Ela decide fazer uma dieta rigorosa o mais rápido possível.
Macie on a Good Day
Macie (Jen Santos) is a twenty-three year old woman with IDD (Individual with Developmental Disability) stuck in the middle of a feud between her sisters Abby (Maria Sole), a recovering alcoholic trying to become a more active member in Macie's life and her primary caregiver Megan (Elizabeth Archibeque).
In Swole I continue to document my commitment to an intensive and transformative gym and diet regimen, as well as the communities that form around such activities, sustaining themselves through texting and sharing videos and photos on social media. I learn the vocabulary of my new community.