Dorothy's Christmas in Oz (2018)
Gênero : Animação, Fantasia, Cinema TV, Família
Runtime : 22M
Dorothy introduces Oz to Christmas and of course Oz adds a few traditions of it's own. Santa comes to deliver holiday cheer and presents to all. The Wicked Witch has kidnapped Santa in an attempt to steal his magic.
No futuro o bem mais precioso é a gasolina, em virtude de uma guerra que acabou com os campos petrolíferos do Oriente Médio. Tendo combustível pode-se fugir da morte ou se dirigir a algum lugar para matar alguém. Neste contexto, Max resolve ajudar uma comunidade a defender sua refinaria contra uma gangue de motoqueiros.
Dorothy, salva de um experimento psiquiátrico por uma misteriosa garota, por algum motivo estranho é chamada de volta ao mundo de Oz. É quando Dorothy, se depara com uma bruxa que destrói tudo aquilo que faz de Oz, uma Terra mágica.
Dorothy e seu cachorro Totó são levados para a terra mágica de Oz quando um ciclone passa pela fazenda de seus avós no Kansas. Eles viajam em direção à Cidade Esmeralda para encontrar o Mago Oz e no caminho encontram um Espantalho, que precisa de um cérebro, um Homem de Lata sem um coração e um Leão Covarde que quer coragem. O Mago pede ao grupo que tragam a vassoura da Bruxa Malvada do Oeste a fim de ganharem sua ajuda.
Os Dragões estão de volta... A história épica de Soluço e Banguela continua em uma emocionante e nova aventura, para explorar uma ilha de dragões nunca vista antes. Muita ação e cuspidores de fogo colidem nesta história emocionante.
Sonic the Hedgehog must stop the evil Dr. Robotnik from ruining Christmas after Santa Claus disappears
Sonhando ser uma cantora famosa, a talentosa Dorothy Gale sempre quis atingir o topo de uma boa carreira de música. No entanto, seus tios (principalmente a Tia Em) a proíbem de sair para longe. Triste, ela vai para o trailer em seu quarto para descansar. No entanto, iria chegar um ciclone no Kansas e eles procuraram um abrigo, mas Dorothy se esqueçe de Totó (seu lagostim de estimação) e volta atrás dele. Chegando tarde demais, o trailer em que ela estava é atingido pela fúria dos ventos e ela é enviada ao mundo mágico de Oz, e sai em busca de um modo para ir para casa. No caminho ela conheçe o Robô de Lata (Gonzo), o Leão Covarde (Urso Fozzie) e o Espantalho (Caco, o Sapo).
Os Macacos voadores das histórias de Oz não eram tão maus.Ozzy e seus amigos se rebelam contra a Bruxa Malvada do Oeste e tentam fazer de Oz um lugar melhor.
The cunning and wicked Urfin wants to become ruler of Magic Land. With an army of wooden soldiers, he captures the Emerald City and renames it ti Urfinville. He is all but ready to celebrate victory, when his plans are ruined by an ordinary girl named Dorothy, who arrives in Magic Land just at the right time. She must return home, but not before she helps her friends - the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and new-brave Lion - defeat Urfin. And in order to do that, they need to find out who he really is.
Vincent's life is on hold until he finds his wife's killer. Alice, his neighbor, is convinced she can make him happy. She decides to invent a culprit, so that Vincent can find revenge and leave the past behind. But there is no ideal culprit and no perfect crime.
A century after the Wicked Witch, the Emerald City is at the mercy of a once-revered hero, and salvation comes from the wrench of young Victoria Wright. Rediscover old friends and meet new heroes in this new tale set in the Land of Oz.
Mickey em uma plantação de bananas, quando encontra um ovo de avestruz e pretende leva-lo, porém o proprietário do ovo não está feliz com isso, enquanto Pluto está assustado com bumerangue de Mickey.
The story of two queens who set out to create a classic Christmas TV variety show, but just can’t agree on how. DeLa tries her hardest to uphold the cheery Christmas traditions of her childhood. Meanwhile, Jinkx is much more interested in bawdy jokes, cute boys, and boozy libations.
Children's author Dorothy Gale makes a decent living continuing her grandfather's series of Oz books. When a new agent enters the scene, Dorothy moves to New York city. In the midst of a major business deal for her books, Dorothy discovers that her books are not based on her imagination, but on repressed memories. While Dorothy struggles with the revelation, she is forced to confront The Wicked Witch of the West, who has descended upon the Big Apple, determined to settle an old score.
A storybook opens to depict little Dorothy on the grey Kansas prairies, when suddenly a cyclone comes up, turns her world to color, and she lands on a Scarecrow, who promptly gets up and walks with her. Her dog Toto finds a woodcutter made of tin, so the Scarecrow oils him up and he accompanies them. They watch some animals reproduce before being ushered into the Emerald City by singing suits of armor and a lavish parade of overweight cops before meeting the Wizard, a devious little man who transforms eggs into uncontrollable forms, much to Billina's dismay.
Gavin MacLeod and Marion Ross host a Christmas celebration that features classic performances of popular holiday standards and traditional carols performed, throughout decades past, by an array of artists, including Andy Williams, Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Johnny Mathis, Brenda Lee, Eddy Arnold, Nat King Cole, Judy Garland, Mitch Miller and the Gang, Gene Autry, Jimmy Boyd, the Supremes, Rosemary Clooney, the Lennon Sisters, Burl Ives, Mahalia Jackson, Mitzi Gaynor, Julie Andrews, the Beach Boys, the Carpenters, Jose Feliciano, the Drifters, Ronnie Spector, the Harry Simeone Chorale, and David Bowie.
A wicked king has taken over the Emerald City, and wants his daughter, Princess Gloria to marry the horrid courtier Googly-Goo, though she loves Pon, the Gardener's Boy. The camera follows two farmers placing a Scarecrow upon a pole in a cornfield. Pon rescues a Kansas girl named Dorothy from the evil witch Mombi, whom Princess Gloria has been taken to by King Krewl to freeze her heart so she will no longer love Pon. An Indian princess has a ceremony to bring the Scarecrow to life. Pon rescues the cold-hearted princess and they flee for help, discovering the Scarecrow, who promptly falls in love with the princess, and Button-Bright, a lost boy from America. They come to the castle of the Tin Emperor, Nick Chopper, and after oiling him, he falls in love with Gloria. After a bit of a chase aided by the Sawhorse and the Wizard, Mombi turns Pon into a Kangaroo, and a slough of Fred Woodward's animals battle it out.
An animated version of the classic story of a young farm-girl who is transported to the magical land of Oz.
Dorothy is a sixteen-year-old groupie riding with a rock band when, suddenly, the van is in a road accident, and she hits her head. She wakes up in a fantasy world as gritty and realistic as the one she came from and learns she killed a young thug in the process. A gay clothier called the Good Fairy gives her a pair of red shoes as a reward to help her see the last concert of the Wizard, an androgynous rock singer. She is pursed by the thug's brother who attempts to rape her on several occasions. She also meets a dumb surfer, a heartless mechanic, and a cowardly biker.
A group of disabled actors prepare for and perform a one night only performance of The Wizard of Oz.
What happened in the land of Oz after Dorothy returned to Kansas? Based on the original book by L. Frank Baum “The Tin Woodman of Oz” (TWO) follows the adventures of the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow and the little boy 'Woot' as they search for the Tin Woodman's first love, Nimmie Aimee. What they find is not what they expected! TWO is the first CG-animated feature to be produced entirely as an Internet collaboration. 100+ artists around the world contributed to TWO.