
Pasaiako badia (2017)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 8M

Director : Yuri Agirre, Erik Aznal, Xabier Otamendi


Spanish police killed four members of the Autonomous Anticapitalist Commandos in 1985. This documentary provides a narration of the murder that the State of Spain has tried to hide. There are several testimonies of family members, witnesses and experts.



Yuri Agirre
Yuri Agirre
Erik Aznal
Erik Aznal
Xabier Otamendi
Xabier Otamendi
Yuri Agirre
Yuri Agirre
Yuri Agirre
Yuri Agirre
Erik Aznal
Erik Aznal
Erik Aznal
Erik Aznal
Xabier Otamendi
Xabier Otamendi
Xabier Otamendi
Xabier Otamendi
Iban Toledo Ibañez
Iban Toledo Ibañez
Color Grading
Olaia Sanchez
Olaia Sanchez
Izeia Urdanpilleta
Izeia Urdanpilleta
Makeup Artist


Maixabel Lasa perdeu seu marido, Juan María Jaúregui, assassinado pelo ETA em 2000. Onze anos depois, recebe um pedido inusitado: um dos assassinos pediu para se encontrar com ela na Cadeia de Nanclares de la Oca / Álava, no qual cumpre pena por ter rompido os laços com a quadrilha terrorista. Apesar das dúvidas e da dor imensa, Maixabel concorda em se encontrar cara a cara com pessoas que acabaram a sangue frio com a vida de quem era sua companheira desde os dezesseis anos.
Errementari: O Ferreiro e o Diabo
País Basco, Espanha, 1843. Um policial chega a um pequeno vilarejo em Álava para investigar um misterioso ferreiro que vive sozinho nas profundezas da floresta.
O Silêncio da Cidade Branca
Vitoria-Gasteiz, País Basco, Espanha, 2019. Dois cadáveres aparecem na cripta da antiga catedral. O policial Unai López de Ayala, especialista em perfis criminais, deve rastrear o assassino ritual que aterroriza a cidade há duas décadas.
Spanish Affair
Um homem que nunca saiu de Sevilha se apaixona por uma jovem basca e decide acompanhá-la até o País Basco, onde tentar passar por um cidadão local.
Having fought in the First Carlist War, Martin returns to his family farm in Gipuzkoa only to find that his younger brother, Joaquín, towers over him in height. Convinced that everyone will want to pay to see the tallest man on Earth, the siblings set out on a long trip all over Europe, during which ambition, money and fame will forever change the family’s fate. A story based on true events.
Oito sobrenomes catalães
O provincialismo espanhol ganha destaque quando um homem do País Basco embarca em uma missão para impedir que sua filha se case com um pretendente da Catalunha.
The Passage
During WW 2, a Basque shepherd is approached by the underground, who wants him to lead a scientist and his family across the Pyrenees. While being pursued by a sadistic German.
Manu Aranguren is a Basque politician who acts as a mediator for the Spanish government in its negotiations with ETA. Far from being a solemn, calculated occasion, unexpected occurrences, slip-ups or misunderstandings soon kick in to influence the dialogue. And the personal relationship between negotiators will be key in solving the conflict.
Um filme ambientado na região basca, começando na terceira e última guerra carlista (1872-1876), desde 1875 e terminando durante a guerra civil espanhola (1936-1939) de 1936. O filme retrata como um único ato de covardia molda a vida das próximas três gerações de duas famílias e alimenta a intensa rivalidade que durará os próximos sessenta e um (61) anos.
The Demise of ETA
The chronicle of the process, ten long years, that led to the end of ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna), a Basque terrorist gang that perpetrated robberies, kidnappings and murders in Spain and the French Basque Country for more than fifty years. Almost 1,000 people died, but others are still alive to tell the story of how the nightmare finally ended.
Todos estamos invitados
Spain. The Basque Country. Sometime in the 90s. Josu Jon, a young member of a terrorist organization, has suffered an almost complete memory loss after being wounded in a shooting with the Spanish police. As he awaits for his trial, his condition is being treated at the prison hospital. Other inmates belonging to the same organization try to make him remember how brave a "gudari" -a Basque soldier- he is and how he must go back to the armed fight for the independence of their country as soon as he gets out of prison. Meanwhile, Xabier, a college professor who has been death-threatened by the terrorists due to his political views on the Basque situation, is having an affair with Francesca, a young psychologist who happens to end up trying to help Josu Jon recover his memory. A warm feeling of mutual affection grows between her and her patient. At a point, it doesn't seem to be clear whether Josu Jon really wants to recover his memory or rather forget forever who he actually is.
Operação Ogro
Espanha, 1973. O ditador Francisco Franco governa o país desde 1939 com um punho de ferro; mas agora é um homem muito velho e doente. O futuro do regime enfraquecido está em perigo. O almirante Carrero Blanco é seu sucessor natural. A quadrilha terrorista basca ETA decide que ele deve morrer para impedir que a ditadura continue.
Ane Is Missing
The Basque Country, 2009. Lide is a security guard for the high-speed train works, a project that generates social protests in the streets. Coming home after work and partying all night, she makes breakfast for two, but her teenage daughter, Ane, is nowhere to be found. The next day, she’s still not back.
A March to Remember
Vitoria, Basque Country, Spain, March 3rd, 1976. After several months of protests demanding decent working conditions, representatives of struggling workers call for a general strike. In the church of San Francisco, in the working class neighborhood of Zaramaga, thousands of workers fill the temple in assembly. Outside, many more people gather and, in the middle, about a hundred heavily armed police officers wait to act.
When the rain ends, life sprouts from the earth. A fruit grows and becomes the apple that gives life to the cider. Then comes the time of harvest, toasting and celebrating love. A story about the cycle of life and death, of the struggle for survival. Where the passage of time is marked by the course of nature, music and dance.
The Basque Ball: Skin Against Stone
An attempt to create a bridge between the different political positions that coexist, sometimes violently, in the Basque Country, in northern Spain.
Death Knell
Quando um esqueleto surge misteriosamente numa pequena aldeia basca, uma série de estranhos acontecimentos passa a aterrorizar os habitantes do lugar.
Thunder in the Sun
A band of Basque immigrants treks through the Old West toward California, where they hope to put down roots and open wineries. When the group's leader dies, his widow Gabrielle marries his brother in accordance with Basque tradition. But it's a loveless union; Gabrielle is smitten with Lon Bennett, the scout who's been hired to guide them on their journey.
L'Elisir d'Amore
John Copley’s colorful production, with designs by Beni Montresor, was created around the beloved superstar Luciano Pavarotti. As the simple, good-hearted Nemorino, he enchanted audiences with his larger-than-life personality as well as his golden voice. Enzo Dara as the quack Dr. Dulcamara provides the elixir of the title that helps Nemorino win the heart of Adina, the girl of his dreams, sung with youthful energy by Kathleen Battle.
Kutsidazu bidea, Ixabel
Juan Martin, a young boy from San Sebastian, decides to spend the summer in a remote hillside farmhouse to improve his Basque. But there he discovers that the language they use has little in common with his classroom learnings.