
Star Académie 2003 (2003)

Gênero :

Runtime : 3H 25M

Director : Jean Lamoureux, Stéphane Laporte


The show of Star Académie at Centre Bell in Montreal, the 28th of June 2003.


Wilfred LeBouthillier
Wilfred LeBouthillier
Émily Bégin
Émily Bégin
Marie-Élaine Thibert
Marie-Élaine Thibert
François Babin
François Babin
Jean-François Bastien
Jean-François Bastien
Maritza Bossé-Pelchat
Maritza Bossé-Pelchat
Dave Bourgeois
Dave Bourgeois
Stéphane Mercier
Stéphane Mercier
Pascal Nguyen-Deschênes
Pascal Nguyen-Deschênes
Élyse Robineault
Élyse Robineault
Martin Rouette
Martin Rouette
Annie Villeneuve
Annie Villeneuve
Suzie Villeneuve
Suzie Villeneuve
Sandy Agnant-Duperval
Sandy Agnant-Duperval
Jason Battah
Jason Battah
Véronique Claveau
Véronique Claveau


Jean Lamoureux
Jean Lamoureux
Stéphane Laporte
Stéphane Laporte


O Diário da Princesa 2: Casamento Real
Cinco anos após os acontecimentos do primeiro filme, em que Mia decide tornar-se a princesa de Genóvia, ela se muda para o palácio real de sua avó, Clarisse. É então informada de que não permanecerá como princesa por muito tempo, já que em breve terá que ser coroada rainha. No entanto, a legislação genoviana estabelece que as futuras rainhas devem se casar antes de serem empossadas no cargo. Surge, por isso, uma legião de pretendentes repentinamente na vida da jovem.
Savage Messiah
Savage Messiah is a docudrama about Roch "Moïse" Thériault, the charismatic former leader of a small religious group based near Burnt River, Ontario, Canada. Between 1977 and 1989 he held sway over as many as 12 adults and 26 children. He used all of the nine women as concubines, and probably fathered most of the children in the group. During his reign, Thériault mutilated several members. His major crime was to kill Solange Boilard, his legal wife, by disembowelment while trying to perform surgery on her. He was arrested for assault in 1989, and convicted of murder in 1993. Along with Clifford Olsen and Paul Bernardo, Thériault is considered one of Canada's most notorious criminals.
Ding et Dong : Le film
Two harum-scarums who think they are good stand-up comics try to make a career in showbiz, partly for the career, partly to seduce women. They try alternatively the scene, a movie set and TV. They only succeed in making a fool of themselves
A dramatization of the abduction and murder of a Quebec government minister by a cell of The Quebec Liberation Front. In October 1970, one group from the same organization kidnapped the British Consul in Montreal. A few days later, a second group kidnapped Pierre Laporte, a minister of the Quebec Governement. The film tells the story of this last terrorist cell which ended in the death of its hostage.
15 Février 1839
In 1839, months after the British army has repressed the insurrection of the Patriots, hundreds of rebels rot in prison. The morning of February 14, Marie-Thomas Chevalier De Lorimier and Charles Hindelang learn that they will be hung in 24 hours, with three other comrades. While they await their hour of death the condemned spend time and consult with companions and loved ones as well as entrust to those their last wills. At dawn, the five Patriots find the courage to walk with dignity towards the scaffold, knowing that will they die in the name of a just causewww.tribute.ca