
Trader Tom of the China Seas (1954)

SABOTAGE on the HIGH SEAS! Great Serial Action and Suspense as The United Nations Strikes Out At An Unseen Enemy!

Gênero : Ação, Aventura, Guerra

Runtime : 2H 47M

Director : Franklin Adreon


In this 12 Chapter serial the UN enlists trader Tom Rogers and Vivian Wells, to lead the effort to prevent the natives from starting a revolution in Burmatra and its neighbors.


Harry Lauter
Harry Lauter
Tom Rogers
Aline Towne
Aline Towne
Vivian Wells
Lyle Talbot
Lyle Talbot
Robert Shayne
Robert Shayne
Fred Graham
Fred Graham
Kurt Daley
Tom Steele
Tom Steele
John Crawford
John Crawford
Bill Gaines
Dale Van Sickel
Dale Van Sickel
Native Ambusher
Victor Sen Yung
Victor Sen Yung
Jan Arvan
Jan Arvan
Ramsay Hill
Ramsay Hill
British Colonel
George Selk
George Selk
Richard Reeves
Richard Reeves
Rebel Chief


Franklin Adreon
Franklin Adreon
Ronald Davidson
Ronald Davidson
Franklin Adreon
Franklin Adreon
Associate Producer
Bud Thackery
Bud Thackery
Director of Photography
Cliff Bell Sr.
Cliff Bell Sr.
Film Processor
Frank Hotaling
Frank Hotaling
Art Direction
Bob Mark
Bob Mark
Makeup Supervisor
Peggy Gray
Peggy Gray
Roy Wade
Roy Wade
Unit Manager
Lewis T. Rosso
Lewis T. Rosso
Production Manager
Robert G. Shannon
Robert G. Shannon
Assistant Director
Earl Crain Sr.
Earl Crain Sr.
Waldon O. Watson
Waldon O. Watson
Howard Lydecker
Howard Lydecker
Special Effects
Theodore Lydecker
Theodore Lydecker
Special Effects
Adele Palmer
Adele Palmer
Wardrobe Supervisor
Jerry Roberts
Jerry Roberts
Music Director


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Paris, 13º Distrito
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Flash Gordon: No Planeta Mongo
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Dheepan: O Refúgio
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O roubo no Hotel de Palácio Real e o sequestro de Lord Beltham, fazem de Fantômas o imperador de Crime. Cabe ao Inspetor Juve, sempre auxiliado pelo jornalista Fandor, prender o criminoso.
Em Gotham City, Batman (Lewis Wilson) luta contra Dr. Daka (J. Carrol Naish), um japonês mentor de um grupo de espionagem que sabota instituições. Daka tem um aparelho que pulveriza uma radiação mortal, tendo assim, muita facilidade de destruir seus inimigos, além de poder recrutar homens, fazer uma lavagem cerebral neles e transformá-los em seus servos. Batman precisa usar todo o seu poder de morcego para enfrentar este inimigo.
Flash Gordon Conquista o Universo
Uma misteriosa praga, a Morte Púrpura, devasta a Terra. Dr. Zarkov, investigando em sua nave espacial, encontra uma espaçonave do planeta Mongo lançando um pó na atmosfera. Com certeza, Ming, o Impiedoso está de volta com seus velhos estratagemas. Então retornam Mongo, Flash, Dale, e Zarkov, desta vez com aliados esperando: Prince Barin de Arboria e Rainha Fria das terras do norte congeladas de Frigia; onde, é encontrado o Polarite, antídoto para a praga. Mas Ming vai usar todas as suas forças para impedir os nossos heróis de frustrar seus planos de conquista.
Batman and Robin
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Os Vampiros
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Sascha, the young and beautiful trophy girlfriend of a Danish drug lord, arrives at his holiday villa in the seaside town of Bodrum, on the Turkish Riviera, where she is welcomed into his inner circle. Under the summer sun, she lives a carefree dream of luxury and fun until she meets Tomas, a Dutch traveler trying to discover himself.
Cadê os Homens?
Em uma pequena vila na América Latina, todos os homens são forçados a juntarem-se a uma guerrilha comunista, deixando todas as mulheres sozinhas, assumindo toda a cidade. A viúva Rosalba é então eleita prefeita, que tem que lidar com uma sociedade enlouquecida pela falta dos homens. Até que a chegada de um charmoso jornalista desperta o interesse de todas as mulheres locais.
Adeus às Armas
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A Volta do Zorro
A estrada de ferro que liga a Península de Yucatan à Califórnia está sendo construída para o benefício do México. Mas, nos últimos tempos, ela anda sob o constante ataque e controle de uma gangue de malfeitores que querem forçar a sua venda, e ninguém consegue provar a ligação dos bandidos ao feitor J. A. Marsden, que seria o maior beneficiário da venda.
The Green Archer
Columbia's 12th serial of 57 total (following 1940's "Deadwood Dick" and ahead of 1941's "White Eagle") is another of director's James Horne's "classics" where he evidently figured that the same reactions that served him well in Laurel and Hardy films would work well in action serials where he has all hands, heroes and villains alike, doing some kind of over-the top "take", no matter the situation. This loose adaptation of an Edgar Wallace story finds Michael Bellamy (Kenne Duncan in his Kenneth Duncan period) inheriting Garr Castle, but his brother, Abel Bellamy (James Craven, as usual making Oil-Can Harry look smooth), has him imprisoned unjustly and moves into the castle himself. When Michael's wife, Elaine Bellamy (Dorothy Fay), fails to return after visiting Abel, her sister Valerie Howett (Iris Meredith), accompanied by their father,
Captain America
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Friend Zone
Bilbao, Spain. After breaking up with Elisa, his girlfriend for several years, Txema meets Claudia, a gorgeous Argentinian girl, in a very awkward situation. They become friends so soon and so easily that Txema misinterprets Claudia's feelings for him.
Zombies of the Stratosphere
Martians come to Earth to build an H-bomb strong enough to blast Earth out of orbit so that Mars can be moved into its place in closer proximity to the sun. Super-scientist Larry Martin, inventor of the first stratospheric-flight spaceship as well as a jet-powered personal flying suit with helmet, is called upon by the government to investigate ramped-up UFO reports occasioned by the Martians' spaceships. The Martians, meanwhile, led by Marex, engage a renegade earth scientist and a gaggle of gangsters to help them steal supplies, operate a menacing robot, and build their bomb. This movie serial in 12 chapters was originally planned as a sequel to "Radar Men From The Moon" with Commando Cody as the hero but at the last moment the main characters' names were changed and all other references to that serial removed from the script.