
Don't Go Breaking My Heart (2011)

Gênero : Romance, Comédia

Runtime : 1H 55M

Director : Johnnie To, Wai Ka-fai


An original twist on an eternal triangle, where secret crush and unrequited love take on altogether newfangled meanings of their own.


Louis Koo
Louis Koo
Cheung Shen-ran
Gao Yuanyuan
Gao Yuanyuan
Cheng Zixin
Daniel Wu
Daniel Wu
Fang Qihong
Lam Suet
Lam Suet
La Risa
La Risa
JJ Jia
JJ Jia
Terence Yin
Terence Yin
Selena Lee
Selena Lee
Owen's Wife
Iva Law Wing-Han
Iva Law Wing-Han
Liu Yu-Hong
Liu Yu-Hong
Zixin's Grandmother
Yan Jing-Yao
Yan Jing-Yao
Zixin's Mother
Wang Zhihua
Wang Zhihua
Qihong's Father
Du Yaсhun
Du Yaсhun
Qihong's Mother


Johnnie To
Johnnie To
Wai Ka-fai
Wai Ka-fai
Wai Ka-fai
Wai Ka-fai
Yau Nai-hoi
Yau Nai-hoi
Ray Chan Wai-Ban
Ray Chan Wai-Ban
Jevons Au Man-Kit
Jevons Au Man-Kit
Johnnie To
Johnnie To
Wai Ka-fai
Wai Ka-fai
Cheng Siu-keung
Cheng Siu-keung
Chiu Chi-Shing
Chiu Chi-Shing
Unit Manager


Comendo fora
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