
King and the Crook (2015)

The gangster who became friends with the king of Norway

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 57M

Director : Fredrik Horn Akselsen


How could Gulosten, who was a major criminal during prohibition, and a resistance fighter during WW2, get away with the murder of two Germans in peacetime Norway? And what part did his friend, king Haakon of Norway, play in this?


Ane Dahl Torp
Ane Dahl Torp
Narrator (voice)
Krister Faltin
Krister Faltin
Stian Vorkinn
Stian Vorkinn
Young Gulosten
Lise Hogstad
Lise Hogstad
Ruth Andersen
Bjørn Iversen
Bjørn Iversen
German Soldier
Bjørn Bjørnsen
Bjørn Bjørnsen
Svein Blindheim
Svein Blindheim
Per E. Hem
Per E. Hem
Runar Jørgensen
Runar Jørgensen
Egil Ulateig
Egil Ulateig


Fredrik Horn Akselsen
Fredrik Horn Akselsen
Fredrik Horn Akselsen
Fredrik Horn Akselsen
Christian Falch
Christian Falch
Christian Falch
Christian Falch
John Erik Kaada
John Erik Kaada
Original Music Composer
Viggo Knudsen
Viggo Knudsen
Robert Stengård
Robert Stengård
Svenn Jakobsen
Svenn Jakobsen
Sound Designer
Svenn Jakobsen
Svenn Jakobsen
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Simon Ellegaard
Simon Ellegaard
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Sound Effects Editor
Erik S. Watland
Erik S. Watland
Foley Artist
Karoline Fjugstad Wendelborg
Karoline Fjugstad Wendelborg
Sound Effects Editor
Gudmundur Gunnarsson
Gudmundur Gunnarsson


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