
Dr Münch - läkare i Auschwitz (1982)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 40M

Director : Frank Hirschfeldt


Hans Münch was an infectious disease physician at KZ Auschwitz. His task was to prevent epidemics in the overcrowded camps. When he was forced to actively participate in the mass murder, he began to protest. At the trials in Krakow in 1947 against SS men who committed war crimes, Münch was acquitted. He had refused to participate in the selection, that is, the sorting out of those to be killed and some KZ prisoners testified in his favor. Hans Wilhelm Münch (1911 - 2001) was a German Nazi Party member who worked as an SS physician during World War II at the Auschwitz concentration camp from 1943 to 1945 in German occupied Poland.


Hans Münch
Hans Münch
Frank Hirschfeldt
Frank Hirschfeldt


Frank Hirschfeldt
Frank Hirschfeldt
Frank Hirschfeldt
Frank Hirschfeldt


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