
Anomaly (2023)

Kate Lethbridge-Stewart is dead!

Gênero : Ficção científica, Terror, Ação, Fantasia

Runtime : 0M

Director : Keith Barnfather


Gordon "Gordy" Lethbridge-Stewart thought he had left the world of his grandfather behind him. As a research scientist, all he was interested in was developing new technologies. Unfortunately, what he doesn’t know is that retired UNIT operative Captain Douglas Cavendish has given him alien technology to develop his ideas with … and that leads to a great deal of trouble indeed! Trouble that forces Kate Lethbridge-Stewart to make a life or death choice!


Sophie Aldred
Sophie Aldred
Beverley Cressman
Beverley Cressman
Kate Lethbridge-Stewart
Miles Richardson
Miles Richardson
Douglas Cavendish
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman
Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart


Keith Barnfather
Keith Barnfather
Matt Fitton
Matt Fitton


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