
The Holiday of Disobedience (1977)

Gênero : Animação

Runtime : 47M

Director : Yulian Kalisher


About that, how parents abandoned the disobedient children and returned only then, when they reformed.


Mira Ardova
Mira Ardova
Leonid Barats
Leonid Barats
Svetlana Kharlap
Svetlana Kharlap
Valentin Gaft
Valentin Gaft
Igor Ledogorov
Igor Ledogorov
Garri Bardin
Garri Bardin
Rogvold Sukhoverko
Rogvold Sukhoverko


Yulian Kalisher
Yulian Kalisher
Roman Kachanov
Roman Kachanov
Sergei Mikhalkov
Sergei Mikhalkov
Evgeniy Turevich
Evgeniy Turevich
Aleksey Rybnikov
Aleksey Rybnikov


A spoof of disaster films, an asteroid is coming towards earth and Harry Bottoms is in charge of saving us all...again...
The Three Musketeers
A classic story known all over the world that has captured and thrilled generations of children and adults now in puppet animation format. With all of the sense of childish enthusiasm intact, this romantic story disguised as humour and farce will once again delight.
As Aventuras de Mark Twain
O filme se desenvolve em pequenas estórias, todas narradas a partir de conceitos filosóficos expressos por Mark Twain. Arrepelações contrapondo os conceitos e idéias daquilo que se julga verdade absoluta sobre certos temas um tanto nocivos, e ainda assim, muito moralista como: O céu, o inferno, o bem e mal e a importância da vida.
Dougal and the Blue Cat
A blue cat named Buxton is found in the Magic Garden. With help from the Blue voice (played by Fenella Fielding), Buxton enters the ruins of the old treacle factory where he is crowned king after correctly identifying the colours of seven doors (coloured different shades of blue). Buxton throws all the characters of The Magic Roundabout except Dougal into prison and steals Zebedee's magic moustach
O Coelho da Páscoa está Chegando
Em Kidsville, os jovens fazem suas prórprias regras, controlam suas próprias lojas e ficam acordados até tarde o quanto quiserem. A cada primavera, cada um deles - incluindo Sunny, o Coelho - faz os preparativos para a Páscoa. Então, fica o cargo de Sunny levar os ovos pintados e os outros doces para uma cidade vizinha chamada Town. Mas é bom ele tomar cuidado. A velha e conservadora Town não permite crianças ou mesmo um coelhinho da Páscoa saltitante. O filme mostra como Sunny e seus amigos salvaram a Páscoa do mau humor dos habitantes de Town, inventadno muitas das tradições conhecidas hoje por nós.
Mary e Max: Uma Amizade Diferente
Mary Daisy Dinkle é uma menina solitária de oito anos, que vive em Melbourne, na Austrália. Max Jerry Horovitz tem 44 anos e vive em Nova York. Obeso e também solitário, possui Síndrome de Asperger. Um certo dia, Mary encontra o endereço de Max em uma lista de endereços do correio de Nova York. Então resolve lhe escrever uma carta contando um pouco da sua vida. A partir daí, desenvolvem uma forte amizade, mesmo com tamanha distância e a diferença de idade existente entre eles, que transcorre de acordo com os altos e baixos da vida. Baseado em uma história real.
A female magician presents several impressive metamorphoses, combining stop-motion animation and camera tricks.
There It Is
When a mysterious figure appears to cause a series of disruptions at the Frisbie Home in New York, word goes out to Scotland Yard that the Fuzz-Faced Phantom is at work. Soon, Charley MacNeesha and his assistant MacGregor are sent across the ocean to investigate.
The Wizard of Oz
A cartoon about a girl, Ellie, of her little dog Totoshka, who, because of the evil Gingema, ended up in the Magic Country, where incredible adventures awaited them.
Joseph the Dreamer
Directed by Alina Gross & Yoram Gross
The recipes of Gross and Klein
Two astrologist from the spanish cosmic legion are sent to a galaxy full of evil radiation to achieve the hardest mission of their lifes. Along the road they will know each other, personal self-realization will be inminent. Two years ago the captain Gross and the sargen Klein began an epic adventure with very limited resources. Together they found the meaning of the life: "you have to eat and drink".
Invention of Love
An inventor tries to impress the woman he loves. Will she love him back?
The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia
A bust of Stalin is cut open on an operating table, leading to an elaborate animated depiction of Czech history from 1948 (the Communist takeover) to 1989 (the Velvet Revolution). Some knowledge of the subject is essential in order to understand the film, which is entirely visual.
Stop-motion film about a fisher who struggles to pull object up since they keep slipping through his fingers.
The Gloaming
The Gloaming takes office space to an eerie dimension following the misfortune of a worker ensnared by his cubicle and haunted by sinister visitors during the nightshift. A tale of macabre absurdity, The Gloaming plunges this unwitting protagonist into a cycle of nightmares.
The Gold Spider
Some gnomes are searching for a wonderful spider that weaves webs of golden coins. Intent on their search, they are unaware that their movements are closely followed by a poor woodcutter, who also penetrates into their caves when they have caught the spider and imprisoned it there. He watches the wonderful spider making gold and other articles with wonder and in this scene the moving picture camera has excelled itself in turning out some good tricks, and finally he steals the golden spider. (Moving Picture World)
Scullion's Dream
When the entire kitchen staff falls asleep from exhaustion, a dwarf appears and animates various objects via stop motion -- including their hands, which he cuts off while they snooze -- to do their work.
Modern Sculptors
The first scene presents before the astonished eyes of the spectators a solid piece of marble, which the minute it is placed on a table seems to take life, and one can follow a snake-like line branding on the polished face of the stone the name of the house of Pathé Frères. As soon as this stone has been engraved, as by magic, a handsome young lady appears with a huge lump of clay covered with a cloth. As soon as the cloth is removed from the soft mass it starts whirling and turning as if stricken mad, and one is asking one's self what all the contentions are going to lead to, when the vague shape of an animal not yet discernible seems to appear, and before one has time to make one's mind as to the category of brutes to which it belongs one sees the form of a remarkably well made orang-utan modelled out of the clay, who calmly smokes his pipe. Then the statue is removed by the same winning young lady and another covered block of the same substance is carried forward.
The New Gulliver
The story, a Communist re-telling of Gulliver's Travels, is about a young boy who dreams of himself as a version of Gulliver who has landed in Lilliput suffering under capitalist inequality and exploitation.
A Peace of Coal
A British trick film with stop-motion animation by an unknown film maker.