
Keerthi Chakra (2006)

Gênero : Ação, Drama, Guerra

Runtime : 2H 10M

Director : Major Ravi


Major Mahadevan (Mohanlal) is the head of the elite command force. He is in charge of fighting the country’s terrorist groups and protecting the country from their terrorist intentions. Havildar Jaikumar (Jeevaa) is Major Mahadevan’s most trusted lieutenant. He meticulously carries out his chief’s instructions, thereby gaining his trust and confidence. Mahadevan, Havildar Jaikumar and their team save the public from threats, attempted bombings, kidnappings, and extortions by militants.


Major Mahadevan
Havildar Jaikumar
Nawab Shah
Nawab Shah
Terrorist Leader
Lakshmi Gopalaswamy
Lakshmi Gopalaswamy
Mahadevan's wife
Jaikumar's wife
Biju Menon
Biju Menon
Santhosh Jogi
Santhosh Jogi
Military Officer
Cochin Haneefa
Cochin Haneefa
Ramesh Khanna
Ramesh Khanna
Chinna Thambi
Shweta Menon
Shweta Menon
Human Rights Activist
Kannan Pattambi
Kannan Pattambi
Tea boy Appukuttan
Shammi Thilakan
Shammi Thilakan
Sanusha Santhosh
Sanusha Santhosh
Kashmiri girl


Major Ravi
Major Ravi
Major Ravi
Major Ravi
R. B. Choudary
R. B. Choudary


O Regresso
Em uma expedição pelo desconhecido deserto americano, o lendário explorador Hugh Glass é brutalmente atacado por um urso e deixado como morto pelos membros de sua própria equipe de caça. Em uma luta para sobreviver, Glass resiste à dor inimaginável, bem como à traição de seu confidente, John Fitzgerald. Guiado pela força de vontade e pelo amor de sua família, Glass deve navegar um inverno brutal em uma incessante busca por sobrevivência e redenção.
A Centopéia Humana 2
Escrito e dirigido novamente por Six, a sequência foca em Martin, um homem solitário e mentalmente perturbado que mora com sua mãe e trabalha como guarda noturno em uma estacionamento-garagem no subsolo. Para escapar de sua triste existência, Martin se perde na fantasia do filme de terror cult A Centopéia Humana, fantasiando com as meticulosas habilidades cirurgicas do Dr. Heiter, cujo conhecimento do sistema gastrointestinal inspira Martin a praticar o impensável.
Terra Selvagem
Cory (Jeremy Renner), caçador de coiotes e predadores traumatizado pela morte da filha adolescente, encontra o corpo congelado de uma menina em meio ao nada e inicia uma investigação sobre o crime com o auxílio de uma agente novata do FBI (Elizabeth Olsen) que desconhece a região.
O Protetor 2
Criminosos assassinam Susan Plummer, a melhor amiga de Robert McCall e sua ex-colega de trabalho. Obcecado, Robert pensa apenas em eliminar o bando de assassinos profissionais que destruiu sua vida.
O Rouxinol
Na Tasmânia de 1825, uma jovem irlandesa de 21 anos testemunha o assassinato brutal de seu marido e seu bebê por seus amigos. Incapaz de encontrar justiça, leva um rastreador aborígene com ela através do deserto infernal em busca de vingança.
A história gira em torno de duas mulheres que, por divertimento, acabam se envolvendo num mundo de crimes e assassinatos nas ruas de Paris. Espécie de "Thelma & Louise", só que com mais violência e cenas de sexo bem perto do explícito.
Doce Vingança 3: A Vingança é Minha
Jennifer Hills ainda é atormentada pelo estupro brutal que sofrera há vários anos. Ela muda de identidade e de cidade, juntando-se a um grupo de apoio, a fim de juntar as peças de uma vida nova. Porém, quando os assassinos de sua amiga são libertados, e as histórias de estupradores em série começam a assombrá-la, Jennifer vai caçá-los e fazer justiça com as próprias mãos - e fazê-los pagar por seus crimes das piores maneiras imaginadas.
Duas mulheres são sequestradas e caem nas mãos de um grupo de fanáticos que acreditam no poder do martírio e do sacrifício. Eles julgam que novos conhecimentos podem ser obtidos através da tortura aplicada às duas, submetendo-as aos atos de violência mais cruéis. Quando finalmente escapam, elas buscam vingança.
O Exterminador
Veteranos de Guerra do Vietnã, John e Michael agora trabalham como estivadores num depósito que fica no bairro pobre do Bronx. Certo dia, Michael flagra uns folgados saqueando cerveja de um dos depósitos onde trabalha e dá uma lição neles. Poucas horas depois, ele é brutalmente atacado pelos mesmos marginais, sendo apunhalado e surrado. Acaba no hospital, paralítico e sem chances de caminhar novamente. John fica completamente transtornado com o episódio e se transforma no Exterminador, saindo às ruas para limpar a cidade dos bandidos
Megan Is Missing
Drama ficcional baseado em eventos reais, sobre duas adolescentes que encontram um predador da internet.
A Última Casa
Depois de sequestrar e estuprar duas garotas no meio da mata, presidiários fugitivos resolvem pedir ajuda para se abrigar na casa, da família de uma das meninas. Após os pais da adolescente descobrirem o que os presidiários fizeram com a filha, resolvem fazer justiça com as próprias mãos.
Eu Sou a Fúria
Após o assassinato de sua esposa, um homem se vê diante da imobilidade da justiça e descobre um esquema de corrupção na polícia. Ele se torna a fúria em pessoa para destruir aqueles que abusam de seu poder.
A Justiceira
Quando o marido e a filha são mortos a tiros em um drive-in, Riley (Jennifer Garner) acorda de um coma e passa os anos seguintes aprendendo a se tornar uma máquina de matar letal. No décimo aniversário da morte de sua família, ela tem como alvo todos os responsáveis, a gangue que cometeu o crime, os advogados que os libertaram e os policiais corruptos que permitiram que tudo acontecesse.
Assassinos Múltiplos
A vida de Frank sofre uma reviravolta quando sua esposa e filha são assassinadas. Determinado, faz um voto de silêncio e transforma-se em um homem sem limites. Agora, lutará até o fim para se vingar.
Era Uma Vez na América
Depois de crescer no gueto judeu de Nova Iorque e se destacar no crime organizado da Era da Proibição, um gângster de idade retorna a Brooklyn para enfrentar seu passado.
O filme narra, de trás para frente, a história de uma vingança. A primeira seqüência mostra dois amigos desesperados, Marcus (Vincent Cassel) e Pierre (Albert Dupontel), saindo pelo submundo de Paris à procura do homem que teria estuprado e espancado Alex (Monica Bellucci), a atual namorada de Marcus e ex-namorada de Pierre. Em seguida, a narrativa volta passo a passo no tempo para mostrar como Marcus e Pierre descobriram o nome do autor do crime, recuando até o próprio estupro e os eventos que o antecederam.
Dia de Trabalho Mortal
Tudo corria bem nas Indústrias Belko, mais um dia normal de trabalho. No entanto, tudo muda repentinamente para os funcionários da empresa quando eles descobrem que, na verdade, são cobaias humanas e que terão que seguir as ordens de uma misteriosa voz, que se anuncia apenas através dos alto-falantes instalados no prédio, mesmo que isso signifique matar os colegas de trabalho para sobreviver.
22 Balas
Depois de anos vivendo fora da lei, Charly Mattei, resolveu nos últimos três anos se dedicar a família e viver harmoniosamente com sua esposa e seus dois filhos pequenos. No entanto, em uma manhã de inverno ele é encontrado em um estacionamento com 22 balas no corpo e apesar de muitos acreditarem que ele havia morrido, Charly misteriosamente sobrevive. Agora ele sai à caça de Tony Zacchia, o único homem que se atreveria a tentar matá-lo. Zacchia cometeu apenas um erro: ele falhou.
O Diabo de Cada Dia
Em um lugar tomado por corrupção e violência, um jovem enfrenta figuras sinistras para proteger quem mais ama.
A Salvação
Na América de 1870, um pacífico colono americano mata o culpado por assassinar sua família, o que desperta a fúria do líder de uma famosa gangue local. Os covardes moradores da cidade traem sua confiança e delatam sua localização e plano para o bandido. Sozinho, ele é forçado a caçar a gangue com as próprias mãos.


The film is a tribute to the yesteryear actresses who had been graceful, popular figures in cinema during their younger age with patronage and later got completely disregarded by the industry, media and the masses alike. Ranjith has drawn inspiration from the life of many actresses but especially from the romantic link-up of the late actress Srividya with actor Kamal Haasan.
Milan Paul and Sreeramakrishnan are best friends who have been together since college. The intensity of their friendship has not faded though the carefree days of college have long past gone. Now Sree is an ASP (Assistant Superintendent of Police) of Kottayam and Milan is a renowned reporter in the same city. Though in different fields both are in highly responsible jobs. In effect, both of them use their friendship to fulfill their respective social responsibilities.
Best Actor
Best Actor is a movie about an ordinary school teacher who never gives up on his dream of becoming an actor.
T.D. Dasan Std. VI B
The story of a mother and a son in a village. Chndrika, the mother, and Dasan is her son who is eleven years old. Chandrika's husband Divakaran had deserted her and her son, when Dasan was merely an year old. Ever since Chandrika had lost contact with her husband, and had over the years learned to fend for herself and her son. Dasan on the other hand, is never able to stop dreaming about his father. So, when he accidentally comes across Divakaran's address in Chandrika's cloth box, Dasan writes a letter to his father, without letting his mother know about it. Does the letter reach Divakaran?
Sasneham Sumithra
Suresh Gopi is a rich business man and in addition to his wife there is his secretary, his sister and family and some other relatives in his house. Sriranjini is Suresh Gopi's 2nd wife. They married only few days ago. His 1st wife Sumitra died under mysterious circumstances by falling from a train. Trouble begins when a human skeleton is found inside a well within the compound of their house. To their surprise it is that of Sumithra whose body was cremated years back. Was the shattered body obtained from railway track really that of Sumithra? And who did it?
Maya Bazaar is a place in a village called Mayannoor where people buy salvaged cars for their parts. Rameshan (Mammootty) is a leading man of the bazaar. With the money he earns, he feeds patients at the local hospital. A young girl who lives in Maya Bazaar called Maya loves Rameshan, but Rameshan does not have any feelings for her. Rameshan has a rival gang led by Bhadran (Kalabhavan Mani) and Bhadran wants to marry Maya.
Apoorvaragam is the story of three youngsters Roopesh (Nishan), Nancy (Nithya) and Tommy (Asif Ali). Roopesh has always been in love with Nancy, but has never had the nerve to express it. For Nancy, love is something that is beyond words. Tommy is the perfect Cupid, who would make things happen for these two. After a lot of unexpected happenings and dramatic twists, it is proven that only true love can endure.
Menon runs into his former wife Grace, who is married to a bedridden Mathew and loves him immensely. The movie revolves around their crossing and emotes the meaning of love and its various forms.
Kunjoonju, Deepu and Ashtamurthy are studying hotel management at Pondichery. Kunjoonju is a 'Kanjirappally Achayan' who is always after girls. But his 'thrill' for a girl will end the moment he finds that she is interested in him. Abbas ,the trio's friend, arranges the top floor of a house for them to stay. The house is owned by Sophy and she she stays there with her two daughters Kamala and Padma. All three guys fall for Kamala, but Kunjunju and Deepu joins together and push Ashtamurthy out of the race by making him the 'Rakhi Brother' of Kamala. Kamala knows that Kunjunju is a flirt and so she tries to keep away from him. Deepu never tells about his love to Kamala or to Kunjunju, but Ashtamurthy knows about it. Kunjunju and Deepu falls apart after a fight and Ashtamurthy brings them together. The story takes a turn, when Sophy dies and the sisters are left alone
Mullankolli is a rustic remote village in northern Kerala. Velayudhan (Mohanlal) is an orphan who came floating during floods and he was brought up by Valiya Nambiar (Madhu) a do-gooder and a feudal landlord of the area. Velayudhan grows up into a riff-raff, drunkard and a local rowdy with a good heart. He hates injustice and has set his own rules for the villagers who are scared of him including local moneylender and politician - Member Kurupu (Jagathy) and Gopinathan Nambiar (Siddique), son-in-law of Valiya Nambiar who wants to rule over the village in his own way.
Unni is a share broker in Coimbatore and leads a comfortable life with his wife Latha and daughter Lakshmi/Lechu . Into the cosiness of such a living intrudes a strangerwho introduces himself as Jose. Cashing in on Unni's forgetfulness, Jose goads him into believing that he is Unni's 7th grade classmate. However, a sense of insecurity pervades, with the unwelcome guest – alcoholic and somewhat eccentric – pitching for an extended stay. Unni's misgivings about the 'mystery man' and his ulterior motives proves true, when his confidant and classmate, Dr Alex Varghese (Murali Gopy), on consultation, reaffirms his doubts that they had no schoolmate in the name of Jose.
Oru Vadakkan Veeragatha
Chanthu, a poor orphan and Aromal are cousins and belong to the Chekavar clan, a warrior clan who hire themselves out as duellers to settle disputes among the rich and powerful. Aromal, jealous of the much more talented Chanthu, makes life miserable for him and Chanthu decides to leave and live with Aringodar, a rival chekavan, as his pupil. When the two sons of a local landlord have a property dispute and decide to hire Aromal and Aringodar to duel it out, Chanthu has to decide where his loyalty lies - with the family of the uncle who brought him up or with Aringodar who provided him with sanctuary.
Chinthavishtayaya Shyamala
Vijayan, the village school teacher, believes that his degree in economics is sufficient for him to succeed in the business ventures he undertakes. Taking long leaves of absence from work, he roams around with his schemes, all of which turn out to be downright failures.
Aniyathipravu movie is a wonderful love story. Mini (Shalini) who is the apple of her mother's (KPAC Lalitha) and three brothers (Janardhan,Cochin Haneefa and Shajin)eye. She falls in love with Suddhi (Kunchacko Boban). But when her brothers know about it,hell beaks loose in both the houses.The lovers elope with the help of some friends.But when they are going to get married,they have a small talk and realise that the best thing they can do to prove their love is to go back to their parents.
Pradeshika Vaarthakal
Keshavanunni is a rural theatre owner who takes an active interest in solving various local problems. He is assisted by Thangu, and along the way, he falls in love with Mallika. The arrival of two conmen complicates everything.
After the demolition of the Babri Masjid, Anwar, a student of Aligarh Muslim University, becomes a fundamentalist and ends up in prison. His wife Sameera yearns for him be the soft and loving husband that he once was. But what happens when he is out of jail?
Swapna Sanchari
Ajayachandran immigrates to the Gulf and he makes his fortune and returns to Kerala for a holiday. Ajayachandran flaunts his wealth to gain social acceptance. Rashmi, Ajayachandrans wife, a grounded young woman who is not too comfortable with her husbands new, flashy lifestyle. However, soon, all of Ajayachandrans calculations about life go wrong. An incident occurs and changes his life forever
Happy Sardar
Happy, a timid Sardar living in Patiala, finds his life turned upside down when he falls in love with Mary, a Malayali Knanaya Christian girl. His folks want a Punjabi wedding and Mary's father is adamant about having a Christian wedding.
Ee Pattanathil Bhootham
The film opens with a ‘Manthravadi’ (Thilakan) an evil magician (Pithamagan Mahadevan) to obey to his commands and make spiriting away a friendly ghost money through crime. Meanwhile a group of kids and their benefactors are held hostage in a circus camp by the baddies, who has taken over the show. Ancy (Kaavyamadavan) is coming back from London, to take charge of the circus company founded by her father Philipose (Janardhanan),who was found murdered. On reaching there, she is told that her father was stabbed to death by a bike-jumper named Jimmy (Mammootty). In fact Jimmy, his foster father Krishnan (Innocent), aide Sisupalan (Suraj Venjarammood) and a gang of street children were all invited by Philipose to join his circus group. Meanwhile the ghost (Mammootty, in his other role) appears, becomes friendly with the kids and takes a more stylish shape of Jimmy. Thanks to the ghost, Ancy realizes that Jimmy was innocent in the whole issue. Now the battle between the good and evil.
Red Chillies
Mohanlal plays the role of OMR, an affluent NRI who does oil business in Singapore. The movie begins on a new year before when the "Red Chilles", an all-girls music band with nine members, are involved in an accident. The girls flee from the place to leave their car behind. Moreover, the girls work for OMR and it was his car they drove around. OMR is forced to come down to India. As a mystery, several other characters come into light, including a party secretary portrayed by Thilakan and four policemen played by Siddique, Vijayaraghavan, Biju Menon and Ganesh Kumar.