I Don't Like Younger Men 5 (2020)
Gênero : Romance
Runtime : 1H 21M
Director : Kye Jang-hyuk
Ha-neul haven't seen her friend, Ye-sol for a long time, and so they spent a good time together. That time, Ye-sol's father, Min-soo enters the house. Ha-neul sees the young-looking Min-soo and makes a fuss. Ye-sol who is a little bit tipsy tells Ha-neul that he is her stepfather. That night, Ha-neul secretly entered Min-soo's room...
This TV movie focuses on the life of actor Humphrey Bogart.
When a young couple loses all of their money at a casino, the husband performs certain "favours" in order to work the debt off, while his wife is unaware of this kinky arrangement.
The delicate story of the impossible love between an older married man and a fourteen-year old schoolgirl.
Seventeen-year old Cindy is in awe of big sister, Donna’s sexual exploits, but she just doesn’t get it. Whether she’s spying on Donna, parked and “makin’ it” in the driveway with her boyfriend, or watching her bang dear ol’ stepdad, Cindy is curious but timid. But “don’t be afraid, Cindy” instructs the dreamy, ballady, canned-cheese 70s soundtrack, as Cindy inches her way toward womanhood.
A highly intelligent teenage girl has an affair with a 40-year-old man.
Emmanuelle makes first contact...when a group of intergalactic travelers arrives, seeking to understand human love and sexuality. Who better to teach them than Emmanuelle, the most sensual woman in the world...and beyond.
Henning is a fashion photographer driven by visions of artistic glory. He is encouraged by a literary agent to produce a volume of erotic nudes and works to create the perfect layout with his favorite model, Leslie. All seems to be going well until the mysterious Joyce appears; dark and sensual, Joyce plays games with the photographer's ego, driving a wedge between Henning and Leslie and seducing one of his other models. Blinded by his own ambitions, Henning is unable to see the ruinous web that Joyce is weaving
A homely middle-aged man falls hard for a much younger woman leading to disaster.
In order to convince Raimonda, a wealthy noble woman, to finance his project for a holiday resort, Saverio gets engaged to Clotilde, her mentally-disturbed and sex-obsessed adolescent daughter. He plans to have her kidnapped and raped by an accomplice so she won't be a virgin anymore and he'll have an excuse to get out of the impending marriage. But what he doesn't plan is to fall in love with the girl...
A relação de amor incestuosa entre uma rica mulher e seu irmão mais novo. Incapazes de lidar com o desejo, os dois passam a criar uma série de jogos voyeurísticos.
One day she faintly appears in Min-woo’s dream. Min-woo has no way to find out who the girl he had intercourse with in his dream is and he doesn’t have the breadth of mind to. Min-woo’s life goes by dryly and his wife Yeon-joo becomes colder and conflicts with her get deeper. Trying to avoid these situations Min-woo tries hard to tune in with Yeon-joo and write down his resume. Da-eun is a close friend of the couple since university. She sees Yeon-joo heading for somewhere with another man that’s not Min-woo accidentally. Da-eun stands by Min-woo and holds his hand because he looks so lonely standing in the middle of conflict with his wife and he tries to act like nothing's wrong. They end up having a dreamlike one night. The love they shared in his dream is now facing them.
Com 35 anos, Jesse Fisher volta à universidade para participar da comemoração da aposentadoria de um de seus antigos professores. Lá, ele constata que pouca coisa mudou desde sua saída e conhece Zibby, uma encantadora aluna do segundo ano com quem acaba se envolvendo.
Two characters: old and young; teacher and pupil; man and woman. Four walls within which they conjure intellectualism, relive the profession (journalism), explore politics and discover each other.
Mr. Murphy, a photographer, lures models to his house on the pretense of legitimate modelling work, and then busies himself bedding them. After a while, his bedroom has gotten pretty crowded and he's exhausted, so he snags a taxi cab driver to help out. Soon, a trio of domineering women show up and force him (willingly) to dress in women's clothes and submit to their whims.
Dr. Bikini Jones is on the hunt for the lost Temple of Eros. Using a golden idol as her guide, she searches the wild land of Moronica, along the way battling man-eating dinosaurs and fending off the sensuously wicked Evilla. Bikini will do anything to find the sacred temple... and certainly does (much to the delight of her fans)!
Two teenage friends conspire to find out how much their youthful sensuality can disrupt one of their households, headed by a dentist and his mentally-ill wife.
A jovem e atraente Allison Connor participa de uma reunião de negócios entre sua chefe e o bilionário Philip Lauder e para a sua surpresa, após poucos dias de namoro, eles se casam. A adaptação na nova vida de casada é difícil, uma ves que cercas altas e seguranças a rodeiam todo o tempo. Impedida de sair da propriedade, ela passa a fazer equitação e acaba ouvidno rumores sobre a morte da primeira esposa do seu atual marido. E de outros crumes ligados a ele. Com medo, ela decide sair de casa, sem saber que outros dentro da casa planejam tirar proveito das aparências sinistras da situação.
Olivia Pascal stars as Vanessa who was raised in a convent after the death of her parents. Due to an inheritance she travels to Hong Kong to find out the inheritance is a chain of bordellos. She soon has trouble coping with her inheritance as she is thrust into her new world of carnal delights. —Ørnås
In this erotic drama from Hong Kong, a young couple's marriage is beginning to grow stale as they become disenchanted with one another. Both husband and wife find themselves attracted to other people, and he begins having an affair with a beautiful and sexually adventurous photographer. What he doesn't know at first is that his wife is also exploring infidelity -- with the same woman.
After his leading actress becomes pregnant and quits his sex film, Juzo becomes obsessed with finding a woman whose moaning he captured secretly at a dentist’s office to star in the film instead.
Ted K vive uma vida de reclusão quase completa em uma simples cabana de madeira nas montanhas de Montana. Mas então esse ex-professor universitário, que despreza a sociedade moderna e sua fé na tecnologia, se radicaliza. O que começa com atos locais de sabotagem, termina com ataques a bomba mortais. Para o mundo exterior, Ted K fica conhecido como o Unabomber.
Líba has only one birthday wish every year. She insists that the whole family come together for her celebration, which they all always do. That is, until this year's birthday. Her son Petr has other plans for this year, so he pretends to be sick in front of the family. This year, for the first time, he wants to spend his birthday with his friend Karl, who has a birthday on the same day. And Karel is Peter's long-hidden secret for the rest of the family. However, Líba is not going to give up her celebration so easily. She decides to surprise Peter and move in with the whole family. An unexpected visit forces Peter to quickly improvise. In front of your family, turning your friend Karel into a colleague from work and his sister Veronika into your girlfriend is basically a piece of cake. But Petr doesn't know yet that this is just the beginning and today will be one big rollercoaster ride.
Prot é um homem misterioso, que vive dizendo ter vindo do planeta K-Pax, distante mil anos-luz da Terra. Por causa disto ele é internado em um hospício, onde conhece o Dr. Mark Powell, um psiquiatra disposto a provar que ele na verdade sofre de um grave distúrbio de personalidade. Mas as descrições de Prot sobre como é a vida em seu planeta acabam encantando os demais pacientes do hospício, fazendo com que eles queiram ir com Prot quando ele diz que está próximo o dia em que deverá voltar ao seu planeta.
Michael Dooley é um policial extravagante que necessita de alguma ajuda para lutar contra Lyman, um traficante de drogas que tem tentado matá-lo. Um conhecido lhe dá Jerry Lee, um pastor alemão que foi treinado para cheirar drogas. Com sua ajuda Dooley espera colocar seu inimigo atrás das grades, mas Jerry Lee tem uma personalidade bem própria e trabalha apenas quando quer. Por sua vez, o cachorro é ótimo para destruir o carro, a casa e a vida sexual de Dooley. Além disto, Tracy, a namorada de Michael Dooley, é seqüestrada por Lyman, que assim pretende deter Dooley, pois Lyman está prestes a entregar um carregamento de drogas que vale alguns milhões de dólares.