
Binary (2015)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 18M

Director : Andrés Hernández Covarrubias


Binary is a documentary composed of two stages: the nature and the city. It is a journey that represents the paradox of communication.


Jorge Sergio Covarrubias
Jorge Sergio Covarrubias
Lourdes Covarrubias
Lourdes Covarrubias
Juan Carlos Alarcón Cázares
Juan Carlos Alarcón Cázares
Leopoldo Gavito
Leopoldo Gavito


Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Director of Photography
José Brontis Malagón
José Brontis Malagón
Director of Photography
José Brontis Malagón
José Brontis Malagón
Carlos León
Carlos León
Sound Designer
Arturo Jiménez
Arturo Jiménez
Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Andrés Hernández Covarrubias


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