
NASA & SpaceX: Journey to the Future (2020)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 23M

Director : Director X.


A film crew was granted unprecedented access to NASA and to SpaceX headquarters, giving viewers a rare glimpse inside Launch Control and firsthand accounts from SpaceX founder and chief engineer Elon Musk, Bridentstine and the astronauts flying the mission: Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley.


Elon Musk
Elon Musk
Elon Musk
Robert Behnken
Robert Behnken
Bob Behnken
Douglas Hurley
Douglas Hurley
Doug Hurley
James Bridenstine
James Bridenstine
Jim Bridenstine
Gwynne Shotwell
Gwynne Shotwell
Gwynne Shotwell


Peter Grabicki
Peter Grabicki
Sam Mussari
Sam Mussari
Director X.
Director X.


Os Eleitos: Onde o Futuro Começa
O livro de Tom Wolfe que conta a história do programa espacial norte-americano foi escrito como um romance, e o filme tem a mesma qualidade ficcional. Ele cobre desde a quebra da barreira do som por Chuck Yeager até aos astronautas da Mercury 7, mostrando que ninguém tinha a menor ideia de como executar um programa espacial ou como selecionar as pessoas para participarem. Os sete eleitos são Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Gordon Cooper, Gus Grissom, Scott Carpenter, Wally Schirra e Deke Slayton. Emocionante, engraçado, charmoso e eletrizante ao mesmo tempo.
Estrelas Além do Tempo
Ano 1961, em plena Guerra Fria, Estados Unidos e União Soviética disputam a supremacia na corrida espacial ao mesmo tempo em que a sociedade norte-americana lida com uma profunda cisão racial, entre brancos e negros. Tal situação é refletida também na NASA, onde um grupo de funcionárias negras é obrigada a trabalhar a parte. É lá que estão Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn e Mary Jackson, grandes amigas que, além de provar sua competência dia após dia, precisam lidar com o preconceito arraigado para que consigam ascender na hierarquia da NASA.
A Invasão dos Discos Voadores
Ray Harryhausen apresenta pela primeira vez colorido. Estrelando Hugh Marlowe e Joan Taylor. Atenção! Perigo! Seres alienígenas estão por toda parte atacando o planeta Terra em um dos mais impressionantes filmes clássicos de ficção cientifica de Ray Harryhausen. O Dr. Russell Marvin (Hugh Marlowe) trabalha para a operação Skyhook, um projeto do governo que envia foguetes ao espaço para testar vôos futuros no espaço. Quando os foguetes começam a desaparecer misteriosamente, o Dr. Marvin começa uma investigação, juntamente com a sua mulher e assistente, Carol (Joan Taylor) e descobre que os foguetes têm sido interceptados por um exército de alienígenas que dão um ultimato a humanidade: Lealdade ou morte! Ao passo que os alienígenas começam a atacar cidades, incluindo um inesquecível ataque a Washington, D.C., o Dr. Marvin e sua mulher precisam encontrar uma maneira de parar os invasores antes que seja tarde demais.
NASA & SpaceX: Journey to the Future
A film crew was granted unprecedented access to NASA and to SpaceX headquarters, giving viewers a rare glimpse inside Launch Control and firsthand accounts from SpaceX founder and chief engineer Elon Musk, Bridentstine and the astronauts flying the mission: Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley.
Geração Marte
Astronautas adolescentes aspirantes revelam que uma viagem a Marte está mais perto do que você pensa. Acompanhe a jornada destes jovens rumo ao planeta vermelho.
Gog, O Monstro de Cinco Mãos
A mechanical brain is programmed to sabotage the government's secret lab while working on the first space station.
Fight For Space
In 1962, spurred by the Cold War, President John F. Kennedy famously made the bold proclamation that NASA would send astronauts to the moon by the end of the decade, not because it was easy, but because it was a challenge. The Space Race inspired a generation to pursue careers in science and technology, but as the balance of world power shifted, interest in space exploration declined. "Fight for Space" serves as an urgent call to re-awaken our sense of wonder and discovery.
Houston, We've Got a Problem
NASA must devise a strategy to return Apollo 13 to Earth safely after the spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage putting the lives of the three astronauts on board in jeopardy.
When We Were Apollo
Who were the men and women of Project Apollo? Where are they today? What do they think of the extraordinary effort they helped make possible? Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing in 2019, When We Were Apollo is an intimate and personal look at the Apollo Space Program through the lives and experiences of some of its most inspiring behind-the-scenes figures: engineers, technicians, builders and contractors who spent the better part of a decade working to get us to the moon and back.
Fly Rocket Fly
A long time ago, years before Elon Musk reached for the stars with his Space X project, a young man had his own childhood dream about a journey into space. This documentary tells the fantastic story of German astrophysicist Lutz Kayser who developed the world's first private space company. He did this under the curious and concerned eyes of secret services around the world.
Before Launching into Space
This popular science documentary offers insights into a physiology laboratory conducting intensive investigations into the possibility of humans living in a space. Gravity experiments demonstrate how the human body might react in various conditions or using a centrifuge to test the effects of acceleration force on human tissue. In addition to presenting investigations into the psychology of loneliness, the film also shows how weightlessness is simulated aboard an airplane in free fall.
Lost Moon: The Triumph of Apollo 13
The making of the motion picture "Apollo 13", as well as the story of the space mission it details. Featuring interviews with director Ron Howard, astronaut Jim Lovell, his wife Marilyn Lovell, producer Brian Grazer, executive producer Todd Hallowell, visual effects supervisor Robert Legato, lead digital compositor Mark Forker, astronauts Fred Haise and Dave Scott, Apollo 13 flight director Gerald Griffin, command module systems controller Sy Lieberglot, Apollo 13 flight dynamics officer Jerry Bostick, mission control director Gene Krantz, Tom Kelly of Grumman, NASA mission operations director Christopher Kraft, daughters Susan Lovell Williams and Margaret Haise, command systems module controller John Aaron, and actors Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise, Kathleen Quinlan, and Ed Harris.
Project Gemini: Bridge to the Moon
All of the necessary technologies required to reach the Moon was first tested during Project Gemini, which comprised of ten missions in the mid-1960s.
Research Project X-15
The X-15 was the last in a line of manned rocket-powered research airplanes built during the 1950s to explore ever-faster and higher flight regimes. Nineteen years before Space Shuttle, the X-15 showed it was possible to fly into, and out of, space. Launched from the wing of a modified B-52 bomber, the ship rocketed higher and faster than any manned aircraft of the time. There had never been anything like the X-15; it had a million-horsepower engine and could fly twice as fast as a rifle bullet. In the joint X-15 hypersonic research program that NASA conducted with the Air Force, the Navy, and North American Aviation the aircraft flew over a period of nearly 10 years and set unofficial speed and altitude records, in a program to investigate all aspects of piloted hypersonic flight. Information gained from the highly successful X-15 program contributed to the development of the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo piloted spaceflight programs as well as the Space Shuttle program.
Luna 13
Após a morte do seu avô, o jovem Igor decide fazer um documentário sobre sua família, na tentativa de entender porque o avô era obcecado por fatos estranhos que haviam acontecido na sua cidade.
Apollo's New Moon
This extraordinary film features NASA film footage enhanced by AI-based software and other image processing. The clarity of the images gives viewers a whole new perspective on what it was like to step onto lunar soil and ramble about the alien landscapes. The film shows how teams of astronauts collected evidence that has revolutionized our understanding of the origin of both Earth and the moon.
Operation Mondlandung - Die NASA und die Ex-Nazis
Solar Odyssey
Europe and the United States are working together on an unprecedented journey to learn more about the impact of the Sun on our planet, to really know what its atmosphere is like and how it affects our environment; since solar radiation increasingly affects our lives and telecommunications.
Dentro de Garganta Funda
30 anos após "Garganta Funda" ter revolucionado a opinião pública, surge Dentro de Garganta Funda - o documentário que coloca frente a frente as modestas intenções de quem fez o filme e as consequências devastadoras que (inadvertidamente) criaram.
Jackass: O Filme
Johnny Knoxville e seus companheiros levam para a tela do cinema as estripulias e loucuras do programa "Jackass". Agora eles invadem o Japão, onde se disfarçam de pandas, atacam um campo de golf e enfrentam jacarés.