
Parasite in Love (2021)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 40M

Director : Kensaku Kakimoto
Escritor : Yukiko Yamamuro


A young man named Kengo Kosaka suffers from extreme mysophobia. Due to his compulsive disorder, he is unable to maintain a relationship with anyone. Kengo Kosaka is also a lonely young man. Meanwhile, high school student Hijiri Sanagi has scopophobia. Because of her fear of being stared at, she refuses to go to school. Both Kengo Kosaka and Hijiri Sanagi do not expect to find love with another person, but they meet and fall in love.


Kento Hayashi
Kento Hayashi
Kosaka Kengo
Nana Komatsu
Nana Komatsu
Sanagi Hijiri
Arata Iura
Arata Iura
Ryo Ishibashi
Ryo Ishibashi


Kensaku Kakimoto
Kensaku Kakimoto
Sugaru Miaki
Sugaru Miaki
Yukiko Yamamuro
Yukiko Yamamuro


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