Lulu (2014)
Lulu loves Henrik. There's not a doubt in her mind.
Gênero : Drama
Runtime : 40M
Director : Caroline Sascha Cogez
Henrik and his younger lover Lulu go on an intimate trip to France. Unexpectedly, Henrik's son, David, arrives.
When they learn their friend has kidnapped a cop on the night of MLK Jr.’s assassination, two sisters and leaders of the Black Panther Party must set aside their differences to navigate one of the most turbulent nights in history.
Atlanta, 1948; Uma rica judia de 72 anos (Jessica Tandy) joga acidentalmente seu Packard novo em folha no jardim premiado do seu vizinho. O filho (Dan Aykroyd) dela tenta convencê-la de que seria o ideal ela ter um motorista, mas ela resiste a esta idéia. Mesmo assim o filho contrata um afro-americano (Morgan Freeman) como motorista. Inicialmente ela recusa ser conduzida por este novo empregado, mas gradativamente ele quebra as barreiras sociais, culturais e raciais que existem entre eles, crescendo entre os dois uma amizade que atravessaria duas décadas. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Maria, uma colombiana de 17 anos, descobre que está grávida e precisa encontrar um novo trabalho com urgência. Ela se envolve com o sedutor Franklin, que lhe oferece um perigoso trabalho transportando drogas.
O segundo filme de uma trilogia sobre Elisabeth "Sissi" da Áustria. Sissi agora é a imperatriz. Veremos a nova experiência conjugal da jovem imperatriz enquanto ela tenta se adaptar a uma vida cheia de formalidades e muito rigorosa no palácio e também à uma sogra autoritária. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
This 20th-century retelling of the classic fairy tale keeps all the familiar elements — a selfish step-sister, a put-upon beauty, a Prince Charming, and, of course, a lost slipper — but shifts the action to a contemporary boarding house. Cinderella, played by Mary Fuller, befriends an elderly resident, who buys a party outfit for her favorite when Cinderella’s elder sister preens for a dance. The new clothes transform the unassuming maiden into the toast of the ball. Finding Cinderella’s missing shoe, a dashing young man follows the clue to his grandmother, Cinderella’s friend at the boarding house, who works her magic to reunite the couple.
Víctor se apaixona perdidamente por Elena, mas não é correspondido. Ela gosta de David, um policial que chega para separar uma briga entre os dois. Porém, esse encontro toma um rumo inesperado e leva os personagens por um caminho sombrio e sinuoso.
A boy and his father are emotionally and physically separated on the day earth intermittently loses gravity.
Experimental short film that shows four days in the life of a man clandestinely kept in captivity. The images of his naked body alternate with those of a happy moment on a beach and with those of his captor, who spends his time looking at bodybuilding magazines.
Residents of a big city, each of whom has their own sexual problems and desires, secret and, most often, shameful from the point of view of society, need to solve them. Each of the characters tries to solve their problems in their own way: someone sublimates them, someone turns to a psychotherapist for help, someone rushes into experiments... but sooner or later they all return to where they started, and they have to overcome themselves again and again to get at least a little, even a millimeter closer to their happiness.
In an all-boys boarding school in the 1950s, Agosto stands in the field, painfully taking part in a game of lunch-time cricket. He is detached from his surroundings unlike his friend Hector, who seems to revel in the attention of his classmates.
A girl abused by his dj boyfriend re-encounters his father at a rave.
A woman struggles to survive in the Alaskan frontier after separating from her family because of an earthquake.
Various scenes from New Testament and Old: Christian martyrdom under Roman rule, Daniel in the lion's den, and Belshazzar's vision of a floating hand spelling the end of his rule.
Silas Rand and Charles Leland first wrote down the legends of the great spirit Glooscap before the turn of the century. Since then, Summer Legend has been retold many times, but never more beautifully than in this colourful animated interpretation. It tells of the Mi’kmaq people in the cold white dawning of their world, and of how Glooscap battled with the giant Winter in order to bring Summer to the North.
22-year-old Colby is rebelling against feeling stifled by everybody because she's pregnant, but an encounter with a young man at a diner allows her momentary reprieve to be herself.
The story of Lieve, a young orphan who lives with her aunt in a house for elderly people. When she finds a wounded pigeon, she integrates it in her world of fantasies and is persuaded that the pigeon is Jesus.
Ivan has just scored a goal and rushes to kiss Marko.