Mark of the Hand (1987)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 53M

Director : Imruh Bakari


Guyanese painter Aubrey Williams (1926-1990) returns to his homeland on a “journey to the source of his inspiration” in this vivid Arts Council documentary, filmed towards the end of his life. The title comes from the indigenous Arawak word ‘timehri’ - the mark of the hand of man - which Williams equates to art itself. Timehri was also then the name of the international airport at Georgetown, Guyana's capital, where Williams stops off to restore an earlier mural. The film offers a rare insight into life beyond Georgetown, what Williams calls “the real Guyana.” Before moving to England in 1952 he had been sent to work on a sugar plantation in the jungle; this is his first chance to revisit the region and the Warao Indians - formative influences on his work - in four decades. Challenging the ill-treatment of indigenous Guyanese, Williams explored the potential of art to change attitudes. By venturing beyond his British studio, this film puts his work into vibrant context.


Aubrey Williams
Aubrey Williams
Norman Beaton
Norman Beaton


Imruh Bakari
Imruh Bakari


Flor e Cobra 2
The beautiful Shizuko (Aya Sugimoto) and her husband Tooyama Takayoshi (Jo Shishido) have a loving relationship, But Takayoshi is getting older and isn't always able to perform. His primary source of gratification involves observing his wife in sadomasochistic scenarios so he commissions a painter, skilled in the arts of bondage to bring these fantasies to life. Soon, Shiziko becomes a willing and submissive participant in fulfilling the S&M fantasies of not only her husband but a slew of rich lecherous men.
O Humano Perfeito
um filme extremamente minimalista: uma sala branca vazia, dois atores e uma voz que vai indicar pontos de perfeições dos personagens. "Assim, um salto humano", "e cai", "esta é uma orelha", "esses são dois joelhos" e "o que o homem está pensando?" são algumas das frases que aprova a dissertação de Leth. Amplamente 13 minutos na mais pura essência do gênero.
Matador em Perigo
Rose (Emily Blunt) é uma encantadora golpista que se envolve com um assassino internacional chamado Victor (Bill Nighy). Mas quando Victor poupa a vida de Rose, seu coração solitário deflagra uma inusitada cadeia de eventos que vira o mundo de ambos de ponta-cabeça. Seguido pelo aprendiz de atirador (Rupert Grint), o improvável trio se une para frustrar as intenções homicidas do insatisfeito cliente de Victor.
The Alphabet
A woman's dark and absurdist nightmare vision comprising a continuous recitation of the alphabet and bizarre living representations of each letter.
A 16th century prince falls in love with a court dancer and battles with his emperor father.
A Arte do Amor
Nos anos 20, o artista plástico Nick Hart luta para sobreviver do seu ofício numa comunidade de expatriados americanos em Paris, onde acaba se envolvendo com uma rica colecionadora num obscuro esquema de falsificação de obras de arte.
The Avenging Quartet
A female Chinese cop teams up with a lady kung-fu master to stop two female Japanese gangsters from stealing a valuable painting.
Artistas e Modelos
Um cartunista desempregado sente-se incomodado quando toda noite seu companheiro de quarto sonha histórias das revistas em quadrinhos que lê avidamente, até descobrir que o seu amigo sonha aventuras que nunca foram publicadas e que tem enorme aceitação perante o público.
Bansky Pinta a Parede
Banksy is a graffiti artist with a global reputation whose work can be seen on walls from post-hurricane New Orleans to the separation barrier on the Palestinian West Bank. Fiercely guarding his anonymity to avoid prosecution, Banksy has so far resisted all attempts to be captured on film. Exit Through the Gift Shop tells the incredible true story of how an eccentric French shop keeper turned documentary maker attempted to locate and befriend Banksy, only to have the artist turn the camera back on its owner.
Mutiny on the Buses
Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park
Alexandre, O Grande
He was a fierce military commander who led huge armies into battle without a single defeat; a magnificent warrior who many believed was part god - this was Alexander the Great (Richard Burton), the legendary Greek hero hailed by his countrymen as "The King of Kings". Born in 356 B.C. into a turbulent world of political unrest, educated by Aristotle (Barry Jones) and chosen to lead his people in the grand tradition of his powerful father (Fredric March), this glamorous world conqueror rose above all conflict to unite the continents of Europe and Asia to become one of the most celebrated rulers of all time! Written, produced and directed by Oscar - winner Robert Rossen and featuring the extraordinary Claire Bloom and a remarkable cast of thousands, this stunning portrait of one of history's most fascinating figures is colossal entertainment and an amazing spectacle.
Na Mira Certa
Um quadro de Rembrandt é roubado e os agentes da ONU, Mike Graham e Sabrina Carver, são enviados para investigar o furto. Conforme a trilha os leva de Amsterdã a Hong Kong, eles descobrem que este caso tem muito mais do que roubo de arte e falsificações. Quando um golpe tecnológico ocorre na cidade, fazendo cair o sistema, os agentes passam a suspeitar do vil Martin Schraeder e de sua gangue coreana.
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre deixa Thornfield House, onde trabalha como governanta do abastado Edward Rochester. À medida que reflecte sobre as pessoas e emoções que a definiram, fica claro que essa vivência isolada e imposta - e a frieza de Mr. Rochester - foram um incrível teste à sua capacidade de recuperação, forjada anos antes quando ficou órfã. Terá agora de actuar decisivamente a fim de assegurar o seu próprio futuro e pacificar-se com o passado que a persegue – e o terrível segredo que Mr. Rochester esconde e que ela desvendou…
Butterfly & Sword
A loyalist attempts to keep the King's empire from being overthrown by a revolutionary group.
The Stendhal Syndrome
A young policewoman slowly goes insane while tracking down an elusive serial rapist/killer through Italy when she herself becomes a victim of the brutal man's obsession.
Retratos de uma Mulher
Bela, rica e liberal, a americana Isabel Archer viaja pela Europa em busca de sua própria identidade como pessoa e como mulher. Ao mesmo tempo em que habilmente se desvencilha das investidas de Caspar Goodwood, um insistente americano que a seguiu até a Inglaterra, Isabel estreita a amizade com o próprio primo, Ralph Touchett. Porém, através da misteriosa Madame Merle, Isabel conhece Gilbert Osmond, um colecionador de objetos de arte, que a seduz e acaba casando-se com ela.
Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock
BURNING MAN: BEYOND BLACK ROCK goes behind the scenes of a social revolution to explore the philosophy that fuels it, the social contract that drives it, and the transcendent experience that makes it a worldwide cultural force. Granted unprecedented access to the inner workings of the Burning Man organization, the filmmakers spent 18 months with the founders, organizers, artists and participants to document the full complexity and diversity of the Burning Man community. But, true to its title, the film goes beyond the city they raise in the desert - revealing the Burning Man's plans to bring its unique culture to the rest of the world. BEYOND BLACK ROCK tells, for the first time ever, the real story of Burning Man - from the inside out.
Statues Also Die
Short documentary ordered by the magazine "Présence Africaine". From the question "Why is the african in the Human museum while Greek or Egyptian art are in Le Louvre?", the two directors expose and criticise the lack of consideration for African art. The film was censored in France for eight years because of its anti-colonial perspective.
O Amante de Lady Chatterley
No ano de 1917, Clifford é chamado para lutar na batalha de Flandres, mas é ferido e fica incapacitado da cintura para baixo. Quando ele volta para casa, ele encoraja sua esposa a dormir com outro homem para satisfazer seus desejos carnais.
Harry Donovan, um falsificador que pinta Rembrandt, se apaixona por uma especialista em artes que seus clientes contratam para verificar o quadro que ele pintou. Enganado e acusado de assassinato, ele tenta provar sua inocência.