
A Thousand Ways to Kiss the Ground (2020)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 22M

Director : Henna Taylor


An exploration into grief and its expression through the stories of individuals who have experienced loss or trauma due to climbing or alpinism. This artful compilation of interviews highlights how there is no singular or correct way to grieve.


Alex Honnold
Alex Honnold
Tommy Caldwell
Tommy Caldwell
Brette Harrington
Brette Harrington
Lynn Hill
Lynn Hill
Matt Segal
Matt Segal
Jamie Logan
Jamie Logan
Kitty Calhoun
Kitty Calhoun
Jesse Huey
Jesse Huey
Sam Elias
Sam Elias
Chris Kalous
Chris Kalous
Katja Hurt
Katja Hurt
Alli Roskelley
Alli Roskelley
Marcus Garcia
Marcus Garcia
Madaleine Sorkin
Madaleine Sorkin


Henna Taylor
Henna Taylor


The Whistle
Robert must avenge his son who was killed in a workplace accident.
Son of the Gods
The popular Caucasian-looking son (Richard Barthelmess) of a wealthy Chinese businessman lives away from his widowed father and passes as white, but experiences prejudice, rejection, insult, and heartache when the socialite (Constance Bennett) he loves learns of his heritage.
Traces Of Death V
The fifth sequel of the self-proclamed "first true shockumentary" series, dealing mostly with real life graphic violence and its aftermath caught on video.
The Wait
An enigmatic phone call from a psychic catapults a family into a state of suspended belief while waiting for their recently deceased mother to be resurrected.
Mais Forte Que Bombas
Anos após a morte da mãe (Isabelle Huppert) em um acidente de carro, Jonah (Jesse Eisenberg) volta para casa para uma retrospectiva de seu premiado trabalho como fotógrafa de guerra e reencontra o pai (Gabriel Byrne) e o irmão caçula (Devin Druid) ainda abalados pelo trauma. Com mágoas não superadas, os três buscam uma conexão através das lembranças completamente diferentes que têm da mulher.
The 9th Guest
Eight people are invited by an unsigned telegram to a penthouse apartment, where they find themselves locked in and greeted by their unknown host's voice via the radio, who explains that before the night is over each one will be die unless they manage to outwit the ninth guest, Death.
O filme conta a história de Fabiano, um jovem mercenário que é contratado para matar a Morte.
High Gear
When Mark 'High Gear' Sherrod (Murray) looses his nerve, the race car driver takes a job driving a taxi, but when he befriends a cute reporter and the young handicapped son of a deceased driver, he attempts to return to the track.
The Candidate
An underhanded company man is offered assistance by a secret organization that immerses him in forces beyond his control.
Ruína Azul
A história de um misterioso indivíduo que vivia tranquilamente. Ele tem sua rotina perturbada e resolve retornar ao lugar em que cresceu para executar uma vingança, mas logo falha em proteger sua família, provando-se um terrível assassino.
Nawang Gombu - Heart of a Tiger
The nephew of Tenzing Norgay, Nawang Gombu was the youngest Sherpa climber on the 1953 Everest expedition carrying supplies above 25000 feet. He went on to become the first man in the world to summit Mt. Everest twice. He stood on the highest point on the planet with Jim Whittaker on the American expedition in 1963 and again on the first successful Indian expedition in 1965. But 'firsts' are only a small part of what makes this man's story extraordinary. A deeply spiritual man all his life, he helped his family and others achieve what had been so hard for him to accomplish. Standing on the shoulders of his famous uncle, he helped lift the status of Sherpas to that of world-class climbers.
Documentary about the famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner.
Finders Keepers: The Root of All Evil
A high stakes poker game. A drug lord. A million dollars. A set of ruthless killers who want it all.
Serras da Desordem
Carapirú é um índio nômade que escapa de um ataque surpresa de fazendeiros. Durante dez anos, anda sozinho pelas serras do Brasil central, até ser capturado em novembro de 1988, a dois mil quilômetros de seu ponto de partida.
O Menino de Pedra
Um menino de 12 anos que adora seu irmão caçula, o mata acidentalmente com uma arma de fogo. Ela entra em estado de choque e acaba se escondendo por trás de uma barreira de silêncio.
The Rebellion of Red Maria
In a city - with heavy metal music haunting the heroes and the voice of Maria Callas being heard, an aged man, ex-terrorist, who dresses like a woman, the "red Maria", lives without any law and is hiding in the social shadows as a prostitute and performer, dancing in the streets, old and out-dated dances, for the passersby who give him money. In the street he meets a young boy, who lives there as a street urchin, at deaths door after a neo-fascists attack. The boy, alcohol addicted, hears the voice of Maria Callas, speaks with the dead diva, with the mother he misses. In overdose he dreams of the perfect world. "Red Maria" saves the boy and teaches him the "job". In order to survive they invade cafes, giving performances that talk for a new, political God, for the political mistake of God, for the end of the ideology
O Mistério da Passagem da Morte
Cinco estudantes norte-americanos viajam para Passagem de Dyatlov em busca de respostas sobre os eventos ocorridos na década de 1950, quando nove esquiadores russos morreram inexplicavelmente. Gravando um documentário, eles percorrem a trilha amaldiçoada dos Montes Urais e logo começam a desconfiar que não estão sozinhos no local.
7 Lives of Chance
As Chance's high school reunion approaches, she must come face to face with the one fear that she has yet to accept. In this psychedelic comedy, a lone red balloon, dearly cherished from childhood, multiplies as it leads Chance on a journey of acknowledgement.
A Marca do Medo
Durante uma aula na universidade, um professor (Jared Harris) pergunta a seus alunos o que são fenômenos sobrenaturais e se é possível provar que eles existem. Como ninguém consegue responder, ele decide formar uma equipe com três alunos para investigar o estranho caso de Jane Harper (Olivia Cooke), garota aparentemente possuída por demônios. O experimento consiste em isolar Jane dentro de um casarão e fazer uma série de testes, na esperança que os poderes paranormais na garota se manifestem diante das câmeras.
Halloween H20: Vinte Anos Depois
Depois de escapar do assassino mascarado, Laurie Strode forjou sua morte e reconstruiu sua vida mudando de nome e cidade. Agora, vinte anos mais tarde, Laurie e Lichael Myers estão prestes a se encontrarem novamente. Ele volta em busca de vingança, mas não é somente atrás dela que ele está. O terror começa para toda uma nova geração...