
American Experience: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (2014)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 57M

Director : John Maggio


The historical account of outlaws Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, whose turn of the last century exploits made headlines, led them to be pursued by Pinkerton detectives hired by the railroads, and inspired a hit 1969 film.


Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy


John Maggio
John Maggio


Os Implacáveis
O legendário foragido Butch Cassidy morreu em 1908 a mão de seu amigo Sundance Kid, ou ao menos isso diz a versão oficial. No entanto, o vaqueiro tem permanecido durante duas década escondido e agora tem decidido regressar a seu lar. Pelo caminho, vai cruzar-se com um engenheiro espanhol que acaba de roubar 50.000 dólares na mina que trabalhava e cujo proprietário é o empresário mais importante de Bolívia. Para sua desgraça, ele se vê implicado no caso e terá que lhe fazer frente.
Wyoming Renegades
Brady Sutton returns from three years in prison and tries to go straight. One a member of the Butch Cassidy gang, he is still suspected of being cahoots with them. When Cassidy and his men rob the bank, he is blamed. Escaping from the townspeople, he once again joins up with Cassidy to wait for a chance to help bring him in.
Badman's Country
Pat Garrett arrives in Abilene where he catches five of Butch Cassidy's gang. He calls in Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson and they learn there is a half million dollar shipment of money arriving by train and Cassidy is amassing enough men to take it.
Três Almas Danadas
Ready to quit their life of crime, the three "most-wanted" outlaws in the West---Butch Cassidy, Sundance Kid and Bill Carver ---perform their final job by robbing and stealing a train and fleeing across the border. In a South American town they begin their life of respectability by purchasing a ranch and depositing their stolen fortune in the local bank, and throwing a big fiesta to entertain the locals, including Colonel Aguilar and his beautiful daughter Rita.