
Back to the Wharf (2020)

Gênero : Crime, Drama, Thriller

Runtime : 1H 58M

Director : Li Xiaofeng


A man wanted for negligent homicide returns to his hometown after 15 years, only to be haunted by his past, and getting mixed up in a scheme involving the daughter of his victim.


Zhang Yu
Zhang Yu
Song Hao
Song Jia
Song Jia
Pan Xiaoshuang
Yanhui Wang
Yanhui Wang
Song Jianhui
Lee Hong Chi
Lee Hong Chi
Li Tang
Deng Enxi
Deng Enxi
Wan Xiaoning


Li Xiaofeng
Li Xiaofeng
Yu Xin
Yu Xin
Piao Songri
Piao Songri
Director of Photography
Li Xiaofeng
Li Xiaofeng
Wen Zi
Wen Zi
Dun He
Dun He
Wang Yu
Wang Yu
Zheng Zhihao
Zheng Zhihao
Co-Executive Producer
Zhu Weijie
Zhu Weijie
Co-Executive Producer


O Mensageiro do Diabo
Baseado em romance de Davis Grubb, conta a história de um assassino de viúvas ricas que, ao sair da prisão, persegue uma família para encontrar o dinheiro que o pai, que conhecera na cadeia, havia guardado em lugar não revelado. É o único filme dirigido pelo premiado ator Charles Laughton
A Morte Passou Por Perto
Quando Gloria Price estava sendo atacada por seu empregador e amante, Davy Gordon, um lutador de boxe em decadência vem em seu socorro e acaba se envolvendo com a moça, atiçando a ira de Vincent Raphello, o empregador.
O agente secreto Lemmy Caution parte em missão para a cidade futurista de Alphaville (onde os sentimentos foram abolidos) com o objetivo de persuadir o professor von Braun a voltar aos planetas exteriores. Natacha, filha do professor, lhe serve de guia. Lemmy reencontra Henri Dickson, antigo agente secreto, que lhe envia uma mensagem para destruir Alpha 60 e salvar aqueles que choram. Lemmy presencia uma execução pública. Depois, é submetido a um interrogatório conduzido por Alpha 60, o computador que governa a cidade, e é condenado à morte. Natacha, aos prantos, lhe murmura as palavras proibidas.
Um soldado foge ao invés de receber a Medalha de Honra. Então o seu amigo recebe permissão para investigar o caso. E amor e morte logo surgem na história. Ele não confia em ninguém... especialmente em mulheres!
Uma Vida Por um Fio
Leona Stevenson is confined to bed and uses her telephone to keep in contact with the outside world. One day she overhears a murder plot on the telephone and is desperate to find out who is the intended victim.
A Sombra de uma Dúvida
O Tio Charlie vai visitar seus parentes na cidadezinha de Santa Rosa. Mas sua sobrinha, também chamada de Charlie, começa a suspeitar de que ele é o famoso Assassino de Viúvas Alegre, um criminoso que está sendo procurado pela polícia e fugiu da Filadélfia para a Califórnia.
Chase a Crooked Shadow
A woman who lives in Spain has trouble convincing anybody that a complete stranger has taken her dead brother's identity.
Império do Crime
O Tenente de polícia Diamond recebe a ordem de parar de investigar o chefe da máfia, Sr. Brown, porque está custando muito dinheiro ao departamento, e sem obter resultados. Diamond faz uma última tentativa de descobrir evidências contra Brown indo até a namorada de Brown, Susan Lowell.
The Garment Jungle
Alan Mitchell returns to New York to work for his father Walter, the owner of a fashion house that designs and manufactures dresses. To stay non-union, Walter has hired Artie Ravidge, a hood who uses strong-arm tactics to keep the employees in line.
O Sádico Selvagem
In San Francisco, a psychopathic gangster and his mentor retrieve heroin packages carried by unsuspecting travelers.
Strange Bargain
Bookkeeper Sam Wilson learns from his boss, Malcolm Jarvis, that he is losing his job because the company is closing down. Jarvis then makes a strange proposition, saying he intends to commit suicide but wants Sam to make it look like a murder, in order for his wife and son to inherit Jarvis's life insurance. Sam declines, but when he goes to see Jarvis and finds his dead body, he reluctantly goes along with the scheme.
Time Table
An insurance detective encounters numerous surprises when he is assigned to investigate a meticulously-planned train robbery in Arizona.
The Scarf
A man believe to have murdered a woman, escapes from the insane asylum to find if he was the one to actually kill her using the scarf she was wearing.
Vida Contra Vida
A woman is kidnapped when she goes to get help for her husband who is trapped on a beach with the tide coming in to surely drown him.
The Case Against Brooklyn
A rookie cop takes on criminals who have the local government in their pocket.
Porto da Violência
William Castle directed this Sam Katzman production, a gritty crime thriller about a newly-discharged sailor who gets a job as a longshoreman in The Big Easy. He swiftly discovers mob corruption throughout the docks, and when a friend is killed by the gangsters, he convinces the police to let him go undercover and take matters into his own hands. Filmed on location on the docks and in the French Quarter.
Na Rota do Inferno
An ex-con trying to go clean ends up working for a crooked trucking company swindling money.
The Shanghai Gesture
A gambling queen uses blackmail to stop a British financier from closing her Chinese clip joint.
Vida Contra Vida
In this Cornell Woolrich thriller, a man's memory is recovered after being injured by falling construction material. Discovering a year-long lapse, he returns to his old life and discovers a lot of mysterious happenings.
Maré Cheia
After a drunken night out, a longshoreman thinks he may have killed a man.