
The Meridian of War (1990)

Gênero : Drama, Guerra

Runtime : 1H 32M

Director : Feng Xiaoning


During a brutal Japanese offensive, a skirmish leaves only a handful of children and a few soldiers to carry an important command west along the Great Wall.


Fu Dalong
Fu Dalong
Jiang Yunhui
Jiang Yunhui
Niu Mengmeng
Niu Mengmeng
Shen Danping
Shen Danping
Wu Weidong
Wu Weidong


Feng Xiaoning
Feng Xiaoning
Feng Xiaoning
Feng Xiaoning


Hitler's Museum
One and a half years before the begin of the Second World War during the annexation of Austria in March of 1938, Hitler conceived the megalomaniac idea of creating the largest European art center in his home town of Linz. At the beginning of the war on the 1st of September 1939, not only did his armies advance but also his art thieves began to fan out in their great foray of art plundering; an expedition on a previously unheard of scale began. Not only did the task forces of diverse National Socialist organizations pillage the occupied countries; Nazi bigwigs like Goering also took whatever they felt was valuable. This documentary includes the long and eventful journey of an exceptional masterpiece of European art: the Ghent Altar, created by van Eyck.
So Ends Our Night
An anti-Nazi on the run and a young Jewish couple race across Europe trying to escape Hitler's ever powerful influence.
Stitch and Save
This brief animated film was designed to promote the remodelling of old clothing as part of the World War II effort.
Lancaster Skies
Douglas, um solitário Ás de Spitfire em recuperação, deve superar seu passado para liderar uma tripulação de bombardeiro Lancaster na guerra aérea sobre Berlim, em 1944. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
GI Jews: Jewish Americans in World War II
GI Jews: Jewish Americans in World War II tells the story of the 550,000 Jewish American men and women who fought in World War II. In their own words, veterans both famous and unknown (from Hollywood director Mel Brooks to former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger) bring their war experiences to life: how they fought for for their nation and their people, struggled with anti-Semitism within their ranks, and emerged transformed, more powerfully American and more deeply Jewish.
Jojo Rabbit
Jojo é um garoto alemão solitário que descobre que sua mãe está escondendo uma garota judia no sótão. Ajudado apenas por seu amigo imaginário, Adolf Hitler, Jojo deve enfrentar seu nacionalismo cego enquanto a Segunda Guerra Mundial prossegue.
Kirkastettu sydän
Bombe atomique : Les secrets d'un compte à rebours
Open Secrets
This provocative documentary uncovers a lost chapter in Canadian military history: how the Armed Forces dealt with homosexual behaviour among soldiers, during and after World War II. More than 60 years later, a group of five veterans, barely adults when they enlisted, break the silence to talk about how homosexual behaviour "was even more unmentionable than cancer." Yet amidst the brutality of war, instances of sexual awakening among soldiers and officers were occuring. Initially, the Army overlooked it, but as the war advanced, they began to crack down: military tribunals, threats of imprisonment, discharge and public exposure. After the war, officers accused of homosexuality were discharged. Back home in Canada, reputations and careers were ruined. For the young men who had served their country with valour, this final chapter was often too much to bear. Based on the book Courting Homosexuals in the Military by Paul Jackson.
Nazi UFO Conspiracy
Where do flying saucers originate? Do they carry aliens from other worlds? Or is the truth actually a lot stranger. During World War II the Nazi's employed scientists to re-imagine the boundaries of scientific thought and practise. Many in the field of advanced weapon design - the programme that produced the V1 and V2 rockets that rained on Britain. But did this same unit produce rudimentary flying saucers? Declassified military documents detail the numerous reports by allied pilots of 'foo fighters', unusual craft with incredible acceleration engaging them in the skies above Germany. In addition there was the Nazi 'Der Glocke' or 'The Bell' project for a vertical take-off vehicle, which resembles eyewitness reports of a UFO crash in Pennsylvania after the war. Thousands of Nazi scientists were brought to the US at the end of the war. Are these men, and the projects they continued to work on in America, responsible to little green men, 400 UFO sightings a month and even the ...
Der Reichstag
Docudrama telling the story of a building with a breath taking career that began in the empire, flourished in the Weimar Republic, perished in the Nazi dictatorship, and was rebuilt after its partial destruction.
The Butler
The love between Mateusz Krol, a Kashubian boy, and Marita von Krauss, a Prussian aristocrat in whose family home he is taken in when his mother dies, grows and matures thorough the years, while Kashubia, the northern Polish region where they live, suffers the consequences of the tragedies that will ravage Europe from the beginning of the 20th century until the end of the World War II.
The Song of Manshuk
The story of the hero of the Soviet Union, Manshuk Mametova, machine-gunner of the 21st Guards Rifle Division of the 3rd shock army of the Kalinin Front, the guards sergeant in charge. The first woman awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for bravery. The film recreates the past and shows a day of combat life Manshuk and her comrades, who took unequal battle with German tanks.
Bagryanye berega
La stella di Andra e Tati
Cicatrizes de Nanquim
Durante a invasão brutal da China em 1937 pelas forças imperiais japonesas, dezenas de milhares de civis e prisioneiros de guerra foram assassinados e mulheres estupradas no que é conhecido simplesmente como "As Violações de de Nanquim". Este docudrama é um relato emocionante de um pequeno grupo de corajosos missionários americanos que optaram por ficar em Nanquim para tentar proteger um quarto de milhão de civis chineses vulneráveis que estão presos em uma cidade governada por um exército selvagem e fora de controle. Suas histórias são trazidas vividamente à vida por meio de cartas e diários reais em tempo real, enquanto testemunham uma das piores atrocidades do tempo de guerra da história.
Wolf Hound
Inspirado na vida real da unidade de operações especiais alemã KG 200 que abateu, consertou e voou aeronaves aliadas como cavalos de Tróia, "Wolf Hound" se passa na França ocupada pela Alemanha em 1944 e segue as ousadas façanhas do piloto de caça judeu-americano Capitão David Holder. Emboscado atrás das linhas inimigas, Holden deve resgatar uma tripulação capturada do B-17 Flying Fortress, escapar de um inimigo implacável que o persegue a cada passo e frustrar uma trama que pode alterar completamente o resultado da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Harvest Melody
Farmer Tommy and his girl Jane come in from the country for a night at the Hollywood Trocadero. There, they meet Chuck, Hollywood's Number One press agent, and his Girl Friday, Daisie. Hearing of the hardships imposed down on the farm by the war-related labor shortage, Chuck offers the help of his clients, movie star Gilda Parker, heavyweight boxer Canvas, and Eddie Le Baron and his whole orchestra, to help harvest the crops.
Escape from Davao: 1943
April 4, 1943, ten American prisoners of war and two Filipino convicts executed a daring escape from one of Japan's most notorious prison camps.
Outrages of the Orient
Recreation of the widespread rapes and murders of Filipina women by Japanese soldiers during WWII.