Refugees Are Welcome Here (2020)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M

Director : Tomáš Rafa




Tomáš Rafa
Tomáš Rafa
Tomáš Rafa
Tomáš Rafa
Director of Photography
Tomáš Rafa
Tomáš Rafa


Happy End
Uma família de classe média que vive em Calais foca em seus interesses pessoais enquanto as condições nos campos de refugiados a poucas milhas de sua casa são sombrias.
Welcome to Norway!
A couple decide to open a home for refuges in the remote cold mountains of Norway.
Mar de Tristeza
A very personal and dynamic meditation on the current global refugee crisis through the eyes and voices of campaigners, specially children, where past and present establish a dialogue. A reflection on the importance of human rights.
Gaza é um garoto de 14 anos que vive na costa do Mar Egeu, no litoral da Turquia. Ao lado do seu pai dominador, ele ajuda a contrabandear refugiados que querem entrar na Europa, oferecendo-lhes alojamento temporário e o mínimo de comida até que eles continuem sua travessia. Gaza sonha em escapar desta vida, mas não consegue evitar de ser parte atuante do sombrio mundo de corrupção e exploração do sofrimento humano. Ele lutará para resistir em meio a uma realidade onde não há mais espaço para a inocência.
Caos: Refugiados do Mediterrâneo
Mostra as consequências humanas da crise dos refugiados que cruzam o Mediterrâneo, através das histórias de Aregai, um eritreu preso pelo sistema de imigração da Itália.
Mission Congo
A documentary that examines whether a charity organized by Pat Robertson to aid Rwandan genocide refugees was a front for diamond mining.
A harrowing account of Europe's migrant crisis. A family of Syrian refugees separated by the borders of Europe, fight to be reunited as they migrant from Syria to Germany.
Un jour ça ira
Djibi and Ange, two teenagers living on the streets, arrive at the Archipel, an emergency shelter in the heart of Paris. This documentary is a look at the Archipel, a shelter offering an innovative way to welcome families living on the streets.
Český Alláh
Five Days on Lesvos
As politicians debate and argue, the men, women and children at the heart of the European immigration wave have found themselves caught in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. On the frontline is the Greek island of Lesvos – the first point of entry into Europe for over half of the refugees. One week at the end of August 2015 marked a tipping point in the crisis. More refugees arrived than ever before, volunteers were inundated and local infrastructure just couldn’t cope; trains were overflowing, refugees were dying in the back of lorries and on beaches, and politicians responded by closing borders and arguing about how to stem the tide of people. Filmed over just five days, this first-hand account of that dramatic week on Lesvos is seen through the eyes of the refugees and volunteers caught in the crisis.
Newspaper News
A woman reads the newspaper with such intensity that she gets literally devoured by it. Painted on its pages she witnesses some of the tragic events of our times, drowns in ocean trash and is threatened by the elements unleashed by climate change. Yet in her despair she transforms this darkness into movement and art, so she plants the seeds of hope.
One of Many
Told in a very abstract and poetic way, this love story – set in very unusual circumstances – is inspired by the refugee crisis, in which Macedonia played the unfortunate role of a transit country.
A film about the unprecedented Swiss grassroots movement of regular citizens who rise to aid thousands of refugees stranded at the European borders. In rich and safe Switzerland people from all backgrounds leave their regular life behind to support people in need. There is a Swiss farmer and his wife who keep cows in the Swiss Alps, a former commander of the Swiss Army, an elder rich lady residing at the lakeside, and a successful comedian and entertainer. These unexperienced volunteers take on an adventure that will change their lives forever.
An estimated 12 million people live in refugee camps worldwide and only 0.1% are resettled, repatriated, or integrated into normal society each year. The feature-length documentary.
News documentary from SVT Nyheter Stockholm, about why thousands of refugees flee home after risking life and sacrificing wealth to get to Sweden.
Voices From The New Jungle
Documentary Film maker, Mark Brown, attempts to discover the damaging effect the over-spilling immigrant population has on the coastal city of Calais, France.
Refugees Are Welcome Here
Touching the Void - Uma História de Sobrevivência
Em 1985, Joe Simpson e Simon Yates prepararam-se para subir os 6.400 metros de Siula Grande, nos Andes do Peru - a única montanha daquela região ainda por conquistar. Eles eram novos, alpinistas em boa forma física e com experiência, convencidos de que iriam ser bem sucedidos onde outros falharam. Após uma subida triunfante em apenas três dias, o desastre aconteceu: Joe cai e parte a perna direita, deixando Simon encarregue de os conduzir a salvo. Mas, sem comida nem água, e com um frio excruciante a uma enorme altitude, a única coisa que podiam esperar é a morte certa.
Super Size Me: A Dieta do Palhaço
O diretor Morgan Spurlock decide ser a cobaia de uma experiência: se alimentar apenas em restaurantes da rede McDonald's, realizando neles três refeições ao dia durante um mês. Durante a realização da experiência o diretor fala sobre a cultura do fast food nos Estados Unidos, além de mostrar em si mesmo os efeitos físicos e mentais que os alimentos deste tipo de restaurante provocam.