
The Wing or the Thigh? (1976)

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 1H 44M

Director : Claude Zidi
Escritor : Claude Zidi, Michel Fabre


Charles Duchemin, a well-known gourmet and publisher of a famous restaurant guide, is waging a war against fast food entrepreneur Tri- catel to save the French art of cooking. After having agreed to appear on a talk show to show his skills in naming food and wine by taste, he is confronted with two disasters: his son wants to become a clown rather than a restaurant tester and he, the famous Charles Duchemin, has lost his taste!


Louis de Funès
Louis de Funès
Charles Duchemin
Gérard Duchemin
Ann Zacharias
Ann Zacharias
Marguerite #2, interim secretary
Julien Guiomar
Julien Guiomar
Jacques Tricatel
Claude Gensac
Claude Gensac
Marguerite #1, Duchemin's secretary
Georges Chamarat
Georges Chamarat
Dean of Academics
Jean Martin
Jean Martin
Fernand Guiot
Fernand Guiot
Dubreuil, Duchemin employee
Gérard Boucaron
Gérard Boucaron
Antoine Marin
Antoine Marin
Duchemin employee
Yves Afonso
Yves Afonso
Fake plumber
Raymond Bussières
Raymond Bussières
Henri, Duchemin's driver
Philippe Bouvard
Philippe Bouvard
Philippe Bouvard, moderator of the debate
Marcel Dalio
Marcel Dalio
Duchemin's tailor
Vittorio Caprioli
Vittorio Caprioli
Vittorio, owner of a restaurant
Daniel Langlet
Daniel Langlet
Lambert, Tricatel's assistant
Martin Lamotte
Martin Lamotte
Roland, director of a circus
Paul Bisciglia
Paul Bisciglia
Robert Lombard
Robert Lombard
Patron of the 'Coquille d'Or'
Pierre Forget
Pierre Forget
Patron of the 'Auberge de la Truite'
Aurora Maris
Aurora Maris
Eduardo Bergara Leumann
Eduardo Bergara Leumann
Cook of the 'Auberge de la Truite'
Gérard Lorin
Gérard Lorin
Duchemin's dentist
Albert Michel
Albert Michel
Mr. Morand, Duchemin employee
Bob Morel
Bob Morel
Max Montavon
Max Montavon
Mr. Godefroy
Pierre Decazes
Pierre Decazes
Owner of the hotel
Auguste Geronimi
Auguste Geronimi
Gérard Victor
Gérard Victor
Mac Ronay
Mac Ronay
Sommelier stuffed with tics
Dominique Davray
Dominique Davray
Muscular nurse
Marie Frey
Marie Frey
Catherine Meurisse
Catherine Meurisse
Maurice Vallier
Maurice Vallier
Duchemin employee
Dyanik Zurakowska
Dyanik Zurakowska
François Viaur
François Viaur
Jean Amadou
Jean Amadou
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Marie-Anne Chazel
Marie-Anne Chazel
Gérard's friend (uncredited)
François Guillaume
François Guillaume
Reporter (uncredited)
Gérard Lanvin
Gérard Lanvin
Member of the circus (uncredited)
Jacques Mathou
Jacques Mathou
Georges Nojaroff
Georges Nojaroff
Waiter (uncredited)
Claude Zidi
Claude Zidi
Head waiter of the 'Coquille d'Or' (uncredited)


Claude Zidi
Claude Zidi
Claude Zidi
Claude Zidi
Michel Fabre
Michel Fabre
Christian Fechner
Christian Fechner
Pierre Grunstein
Pierre Grunstein
Executive Producer
Vladimir Cosma
Vladimir Cosma
Original Music Composer
Wladimir Ivanov
Wladimir Ivanov
Director of Photography
Claude Renoir
Claude Renoir
Director of Photography
Monique Isnardon
Monique Isnardon
Robert Isnardon
Robert Isnardon
Claude Suné
Claude Suné
Set Decoration
Michel de Broin
Michel de Broin
Production Design
Jacques Fonteray
Jacques Fonteray
Costume Design
Bernard Artigues
Bernard Artigues
Ralph Thiekötter
Ralph Thiekötter
ADR Recordist
Anatole Paris
Anatole Paris
Makeup Supervisor
Marie-Madeleine Paris
Marie-Madeleine Paris
Makeup Supervisor
Jean-Claude Laureux
Jean-Claude Laureux


O Monstro do Circo
Um atirador de facas, de grande sucesso num circo por não ter braços e usar os pés nos seus números, esconde um grande segredo.
Laugh, Clown, Laugh
A despairing clown suffering a broken heart and a self-indulgent count who uncontrollably laughs learn to help each other with their problems, but both fall in love with the same young woman.
Ironia da Sorte
O filme conta a história de um gênio científico que é humilhado pela esposa. Para expressar sua dor, ele se torna um palhaço de circo. Lá, aparentemente, ele encontra uma chance de renovação. Mas será que ele conseguirá encontrar a felicidade?
O Homem Que Ri
Herdeiro de um ducado, Gwynplaine é sequestrado quando garoto e, por ordem do rei, ele fica com o rosto esculpido num perpétuo sorriso macabro. Quando cresce, acaba virando atração de circo como palhaço.
A group of friends are terrorized by a cannibalistic family while camping in The Black Forest of Germany.
Os Mercenários
Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone) é o líder de um grupo de mercenários, que realiza qualquer missão desde que ela seja bem paga. Entre seus companheiros usuais estão o especialista em facas Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), Bao Thao (Jet Li) e Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren), que têm demonstrado instabilidade emocional durante as missões. Um dia, Barney e sua trupe são contratados para derrubar o general Garza (David Zayas), ditador da ilha de Vilena. Barney e Lee vão ao local e encontram Sandra (Gisele Itiê), que deseja derrubar o governo. Só que logo eles são atacados pelas forças de Garza e de Monroe (Eric Roberts), um empresário americano que financia o governo local. Barney e Lee deixam Vilena e abandonam a missão, mas a persistência de Sandra, que deseja ficar para lutar pela liberdade, mexe com os até então inexistentes princípios de Barney.
Delírio de Loucura
A friendly, successful suburban teacher and father grows dangerously addicted to cortisone, resulting in his transformation into a household despot.
Last House on Dead End Street
After being released from prison, a young gangster with a chip on his shoulder decides to punish society by making snuff films.
Era uma Vez um Pai
Shuhei Horikawa, a poor schoolteacher, struggles to raise his son Ryohei by himself, despite neither money nor prospects.
O Grande Amor do Conde Drácula
Four women spend the night in an old deserted sanitarium on a mountain. They each in turn fall into the the evil hands of a doctor…
Circo dos Horrores
Em 1947, na Inglaterra, um cirurgião plástico deve bater em retirada para a França, quando um de seus pacientes tem problemas horríveis com sua cirurgia. Uma vez lá, ele opera sobre a filha de um dono do circo, deformado por bombas da guerra. Mais tarde, ele se torna o dono do circo, e continua transformando as mulheres desfiguradas para as belas estrelas de seu show. O repórter intrometida (bem como Scotland Yard) da polícia e se interessar quando as mulheres que querem fora do circo começam a morrer em acidentes estranhos, e eles começam a suspeitar o bom médico é responsável.
O Mistério do Quarto Escuro
In a 16th-century European town, the ruling family has been given a prophecy that, should there ever be twin boys born, the younger will murder the older; so is dismayed when twins are born to the popular baron. The older grows to be a selfish, slovenly man, who inherits the castle at his father's death and becomes ruler over the formerly happy villagers. He enjoys his power until he learns his younger brother is returning from abroad and, afraid of the prophecy, he determines to murder his sibling, hide his body in the "black room" - an old torture chamber sealed away behind the fireplace - and then impersonate him, right down to his withered arm. In this way he hopes to not only avoid the prophecy, but also escape consequences of his other criminal deeds and obtain marriage to a local girl of the nobility...
A family of a father, a mother and their son is looking forward to go on vacation. On the way they experience an accident, and their lives are suddenly and unexpectedly turned upside down.
Night of the Seagulls
A bizarre cult that practices a ritual of sacrificing humans terrorizes a young doctor and his wife, who have just moved to the group's village.
O Túmulo do Vampiro
Num cemitério, casal de namorados é atacado por vampiro que mata o rapaz e estupra a garota. Meses mais tarde, ela dá à luz um filho que, uma vez crescido, sairá em busca de seu pai.
The Gore Gore Girls
A ditsy reporter enlists the help of a sleazy private eye to solve a series of gory killings of female strippers at a Chicago nightclub.
Lentes do Mal
Três estudantes universitários, Stephen estudante de cinema, sua colega Cheryl e Quaid estudante de Filosofia, realizam um projeto acadêmico que procura registrar e entender os temores psicológicos e medos das pessoas. Para tanto registram em vídeo, os depoimentos de seus colegas sendo a fonte de seus estudos. Conforme o estudo avança, Quaid se torna obcecado pelo assunto levando o estudo a um patamar sem controle e transformando toda a experiência em algo absurdamente perigoso.
Summer está na estrada em busca de seu pai. Sua única pista é uma carta de uma comunidade rural chamada Massey. Chegando no local ela é resgatada de um confronto com um policial por Tom Haxey. Tom a leva até a sua casa. Summer se envolve com Tom, mas logo percebe que sua vida está em risco.
O Homem Que Odiava as Mulheres
Por que 13 mulheres voluntariamente abrem suas portas para o Estrangulador de Boston? Boston está sendo atacada por um serial-killer que já matou 13 mulheres. Até que a polícia captura Albert DeSalvo (Tony Curtis), um encanador que por não lembrar dos acontecimentos, dificulta as investigações da polícia. Baseado em fatos reais.
Perdas e Danos
O político britânico Stephen está em um casamento sem graça, mas estável, com Ingrid. Quando Stephen conhece a noiva sedutora de seu filho, Anna, ele se apaixona e começa um romance intenso, mas perigoso com ela. Dizer que Anna está noiva de seu filho e que ela é assombrada por demônios pessoais não é suficiente para parar Stephen. Continuando a relação sórdida, Stephen luta para evitar a destruição de si mesmo e sua família.


As Loucas Aventuras do Rabbi Jacob
In this riot of frantic disguises and mistaken identities, Victor Pivert, a blustering, bigoted French factory owner, finds himself taken hostage by Slimane, an Arab rebel leader. The two dress up as rabbis as they try to elude not only assasins from Slimane's country, but also the police, who think Pivert is a murderer. Pivert ends up posing as Rabbi Jacob, a beloved figure who's returned to France for his first visit after 30 years in the United States. Adding to the confusion are Pivert's dentist-wife, who thinks her husband is leaving her for another woman, their daughter, who's about to get married, and a Parisian neighborhood filled with people eager to celebrate the return of Rabbi Jacob.
Biquínis de Saint-Tropez
O ambicioso oficial de polícia Cruchol é transferido para Saint-Tropez. Além de lutar contra persistentes nadadores que insistem em ficar nus, ele também precisa lidar com a filha adolescente que está tentando impressionar os amigos ricos dizendo que seu pai era um homem milionário que possuía um iate no porto. Cruchol acaba sendo atraído para essa história ao precisar encobrir a filha quando um amigo empresta um carro do suposto pai dela.
Mania de Grandeza
Don Sallust is the minister of the King of Spain. Being disingenuous, hypocritical, greedy and collecting the taxes for himself, he is hated by the people he oppresses. Accused by The Queen, a beautiful princess Bavarian, of having an illegitimate child to one of her maids of honor, he was stripped of his duties and ordered to retire to a monastery.
The Cabbage Soup
Two buddy farmers are visited by aliens who like their domestic cabbage soup.
A Grande Escapada
Em 1942, um avião da Royal Air Force é abatido sobre uma Paris ocupada pelo exército nazi. Os três pilotos saltam em para-quedas: Peter Cunningham cai nos andaimes de Augustin Bouvet, um pintor da construção civil que está a trabalhar na fachada do comando alemão, Alan Macintosh aterra no telhado da Ópera, durante o ensaio da orquestra, dirigida por Stanislas LeFort, e Sir Reginald mergulha no tanque das focas, no Jardim Zoológico de Vincennes. Enquanto a polícia alemã se lança à sua procura, Stanislas e Augustin ocupam-se dos ingleses, lançando-se nas mais extraordinárias aventuras, para os conduzirem para a zona livre.
Nesse Barco Eu Não Embarco!
Louis-Philippe Fourchaume, another typical lead-role for French comedy superstar Louis de Funès, is the dictatorial CEO of a French company which designs and produces sail yachts, and fires in yet another tantrum his designer André Castagnier, not realizing that man is his only chance to land a vital contract with the Italian magnate Marcello Cacciaperotti. So he has to find him at his extremely rural birthplace in 'la France profonde', which proves a torturous odyssey for the spoiled rich man; when he does get there his torment is far from over: the country bumpkin refuses to resume his slavish position now the shoe is on the other foot, so Fourchaume is dragged along in the boorish family life, and at times unable to control his temper, which may cost him more credit then he painstakingly builds up...
O Avarento
Based on Molière's play. The children of Harpagon, Cléante and his sister Elise, are each in love but they still haven't spoken to their father yet. Harpagon is a miser who wants to choose the right man and the right woman for his children. When Cléante, at last, tries to speak to Harpagon, the old man informs the family that he wants to marry Marianne, the young girl loved by Cléante. Unaware of his son's sorrow, Harpagon doesn't understand why Cléante has become so angry with him.
The frozen body of Paul Fournier is discovered in Greenland where he had disappeared during a scientific expedition in 1905. Perfectly conserved he is brought back to life in the 1960s. His descendants take care of him: to spare him the cultural shock they behave so to make believe it's 1905 and they are his cousins, uncle...
The Restaurant
A great French restaurant's owner, Monsieur Septime, is thrust into intrigue and crime, when one of his famous guests disappears.
O Trouxa
In this Frenco-Italian gangster parody, a shop keeper on his way to an Italian holiday suffers a crash which totals his car. The culprit can only compensate his ruined trip by driving an American friends car from Napels to Bordeaux, but as it happens to be filled with such contraband as stolen money, jewelry and drugs, the involuntary and unwitting companions in crime soon attract all but recreational attention from the "milieu".
Coisas da Vida
Um rico promotor de eventos, Bertrand Barnier, leva uma vida pacata até o dia em que Christian, seu homem de confiança, o chantageia para obter a mão de sua filha em casamento. Entretanto, a filha de Barnier está grávida de Oscar, o motorista.
Fantômas is a man of many disguises. He uses maquillage as a weapon. He can impersonate anyone using an array of masks and can create endless confusion by constantly changing his appearance.
As Loucas Aventuras de um Gendarme em Nova York
Após ser escolhido para representar a França em um congresso internacional, o gendarme Cruchot (Louis de Funès) e sua brigada vão para Nova York.
O Teimoso
Guillaume has made it: A machine that can clean dirty air by simply sucking all dirt into air balloons and then shipping them far far away so his explanation. Some Japanese business guys, after dinner with a lot of alcohol, order 5,000 pieces. His only problem: His production capacity is way to small so he gets to produce the machines in his private house. His wife Bernadette is far from being happy about it. Her private life goes down the line so she decides to leave Guillaume and to finally have revenge she candidates for major against her husband...
O Fantasma Contra Scotland Yard
In the third and final episode of the trilogy, Fantômas imposes a head tax on the rich, threatening to kill those who do not comply.
As Loucas Aventuras de um Gendarme em Fuga
Depois de ser obrigado a se reformar, o Gendarme Cruchot (Louis de Funès) volta a usar o uniforme para ajudar um amigo que sofre de amnésia.
Selling author, Antoine Brisebard is a victim of a blackmailer, Jo, which threatens to jeopardize his reputation by revealing the past of his wife Sylvia. While the latter must pass the same night to take possession of the money required, Brisebard accidentally kills ...
O Louco, Louco Mundo do Gendarme
Quatro novas gendarmes jovens chegam à delegacia do Gendarme Cruchot (Louis de Funès) com o objetivo de aprender a profissão com os melhores.
O Gendarme Se Casa
Quando o Gendarme Cruchot (Louis de Funès) se apaixona por uma viúva e planeja casar-se com ela, sua filha travessa vai fazer de tudo para cancelar o casamento.
A Volta de Fantomas
In the second episode of the trilogy Fantômas kidnaps distinguished scientist professor Marchand with the aim to develop a super weapon that will enable him to menace the world. Fantômas is also planning to abduct a second scientist, professor Lefebvre.