Green Island Serenade

Gênero : História, Drama

Runtime : 5M

Director : Hou Chi-jan


Taipei, 1954. The song, Green Island Serenade, was heard over the Tannoy in the park. The crowds listened in silence. As time moves on, the park, where people used to come for music, has become a meeting point for gay men at night. No more songs are heard over the Tannoy, but the melancholy melodies still echo in the lonely hearts of those young men lingering in the park. Although youth is gone and the singer has aged, the singing continues for over half of a century.



Hou Chi-jan
Hou Chi-jan


Em 1987, o estudante universitário e membro do movimento pró-democracia Park Jong-chul é preso pela polícia. Ele é então torturado até a morte. A polícia e o governo tentam encobrir o caso de Park Jong-Chul, mas os estudantes de mídia e universitários tentam revelar a verdade.
Motorista de Táxi
Em 1980, durante a ditadura militar na Coreia do Sul, um humilde taxista de Seul é contratado por um jornalista alemão Jürgen Hinzpeter para levá-lo até a cidade de Gwangju. Ao chegar lá, eles se deparam com o lugar tomado pelo governo militar e com os cidadãos, liderados por um grupo de estudantes, reivindicando liberdade. O que começa com uma simples corrida de táxi se torna uma luta pela sobrevivência em meio à Revolta de Gwangju, em maio de 1980.
Miao 18
The citizens of Gwangju lead a relatively peaceful life, until one day the military takes over the city, accusing the residents of conspiracy and claiming that they are communist sympathisers preparing a revolution against the current government. Seeing as the soldiers beat defenceless people, mainly students, to death, the citizens are in for retaliation and form a militia.
O Primeiro Homem
A vida do astronauta norte-americano Neil Armstrong e sua jornada para se tornar o primeiro homem a andar na Lua. Os sacrifícios e custos de Neil e toda uma nação durante uma das mais perigosas missões na história das viagens espaciais.
United é baseado na história real dos lendários "Busby Babes" do Manchester United, o time mais jovem a vencer a Football League e o Munich Air Crash de 1958, que levou oito de seus números. O filme baseia-se em entrevistas em primeira mão com os sobreviventes e suas famílias para contar a história inspiradora de uma equipe e comunidade superando uma terrível tragédia.
Peppermint Candy
In the spring of 1999, a group of old friends gather to celebrate their 20 year reunion. Among the group is Yeong-ho, a cold, unhappy man, whose demeanor puts a damper on the festivities. The seriousness of Yeong-ho's depression becomes apparent when he climbs a railroad bridge and looks like he might jump. At this crucial moment, memories of seven crucial episodes from Yeong-ho's past flood his mind.
Chile, 1973. Gonzalo Infante (Matías Quer) é um garoto que estuda no Colégio Saint Patrick, o mais conceituado de Santiago. Gonzalo é de uma família de classe alta, morando em um bairro na área nobre da cidade com seus pais e sua irmã. O padre McEnroe (Ernesto Malbran), o diretor do colégio, inspirado no governo de Salvador Allende decide implementar uma política que faça com que alunos pobres também estudem no Saint Patrick. Um deles é Pedro Machuca (Ariel Mateluna) que, assim como os demais, fica deslocado em meio aos antigos alunos da escola. Provocado, Pedro é seguro por trás e um deles manda que Gonzalo o bata, que se recusa a fazer isto e ainda o ajuda a fugir. A partir de então nasce uma amizade entre os dois garotos, apesar do abismo de classe existente entre eles.
O Advogado
No início dos anos 1980, a Coréia do Sul encontra-se dividida pelos protestos estudantis devido a falta de representação no governo. Woo-Seok Song é um advogado de sucesso em Busan, especializado em direito tributário. Os seus pontos de vista sobre as liberdades civis são alterados pelo ativista estudantil Jin-woo Park. Quando Jin-Woo é brutalmente torturado e julgado pelo seu ativismo, Woo-seok decide defender Jin-woo como seu cliente.
O polonês Andrzej Wajda descreve o famoso e triste massacre de Katyn. Meses depois da invasão nazista na Polônia, em 1939, aproximadamente 22 mil prisioneiros de guerra poloneses são mortos pela polícia secreta soviética nas florestas da cidade de Katyn.
125 Years Memory
Two historical incidents that deepened the friendship between Japan and Turkey are connected in this story of friendship and compassion: In the night of 16 September 1890 the Turkish frigate Ertuğrul is caught up in a typhoon and sinks off the Japanese coast. Risking their own lives, local villagers are able to rescue 69 Turkish sailors. Although being very poor and having hardly to eat, the villagers share what little they have with strangers from a country 9,000 kilometers away. 95 years later, during the Iran-Iraq War, more than 300 Japanese are stranded in Tehran. In the morning of 19 March 1985 a Turkish Airlines aircraft takes off for Tehran to evacuate the Japanese. But the remaining Turks at Tehran Mehrabad Airport still need to be convinced that they won't be able to board their own country's rescue flight.
Correndo Contra o Vento
Mary Linden works for the French Red Cross in Occupied France during World War II and helps allied soldiers who have been shot down to escape to the unoccupied side. Her activities are complicated by her high profile and her daughter's love affair with a German officer. Based on the true story.
The film begins following the British victory of the first Opium War and the seizure of Hong Kong. Although the island is largely uninhabited and the terrain unfriendly, it has a large port that both the British government and various trading companies believe will be useful for the import of merchandise to be traded on mainland China, a highly lucrative market.
Joshua: Adolescente vs. Superpotência
Mobilizados pelo ativista Joshua Wong, cidadãos ocupam as ruas de Hong Kong para preservar sua autonomia da China.
O Eleito
Em 1937, o revolucionário espanhol Ramón Mercader treina para ser espião soviético e se passar por um belga rico como parte de um plano para assassinar Leon Trotsky no México.
A Mulher Que Eu Amei!
The son of a ruthless meatpacking king goes through a number of changes in ideals and motivations as he reluctantly inherits the mantle and falls in love.
A Petal
A young girl is caught up in the 1980 Gwangju massacre, where Korean soldiers killed hundreds, if not thousands, of protesters who opposed the country's takeover by the military the year before. Flashbacks show the girl seeing her mother shot to death in the massacre. The film spurred the Korean public to demand the truth behind the incident, and their government eventually opened previously classified files on the massacre.
The Scarlett O'Hara War
The trials and tribulations of David O. Selznick as he attempts to find an actress to play the role of Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind (1939).
9 Days in the Summer
The President's Barber
A well-meaning but politically naive barber gets pulled into the inner circle of the South Korean dictator Park Chung-Hee, with rather baleful consequences for his hapless family. This sharp political satire covers roughly twenty years in South Korean political history, from the viewpoint of the barber's son.
O Dia em Que Jogaram a Bomba
On August 6 1945, one plane dropped one bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. In an instant, the city was destroyed and 80,000 people were dead. But the dropping of the Atomic bomb also launched the Nuclear age, shaping all of our lives and changing the world for ever. For this film we have tracked down people who made the bomb, people who dropped the bomb, and people who were in Hiroshima – some less than half a mile from ground zero -when the bomb fell on their city. Many of the witnesses are in their 90s and this will be the last time they will be able to tell their extraordinary stories. The Day They Dropped The Bomb is told through witness recollections, rare archive film and photographs shot at the time. The documentary will be broadcast for the 70th anniversary of Hiroshima next year by ITV and in America by the Smithsonian Channel.