
Homophobia (2020)

Gênero :

Runtime : 3M

Director : Al Zaher


Homophobia is the aversion or hatred towards homosexuality - and when it comes from within it is more ingrained, harsher and more inhumane.



Al Zaher
Al Zaher


When a nonverbal autistic teen's family is falling apart, he must find his voice to keep them together.
Oque e Certo Para Mim
Tat frequenta reuniões de apoio gay com seu amigo abertamente gay Nat. Os dois rapazes ficam surpresos quando a paixão de Tat, o atleta talentoso Ek, aparece numa das reuniões. Questionando sua sexualidade, Ek se volta para Tat por conselho e um doce romance se desenvolve, criando uma situação embaraçosa entre Tat e Nat.
The Prisoner
Sonny and Dub once shared a cell. Now Sonny is a free man, but Dub is on death row and sentenced to be executed in a matter of days. As Sonny comes to visit Dub one last time, Dub has one last dying request for Sonny.
The Raccoon
Xiao An and Mao Cai live in the same dormitory and meet one another because of their accidentally swapped bedsheets. They grow closer by meeting frequently, to the point that Mao Cai asks Xiao An to be his little brother. Although what Xiao An feels is way more than brotherly love, he accepts Mao Cai's request. While both of them are trying to figure out their feelings, Lao Si (Xiao An's rommate) is getting into the picture too, making everything even more complicated.
Herz aus Stein
Wolfgang (13) lives on the street. One night, by chance, he finds the head of a statue for which a large reward is being offered. To collect the reward, he goes to the specified address - a beautiful, old house on the outskirts of the city - and meets with an elderly woman. Because of the unexpected beauty and tranquillity of his surroundings, Wolfgang keeps quiet about the statue head, and stays. But things soon start to change, because the old woman, although mute and tied to a wheelchair as a result of a stroke, suddenly begins to behave strangely, she wants something from him ...
A Boy Inside the Boy
The story is told through the eyes of a boy, how he wanders between reality and dream. His daily life is transformed to a surreal world through the unique sensitivity of boyhood.
Teoria da Cinemática
Zhang Zhe, um estudante genial, e Zhang Nan, um belo nadador, não conseguem se entender. Eles não esperavam se encontrar na mesma universidade. Zhe é um gênio matemático, mas tem uma fobia social; Nan é um atleta, mas ele odeia ser usado como uma máquina de corrida por seu pai. Os dois homens se ajudam por meio de incentivo mútuo. Nan ajuda Zhe a superar seus medos sociais, enquanto Zhe ajuda Nan a encontrar o verdadeiro significado de ser um atleta.
Ghost Boyfriend 2
In order to free her boyfriend Zhou Junchi from a thousand-year-old curse, a psychic named Shao Tang decides to seek help from a girl who communicates with the “God of Bed”. Unexpectedly, she uncovers a conspiracy, as an unwelcomed guest who happens to be Zhou Junchi’s “ex-girlfriend” returns despite thought to be terminally ill. Bewildered, Zhou Junchi and Shao Tang smell danger…
Earth is a high school boy who working on a path that is chaotic and confusing and so silently holds grievances in his heart. But when a young boy moves next to Earth's house, Earth's life slowly begins to change. This is a story of how the two boys get closer and help each other grow, showing that the soft changes in life can be found in the location that's just next to each other's house.
The Perfect Man's Man
Curta coreano sobre a historia de um estudante, Hye Sung Won, que tenta lutar contra seus sentimentos por não se achar bom o suficiente para tê-los por seu amado e aparentemente perfeito amigo, Jeong Hyuk Moon , que alem de ser seu amor sempre tira notas ótimas.
Amor opressivo
Ah Nam é um estudante de transferido da Tailândia que tem estranhos pesadelos, que o incomodam há quase um ano. Por alguma razão, ele conhece Chang Ru Hao, que depois tenta ajudá-lo a lutar contra seus pesadelos. No entanto, a família de Ru Hao esconde um segredo que está relacionado com os pesadelos de Ah Nam e tragédia de seu irmãozinho.
His Cat
Ye Yuwei is a transfer student who encounters his desk-mate, He Chenghan, in the new class. Under the handsome look of He Chenghan is a girly heart. He is interested in cartoons of young girls and keeping cats. In the eyes of He Chenghan, Ye Yuwei seems to be a cat and a sentimental teenager who gradually becomes aware of his own emotions that are completely different.
The Right Man - Because I Love You
Than, who is trying to have a relationship with Palm while texting his neighbor, who helps him with his problems and deals with his mother...
Swinging Blossom
Conta a história de um senhor, Gu Sijun, que possui um tipo de sangue raro, com características curativas e de longevidade, mas que vive recluso boa parte de sua vida em um asilo, até que um dia seu neto, Gu Jia, chama-o para morar com sua família. Com a finalidade de assegurar a felicidade de seu neto, ele acaba tentando comprar um ingresso para uma exposição de arte de Ma Mingjin, ídolo de Gu Jia, e quando tenta fazer contato com Mingjin, algo sobrenatural ocorre... seu corpo rejuvenesce. Agora que voltou à juventude, Gu Sijun assume a identidade de Gu Jun e, ao mesmo tempo que orientará seu neto acerca de sua sexualidade, ele tentará corrigir arrependimentos do seu próprio passado, pois ele acabou se apaixonando por Ma Mingjin, um renomado fotógrafo.
Hand-drawn charcoal drawings movingly depict the loneliness and bewilderment of a child seeking safety in a war zone, in this timely very short animation that uses found sound to explore the powerlessness of the refugee experience. Produced as part of the 11th edition of the NFB’s Hothouse apprenticeship.
You Before Me
A young boy fears there is something in the hallway outside of his bedroom. Afraid to open the door and find out, he gets creative.