
The Magic Rosette (1878)

Gênero : Animação

Runtime : 1M

Director : Émile Reynaud


Praxinoscope strip of a shifting rosette. Series 2, number 5.



Émile Reynaud
Émile Reynaud
Émile Reynaud
Émile Reynaud
Animation Director


The Magic Rosette
Praxinoscope strip of a shifting rosette. Series 2, number 5.
Zim, Boum, Boum
Praxinoscope animation of a green-suited boy wearing a drum and cymbal. Series 1, number 10
Incubala of Animation
A patchwork of the first animated movies from the collections of La Cinémathèque française : Stroboscopic Discs (1833), Zoetropes (since 1867), Reynaud's Praxinoscope (1878-1879), plates of Muybridge and Anschütz (1880-1890), an unseen Marey's chronophotography (1889), Chromolithographs films (since 1897), including one inspired by the second Georges Méliès' film, "Une séance de prestidigitation" (1896), with a photographic version, unseen until now.
Dancing on the Rope
Early Praxinoscope strip showing a girl dancing on a tightrope. Series 1, Number 7.
The Aquarium
Praxinoscope reel, Series 1, number 1
Le Jeu de Corde
Praxinoscope of a girl in a blue dress skipping rope. Series 1, number 9
Le Jeu du Volant
Praxinoscope animations of a girl in a blue dress bouncing a shuttlecock on a badminton racket. Series 2, number 2
Les Papillons
Praxinoscope animation of a butterfly fluttering about a flower. Series 2, number 6.
Le Trapèze
Praxinoscope animation of a man spinning around a trapeze. Series 2, number 7.
La Charmeuse
Praxinoscope animation of a girl charming a flock of birds. Series 3, number 1.
La Balançoire
Praxinoscope animation of two children playing on a homemade teeter-totter. Series 3, number 2.
Le Fumeur
Praxinoscope animation of a man sitting backwards in a char smoking a cigar, while a dog jumps up at him. Series 3, number 5.
Le Jongleur
Praxinoscope animation of a juggler balancing a spinning plate on their nose. Series 1, number 2.
Praxinoscope animation of a child laying down balancing a drum upon his upraised legs. Series 1, number 3.
Les Bulles de Savon
Praxinoscope animation of a girl in a blue dress blowing soap bubbles. Series 1, number 5.
Le Rotisseur
Praxinoscope animation of a chef rotating meat on a spit while spooning drippings over it. Series 1, number 6.
Le Repas des Poulets
Praxinoscope animation of a woman feeding chickens. Series 1, number 4
La Nageuse
Praxinoscope animation of a swimmer. Series 2, number 8.
Le Steeple-chase
Praxinoscope animation of an equestrian riding. Series 3, number 8.
Les Chiens Savants
Praxinoscope animation of a boy holding a hoop for two trained dogs to leap through. Series 1, number 8.


A Mansão do Diabo
Filme que é considerado o primeiro filme de horror da história. Mostra a luta de Mefisto com um cavaleiro. O filme contém muitos elementos tradicionais de pantomima e foi intencionalmente feito tendo em vista entreter as pessoas, mais do que assustá-los. Apesar disso, é considerado o primeiro filme de terror da história.
Viagem à Lua
Uma associação de astrônomos concordou em ouvir o plano do professor Barbenfouillis, seu presidente, de voar para a lua. Com a única voz dissidente anulada por Barbenfouillis e os outros membros, o plano é aprovado com Barbenfouillis escolhendo cinco outros para acompanhá-lo. A maior parte da preparação para a viagem está na construção da embarcação e do mecanismo de lançamento, que se assemelha a uma bala grande e a uma arma grande, respectivamente.
The Musician Monkey
A pre-cinematograph colour animation of the monkey playing his violin.
O Almoço do Bebê
Louis Lumière filma seu irmão e sua mulher dando comida ao seu filho.
Um Homem Caminhando por uma Esquina
The last remaining production of Le Prince's LPCC Type-16 (16-lens camera) is part of a gelatine film shot in 32 images/second, and pictures a man walking around a corner. Le Prince, who was in Leeds (UK) at that time, sent these images to his wife in New York City in a letter dated 18 August 1887.
O Regador Regado
Um jardineiro acaba todo molhado devido uma brincadeira de criança. Primeiro filme cômico da história.
Poor Pierrot
One night, Arlequin comes to see his lover Colombine. But then Pierrot knocks at the door and Colombine and Arlequin hide. Pierrot starts singing but Arlequin scares him and the poor man goes away.
A Chegada de um Trem à Estação
Um dos primeiros filmes da história mostrando a chegada do trem a estação de Lá Ciotat, França.
The Sea
Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.