Music Got Me Here (2017)
Gênero : Documentário
Runtime : 1H 29M
Director : Susan Koch
A story about the power of music to heal and transform lives, often in miraculous ways.
Noruega, 2011. Anders Behring Breivik, consumido pelos seus ideias fundamentalistas cristãos e anti-islâmicos, mata 75 pessoas a tiros em um acampamento na Ilha de Utoya. Os sobreviventes do ataque pedem justiça ao governo Norueguês, enquanto os advogados do terrorista condenado se mobilizam para defendê-lo perante a lei. Baseado em fatos reais.
Tom (Bill Milner) é baleado no momento em que tenta parar um ataque violento contra sua namorada Lucy (Maisie Williams). Depois de um tempo ele acorda do coma e descobre que fragmentos de seu smartphone foram incorporados no seu cérebro, dando a ele super poderes. Tom usa esse conhecimento e tecnologia para se vingar da gangue responsável pelo ataque.
A ciência da miniaturização foi desvendada, e o exército tem grandes planos. Mas quando um cientista que transporta o segredo do processo é ferido em um ataque surpresa, um coágulo sanguíneo que ameaça sua vida o coloca em coma. Agora, uma equipe de aventureiros terá que usar essa mesma tecnologia para viajar para dentro de seu corpo e destruir o coágulo.
Discovered by Wu-Tang Clan's RZA, Hell Razah had a promising career and gold records before he was tragically struck down with a brain aneurysm. Risen traces his journey to recovery - both spiritually and physically - back to the mic.
Um dossiê da morte bem de perto, de todos os ângulos. Uma sangrenta luta de cães, uma jantar com cérebro de macaco, um homem ateando fogo no próprio corpo, uma visita a um quarto de autópsias entre outras atrocidades mortais.
A jovem socialite Catherine Holly fica traumatizada após testemunhar a morte do seu primo. Mas a sua tia tenta subornar um médico para fazer uma lobotomia na sobrinha, com o objetivo de manter as circunstâncias da morte do filho em segredo.
An evil ninja Rider, Kamen Rider Fuma, appears from the virtual reality world in an effort to conquer Earth! It is up to the CR Riders to use the power of virtual reality gaming to save a young girl’s life and stop the evil plans of Machina Vision CEO Johnny Maxima before the Bugster Virus infects all of humanity!
Murders, with victims dying from spines broken by brute strength, erupt in the city and the killers, when encountered, walk away unharmed by police bullets which strike them. A police doctor's investigation of the deaths leads to the discovery of an army of dead criminal musclemen restored to life, remotely controlled by a vengeful former crime boss and a former Nazi scientist, from the latter's laboratory hidden in the suburbs.
Após um homem perturbado confessar ter assassinado a esposa e ser internado em uma clínica, uma doutora tenta provar sua inocência.
A teenage orphan and delinquent rebels against her evil family during a global virus outbreak.
A prisoner undergoes experimental brain surgery in order to get early parole. He released but has no memories. Things get dangerous when a group of thugs go after him in search of loot he hid before his amnesia.
Na infância, Blizzard sofreu um acidente e durante a cirurgia suas pernas foram, talvez desnecessariamente, amputadas. Crescendo transtornado com isto, ele se torna um criminoso cruel e líder da máfia de San Francisco. Agora ele tentará se vingar do cirurgião que realizou sua operação.
Dr. Steven Bishop is taken to the hideout of Frank Dillon and his gang to treat the wounded Joe Madison. Joe's nurse sister Nora Madison is also taken. Dillon tells Bishop that if Joe dies, he will be killed, but Bishop knows he will be either way. Joe dies, but Nora and Steve conceal it from Dillon and send a plea for help in a prescription that Bishop writes in Latin.
A scientist takes the brain of dead man and revives it via electrodes as it lays suspended in a tank of liquid. Soon, the brain grows to possess enormous psychic powers and inflicts its personality upon the doctor who saved it, creating a "Jekyll and Hyde" paradigm.
Drawing on the book of the same name, League of Denial crafts a searing two-hour indictment of the National Football League’s decades-long concealment of the link between football related head injuries and brain disorders.
National Geographic: Incredible Human Machine takes viewers on a two-hour journey through an ordinary, and extraordinary, day-in-the-life of the human machine. With stunning high-definition footage, radical scientific advances and powerful firsthand accounts, Incredible Human Machine plunges deep into the routine marvels of the human body. Through 10,000 blinks of an eye, 20,000 breaths of air and 100,000 beats of the heart, see the amazing and surprising, even phenomenal inner workings of our bodies on a typical day. And explore striking feats of medical advancement, from glimpses of an open-brain surgery to real-time measurement of rocker Steven Tyler's vocal chords.
We follow neurosurgeons Clemens Dirven and Arnoud Vincent of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam in this documentary during the treatment of three patients with a brain tumor.
This year, the building of the Oxford animal lab has triggered the most important conflict between scientists and the animal rights movement for a century.
A trip to meet her fiance's family becomes a descent into hell when Marie discovers that her future husband wants more than just a wife... Dying for a rich husband, Marie is thrilled when Thomas brings her home to his family's massive estate. But there is something wrong in the house, and as the days go by and Marie wanders the dim halls, she makes a gruesome discovery. There is a lab underground, and a body, and all that's missing is a brain...
In the far future, a professor of quantum physics is about to undergo surgery to remove his brain tumor, and is offered a backup of his brain for safety reasons.