Many Wars Ago (1970)
They fought by the rule book... and died by the thousands!
Gênero : Drama, Guerra
Runtime : 1H 41M
Director : Francesco Rosi
Time after time, soldiers of the Italian Army are forced to leave their mountain trenches in attempts to storm an enemy fortress, always with the same disastrous results. As casualties mount, indignation spreads among the rank and file. Disturbed by his superiors' decisions, Lieutenant Sassu is led to question the purpose of war and reconsider where his real duties lie.
On leave in Italy, Lt. Tommy Knowlton falls in love with Jean Standish, who's not only married, but is the daughter of his submarine's commander. Friction between the two officers becomes intolerable once at sea and after Commander Toler is forced to abandon Tommy's best friend topside while the sub dives to escape enemy planes, Tommy is no longer able to contain his anger.
La Sciantosa is part of a project created by writer/director Alfredo Gianetti for the Italian TV. The objective was to portrait a hundred years of Italian history through three movies, all of them with Anna Magnani. The other two are "1943: un incontro" and "L'autmobile". In this first movie, La Magnani is Flora Torres, a "sciantosa" (kind of a small stage diva) who is forgotten during the WWI, living only to remember her past glory. One day she receives a letter to present herself to the high command. There, Flora is called to go to the front and entertain the troops. Along with her maid Cristina, Flora goes to the front. There they are welcomed by the young private Tonino (Massimo Ranieri). Flora starts to act like a prima donna, making absurd demands to everyone. But when she is about to present herself, the vision of the wounded soldiers makes her change her way
In times of World War I, a group of boisterous young ladies occurs to them that they could help the boys of the front writing letters to them and, thus, becoming their godmothers of war. Madeleine writes to the soldier Jacques Bertin, but, out of prudence, instead of giving her true identity, she impersonates her late grandmother. When the soldier comes on leave and wants to see her, the mistake will bring humorous consequences.
Denise lives with her grandparents on a farm and secretly meets Robert. When she tells her grandparents that she wants to marry Robert, they refuse outright, so the two lovers will have no choice but to elope and marry in the nearby town. On the eve of having a child, war breaks out and Robert is mobilized.
Set against the backdrop of WWI Europe, a man and woman of different classes are brought together by their love of Lippizan horses.
Conta a história do Sargento Michael Dunne (Paul Gross), um soldado brutalmente ferido na França, que retorna para Calgary emocionalmente e fisicamente traumatizado. No hospital militar em Calgary, ele conhece Sarah (Caroline Dhavernas), uma misteriosa e atraente enfermeira pela qual se apaixona. Quando David (Joe Dinicol), o irmão mais novo e asmático de Sarah, se alista para lutar na Europa, Michael sente-se obrigado a voltar para lá e protegê-lo. Michael e David, como milhares de canadenses, são enviados para a terceira batalha de Ypres, uma batalha contra obstáculos impossíveis, comumente conhecida por Passchendaele . Esta é uma história de paixão, coragem e dedicação, mostrando o heroísmo daqueles que lutaram na guerra e de todos os que os amaram.
Drama about the rebellion of the Trencín Infantry Regiment against its superior officers in the Serbian city of Kragujevac, at the end of the First World War. It was the biggest and deadliest rebellion in the Austro-Hungarian army.
In WWI Germany, a famous conductor is attacked and transformed into a vampire, and must now choose between the woman he loves and avenging his only son's murder.
Sete estudantes patriotas alemães apresentam-se como voluntários para o serviço militar em plena Primeira Guerra Mundial. Baseado no conto homônimo de Erich Maria Remarque, "Sem Novidade No Front" é um grande filme pacifista, que mostra a loucura e futilidade da guerra. As cenas de guerra nas trincheiras são retratadas de forma brilhante e dolorosa. Mesmo muitos anos após o seu lançamento, continua sendo um tema atual e dominante nos países que sofreram e sofrem com a guerra. Vencedor dos Oscars de Melhor Filme e Melhor Diretor. Considerado o maior filme anti-guerra de todos os tempos.
During World War I, a home care nurse treats a man who lost one leg on the front lines. A strong bond arises between them and evolves into a passionate love affair.
It is 1915 in Vienna and the Great War has caused many casualties. Elsa, a beautiful prostitute, wants to help the war effort, but is rejected as a nurse, but a government official thinks that she will make an excellent spy.
Apesar de ser considerado um herói pelos alemães, sendo reconhecido pelos seus esforços na Primeira Guerra Mundial, Manfred von Richthofen fica dividido entre seu desgosto pela guerra e a responsabilidade com seus homens.
Inspired by three Henry James short stories, this is the story of a World War I veteran who works as an obituary writer at the newspaper. Worshipping his deceased wife, he is obsessed with the dead people in his life and soon intends to build a memorial to all of them.
Winston Churchill, one of the most revered men of the twentieth century. Adolf Hitler, one of the most hated leaders in contemporary history. Between 1940 and 1945, these two enormously contradictory personalities faced each other in both politics and war. A clash of giants whose story begins in the trenches of the World War I and ends with the debacle of the World War II.
The foul-mouthed, wheelchair-bound Mr. Rush introduces three adventure tales inspired by the EC Comics of the 1950s: "Showdown," "King of the Road," and "Yellow." This star-studded telefilm was an attempt to launch a second anthology series in the mold of "Tales from the Crypt." When the film failed to generate sufficient interest, the three tales were re-edited and shown as "Crypt" episodes.
Um jogador de golfe desiludido tenta recuperar o seu swing e restabelecer a sua confiança com a ajuda de um misterioso caddy que surge do nada. O carregador de tacos que cobra apenas US$ 5 faz com que ele enfrente desafios e encontre sentido na vida.
Três irmãos, três destinos. Alfred (Aidan Quinn) é o reservado, o caçula Samuel (Henry Thomas) é o protegido, e o do meio, Tristan (Brad Pitt), aprendeu com os índios a ter um espírito aventureiro. Ao trazer de volta para o rancho do pai (Anthony Hopkins) uma bela jovem (Julia Ormond), Samuel inicia um conflito de paixões que pode terminar em tragédia para sua família.
Mathilde (Audrey Tautou) e Manech (Gaspard Ulliel) cresceram juntos e descobriram o amor. A 1ª Guerra Mundial os separa. Ao fim da guerra Mathilde faz uma incansável busca para encontrar Manech.
Harry is a young millionaire on holiday; he takes his yacht to a Greek island, and stays in the mansion of his friend...