
Cry Rock (2010)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 29M

Director : Banchi Hanuse


The wild beauty of the Bella Coola Valley blends with vivid watercolor animation illuminating the role of the Nuxalk oral tradition and the intersection of story, place and culture.


Alvin Mack
Alvin Mack
Deborah Nelson
Deborah Nelson
Clyde Tallio
Clyde Tallio
Violet Tallio
Violet Tallio


Rina Fraticelli
Rina Fraticelli
Consulting Producer
Erin Cumming
Erin Cumming
Carmen Pollard
Carmen Pollard
Mike Paprocki
Mike Paprocki
Sound Editor
Kim MacNaughton
Kim MacNaughton
Assistant Camera
Brooke Thomson
Brooke Thomson
Sound Recordist
Jay White
Jay White
Shane McCormack
Shane McCormack
Brian Barr
Brian Barr
Sound Engineer
Joelysa Pankanea
Joelysa Pankanea
Music Score Producer
Meredith Bates
Meredith Bates
Mark Haney
Mark Haney
Elinor Harshenin
Elinor Harshenin
Rick Maddocks
Rick Maddocks
Samantha Edgar
Samantha Edgar
Production Assistant
Annie Reid
Annie Reid
Story Consultant
Banchi Hanuse
Banchi Hanuse
Banchi Hanuse
Banchi Hanuse
Sylvaine Dufaux
Sylvaine Dufaux


Em 1892, um capitão do exército escoltou relutantemente um chefe da guerra cheyenne e sua família de volta à sua terra tribal. Os viajantes precisam se unir para sobreviver a uma paisagem inclemente e que está repleta de comanches hostis.
Dança com Lobos
Durante a Guerra Civil, um jovem soldado pratica uma ato ousado, é considerado herói e vai servir por sua escolha em um lugar com forte predominância do povo Sioux. Com o tempo, ele assimila os costumes dos nativos, acontecendo uma aculturação às avessas.
Terra Selvagem
Cory (Jeremy Renner), caçador de coiotes e predadores traumatizado pela morte da filha adolescente, encontra o corpo congelado de uma menina em meio ao nada e inicia uma investigação sobre o crime com o auxílio de uma agente novata do FBI (Elizabeth Olsen) que desconhece a região.
Coração de Trovão
Ray Levoi (Val Kilmer), um agente do FBI de ascendência indígena, é escalado para investigar um assassinato em uma reserva Sioux. As evidências apontam para William Dawes (Fred Dalton Thompson), um ativista radical, mas pouco a pouco Levoi monta as peças de um quebra-cabeças que mostra que o governo pode estar prestes a condenar um homem inocente.
Horror Sangrento
Os mortos estão voltando à vida fora da reserva isolada Mi'gmaq de Corvo Vermelho, exceto por seus habitantes indígenas que são imunes à peste zumbi. Traylor, o xerife tribal, deve proteger a namorada grávida de seu filho, refugiados apocalípticos, e reservar riff raff das hordas de cadáveres brancos ambulantes.
Stolen Women, Captured Hearts
Kansas, 1868. A wagon train is attacked by a band of Lakota Sioux led by the young and athletic warrior Tokalah. The attractive, red haired Anna Brewster-Morgan and her friend Sarah White are on this wagon train too. When Tokalah noticed a terrified Anna with a Bible, he thinks this is an omen. Despite killing the other passengers of the wagon train, only Anna and Sarah may continue their voyage. The next day Anna and Sarah are kidnapped by Tokalah. At first terrified of her captors, the unhappily married Anna eventually falls in love with the noble, honorable Tokalah. After a year's captivity, Sarah is returned to her own people. Anna now must choose between her new life with Tokalah and her previous existence as the wife of farmer Daniel Morgan.
Uma Mulher Exemplar
Final do século XIX. Caroline Weldon (Jessica Chastain), artista e ativista do Brooklyn, vai até a reserva Standing Rock para ajudar Touro Sentado, chefe dos sioux, a lutar pela preservação dos indígenas no local. Ela se muda para a aldeia com o filho adolescente, assume o cargo de secretária de Touro - que não fala inglês - e passa a enviar cartas para o governo dos EUA pedindo atenção ao caso.
Enterrem Meu Coração na Curva do Rio
Iniciando logo após a sangrenta vitória dos Sioux sobre o General Custer em Little Big Horn, a história é contada através de duas perspectivas únicas: Charles Eastman, um jovem médico de origem Sioux criado por brancos, apresentado como a prova viva do alegado sucesso na assimilação da cultura branca pelos índios, e Touro Sentado, o orgulhoso chefe Lakota cuja tribo foi a maior vencedora da batalha de Little Big Horn.
Na ilha de Tanna, em Vanuatu, a jovem Wawa se apaixona por Dain, mas é oferecida em noivado em uma oferta de paz a outra tribo. Desesperados, os jovens precisam decidir entre fugir e ser felizes juntos ou zelar pelo futuro de sua tribo.
Algo de Podre na Água
Conheça a luta de comunidades minoritárias da Nova Escócia, que enfrentam as autoridades contra os efeitos letais dos resíduos industriais.
Keep Talking
Three Alaska Native women work to save their endangered language, Kodiak Alutiiq, and ensure the future of their culture while confronting their personal demons. With just 41 fluent Native speakers remaining, mostly Elders, some estimate their language could die out within ten years. The small community travels to a remote Island, where a language immersion experiment unfolds with the remaining fluent Elders. Young camper Sadie, an at-risk 13 year old learner and budding Alutiiq dancer, is inspired and gains strength through her work with the teachers. Yet PTSD and politics loom large as the elders, teachers, and students try to continue the difficult task of language revitalization over the next five years.
The Chocolate Farmer
For ancient Mayans, cocoa was as good as gold. For subsistence farmer Eladio Pop, his cocoa crops are the only riches he has to support his wife and 15 children. As he wields his machete with ease, slicing a path to his cocoa trees, the small jungle plot he cultivates in southern Belize remains pristine and wild. His dreams for his children to inherit the land and the traditions of their Mayan ancestors present a familiar challenge. The kids feel their father's philosophies don't fit into a global economy, so they're charting their own course. Rohan Fernando's direction tenderly displays a generational shift, causalities of progress in modern times and a man valiantly protecting an endangered culture. Breathtaking vistas of lush rainforests contrast with the urban dystopia that pulled Pop’s children away from him. Will one child return to carry on a waning way of life
The Seventh Fire
When gang leader Rob Brown is sentenced to prison for a fifth time, he must confront his role in bringing violent drug culture into his beloved American Indian community in northern Minnesota. As Rob reckons with his past, his seventeen-year-old protégé, Kevin, dreams of the future: becoming the most powerful and feared Native gangster on the reservation.
Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee
Mary Crow Dog, daughter of a desperately poor Indian family in South Dakota, is swept up in the protests of the 1960s and becomes sensitized to the injustices that society inflicts on her people. She aids the Lakota in their struggle for their rights: a struggle that culminates in an armed standoff with US government forces at the site of an 1890 massacre.
Tawai: A Voice from the Forest
Explorer Bruce Parry visits nomadic tribes in Borneo and the Amazon in hope to better understand humanity's changing relationship with the world around us.
Run, Simon, Run
A Papago Indian returns to his reservation after a prison term and searches for his brother's killer.
Drunktown's Finest
On a desolate Navajo reservation in New Mexico, three young people – a college-bound, devout Christian; a rebellious and angry father-to-be; and a promiscuous but gorgeous Nádleehi (trans person)- search for love and acceptance.
You Are on Indian Land
The territory of Akwesasne straddles the Canada-U.S. border. When Canadian authorities prohibited the duty-free cross-border passage of personal purchases - a right established by the Jay Treaty of 1794 - Kanien'kéhaka protesters blocked the international bridge between Ontario and New York State.
Cree Code Talker
CREE CODE TALKER reveals the role of Canadian Cree code talker Charles 'Checker' Tomkins during the Second World War. Digging deep into the US archives it depicts the true story of Charles' involvement with the US Air Force and the development of the code talkers communication system, which was used to transmit crucial military communications, using the Cree language as a vital secret weapon in combat.
Quando Morrem as Lendas
An elderly rodeo rider becomes mentor to a young man attempting to make his own name in the business.