
Congo, My Precious (2017)

Gênero : Documentário, Guerra

Runtime : 52M

Director : Anastasia Trofimova


The Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa is one of the world’s most resource-rich countries. A wide range of rare minerals can be found here in abundance, all commanding high prices in world commodity markets. Diamonds for jewellery, tantalum, tungsten and gold for electronics; uranium used in power generation and weaponry and many others. Congo has copious deposits of raw materials that are in high demand internationally but remains one of the poorest countries in the world. For our translator, Bernard Kalume Buleri, his country’s history of turmoil is very personal; like most Congolese people, he and his family fell victim to the unending mineral based power struggle. Born in the year of his country’s independence, he has lived through war and seen his homeland torn apart by violent looting and greed. His story is a damning testament, illustrating how nature’s bounty, instead of being a blessing, becomes a deadly curse.



Anastasia Trofimova
Anastasia Trofimova
Anastasia Trofimova
Anastasia Trofimova


Projeto Dinossauro
Médica acompanha pai e filho que querem fazer um documentário durante uma viagem ao Congo. Lá, eles descobrem criaturas que pensavam ter sido extintas... dinossauros. Agora, com uma câmera na mão para documentar tudo, eles lutam para sobreviver.
O Bom Pastor
Marcado pelo suicídio do pai, jovem ingressa em sociedade secreta na universidade e depois vira agente de inteligência do governo americano. Mas, para obter sucesso no trabalho, acaba sacrificando a vida pessoal e a família.
Grupo de exploradores, que inclui um professor, uma expert em eletrônica, um guia e um aventureiro, viaja para o Congo por diversos motivos. Um deles é devolver a inteligente e brincalhona gorila Ammy para o seu habitat natural. Seguindo os passos do animal que está voltando para casa, eles estão prestes a descobrir um perigo até então desconhecido na cidade perdida de Zinj, no coração da selva.
Uma Aventura na Africa
O African Queen é o pequeno, mas estimado, barco de Charlie (Humphrey Bogart). Durante a Primeira Guerra, na selvagem África, ele assume a responsabilidade de levar a irmã do recém-falecido reverendo Samuel, Rose (Katharine Hepburn), para a civilização, através do rio, utilizando o barco. Mas existem dois problemas: Rose e Charlie não combinam em nada e as margens do rio estão cheias de alemães.
Cerco de Jadotville
No Congo, 150 soldados da ONU defendem uma pequena cidade do ataque de três mil mercenários por dias a fio. Baseado em fatos reais.
Uma Cruz à Beira do Abismo
Em 1930, o jovem Gabrielle Van der Mal entra em um convento em sua Bélgica natal para se tornar uma freira. Quase imediatamente, ela tem dificuldade para se ajustar à vida de clausura, e seu votos de pobreza, castidade e obediência. Ela duvida a sua própria capacidade, mesmo quando ela faz seus votos perpétuos. Gabrielle, agora chamada de Irmã Luke, se destaca em seus estudos médicos e sonhos de servir no Congo Belga.
Nas Montanhas dos Gorilas
A luta da antropóloga americana Dian Fossey (Sigourney Weaver), que em 1967 viajou para Ruanda, na África, e durante toda a vida se dedicou à preservação dos gorilas da montanha, ameaçados de extinção em razão da caça indiscriminada. Dian utilizou todos os meios possíveis para protegê-los e esta luta se tornou uma paixão tão obssessiva que nem mesmo Bob Campbell (Bryan Brown), seu namorado fotógrafo, consegue demovê-la do seu objetivo. Dian faz tudo que é possível para impedir que atrocidades contra os animais sejam cometidas.
Os Mercenários
A band of mercenaries led by Captain Curry travel through war-torn Congo across deadly terrain, battling rival armies, to steal $50 million in uncut diamonds. But infighting, sadistic rebels and a time lock jeopardize everything.
A Maldição da Selva
A trading company manager travels up an African river to find a missing outpost head and discovers the depth of evil in humanity's soul.
Hope Has A Name
In urban America, the bush of Africa, the war zone of the Congo, and in closed nations there are women who are living outside their own cultures, society, and comfort level to care for orphans, build schools, liberate addicts, feed the poor, and love the broken. These ordinary women are reaching into hopeless situations of people and creating hope.
Africa Addio
A documentary about the end of the colonial era in Africa, portraying acts of animal poaching, violence, executions, and tribal slaughter.
Lumumba: Death of a Prophet
Documentary about African political leader Patrice Lumumba, who was Prime Minister of Zaire (now Congo) when he was assassinated in 1961.
White Cargo
In Africa early in World War II, a British rubber plantation executive reminisces about his arrival in the Congo in 1910. He tells the story of a love-hate triangle involving Harry Witzel, an in-country station superintendent who'd seen it all, Langford, a new manager sent from England for a four-year stint, and Tondelayo, a siren of great beauty who desires silk and baubles. Witzel is gruff and seasoned, certain that Langford won't be able to cut it. Langford responds with determination and anger, attracted to Tondelayo because of her beauty, her wiles, and to get at Witzel. Manipulation, jealousy, revenge, and responsibility play out as alliances within the triangle shift.
Comandos: Operação Leopardo
Em 1978, um militar francês prepara-se para abandonar o posto no Zaire quando combatentes armados invadem a cidade mineira, fazendo 3000 reféns civis.
The ruthless Flint, a disabled man, rules an isolated region of Kongo like an omnipotent god, through superstition and sadism, living only for the day when he can get revenge on the man who ruined his life.
Floresta dos Espíritos Dançantes
“In the beginning, women lived apart, unaware of the existence of men. Until one day, when the first woman, Toli, who was brave and adventurous traveled deep into the forest. Toli discovered solitary creatures with big muscles who knew how to climb trees and harvest wild honey. When Toli tasted their honey, she thought they should all live together….” That is how one of the creation stories of the Aka people from the tropical rainforest of the Congo Basin goes. Akaya, Kengole, Dibota and their friends and family are hunters-gatherers (and also great story-tellers) who guide us through their world. They explain their origins, myths, and the very spiritual meaning of life.
The Peacekeepers
With unprecedented access to the UN Department of Peacekeeping, The Peacekeepers provides an intimate and dramatic portrait of the struggle to save "a failed state" The film follows the determined and often desperate maneuvers to avert another Rwandan disaster, this time in the Democratic Republic of Congo (the DRC). Focusing on the UN mission, the film cuts back and forth between the UN headquarters in New York and events on the ground in the DRC. We are with the peacekeepers in the "Crisis Room" as they balance the risk of loss of life on the ground with the enormous sums of money required from uncertain donor countries. We are with UN troops as the northeast Congo erupts and the future of the DRC, if not all of central Africa, hangs in the balance. In the background, but often impinging on peacekeeping decisions, are the painful memory of Rwanda, the worsening crisis in Iraq, global terrorism, and American hegemony in world affairs.
John Bishop's Gorilla Adventure
John Bishop encounters one of the most endangered animals on Earth, and discovers they and his family have more in common than he ever imagined. Filming in the jungles of Rwanda for John Bishop’s Gorilla Adventure, the comedian realises adolescent male mountain gorillas are just like his teenage sons – bulging muscles but no sense. Plus they fart, flirt and pick their noses. We follow John as he joins a group of vets who have dedicated their lives to saving the, sadly, precious few mountain gorillas left in the wild rugged mountains and valleys between the borders of Rwanda, Congo and Uganda, which were made famous to UK viewers by David Attenborough’s iconic sequence filmed among them in the 1970s.
35 Cows and a Kalashnikov
35 Cows and a Kalashnikov is a joyously made triptych about warrior-farmers, colorful dandies and voodoo wrestlers in Ethiopia, Brazzaville and Kinshasa. It paints a loving and attentive portrait of African pride and beauty.
Life Is Rosy
A young man with dreams of pursuing a career in music moves form his small village to the capital. Along the way he falls head over heels for a woman - the same woman his boss is also pursuing for his own reasons.