Die sieben Geheimnisse der NVA (2018)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M

Director : Matthias Hoferichter




Matthias Hoferichter
Matthias Hoferichter
Matthias Hoferichter
Matthias Hoferichter
Philip Kiessling
Philip Kiessling


Lorraine Broughton (Charlize Theron), uma agente disfarçada do MI6, é enviada para Berlim durante a Guerra Fria para investigar o assassinato de um oficial e recuperar uma lista perdida de agentes duplos. Ao lado de David Percival (James McAvoy), chefe da localidade, a assassina brutal usará todas as suas habilidades nesse confronto de espiões.
Hamburger Hill
O filme mostra a rotina de 14 soldados americanos durante a batalha brutal de dez dias pela conquista de Hill 937, no Vietnã. Além do estresse da guerra, o grupo precisa enfrentar as tensões raciais entre soldados brancos e negros.
Resident Ground Floor
Heiko, 51, a sheet metal former trained in GDR times, unemployed since the fall of the wall, pisses on his bed and on the carpet. The film encounters Heiko's dysfunctional family history and his decision to be alone forever. Piss and GDR, a reflection of how deep the consequences of the fall of the Wall are still in the bodies of some people to this day.
Corações e Mentes
Documentário analisa as razões da Guerra do Vietnã, mostrando imagens de bombardeios, destruição de aldeias, depoimentos de ex-soldados, políticos e generais responsáveis pelas operações militares. Contrapondo versões contra e a favor do conflito, o filme criou condições para uma dolorosa autocrítica sobre a ação americana no Vietnã, que custou milhões de vidas dos dois lados.
Auf der Oder
Forbidden Love
18-year old Georg and 13-year old Barbara have been playing together as children. Play becomes love later, which leads to a catastrophe , as their parents are hostile leading to file a report to the court, as Barbara is still under age.
From Us To Me / Vom Wir zum Ich
This first co-production between the GDR and Great Britain is intended to contribute to an understanding of the situation and attitudes of millions of working people in opposing social orders. Using the example of shipyard workers, fishermen, the brigade and family of a trade union active cook and unemployed person of various ages and professions in Newcastle on the one hand and a brigade of crane operators of the Warnowwerft and fishermen of the Warnemünde cooperative on the other hand, insights into the way of life and attitudes of people of our time are to be conveyed.
A Bright Shining Lie
Something in his past keeps career Army man John Paul Vann from advancing past colonel. He views being sent to Vietnam as part of the US military advisory force a stepping stone to promotion. However, he disagrees vocally (and on the record) with the way the war is being run and is forced to leave the military. Returning to Vietnam as a civilian working with the Army, he comes to despise some South Vietnamese officers while he takes charge of some of the U.S. forces and continues his liaisons with Vietnamese women.
Jette and Johannes have been living together for two years when Johannes suggests that they "legalize" their relationship. Jette loves him, but the proposal of marriage terrifies her.
Les Nazis et l'Argent : au cœur du IIIe Reich
How did Nazi Germany, from limited natural resources, mass unemployment, little money and a damaged industry, manage to unfurl the cataclysm of World War Two and come to occupy a large part of the European continent? Based on recent historical works of and interviews with Adam Tooze, Richard Overy, Frank Bajohr and Marie-Bénédicte Vincent, and drawing on rare archival material.
Muito Além do Cidadão Kane
O documentário acompanha o envolvimento e o apoio da Globo à ditadura militar brasileira, sua parceria com o grupo estadunidense Time Warner (naquela época, Time-Life), algumas práticas vistas como manipulação feitas pela emissora de Marinho (incluindo um suposto auxílio dado a uma tentativa de fraude nas eleições de 1982 para impedir a vitória de Leonel Brizola, a cobertura tendenciosa do movimento das Diretas-Já, em 1984, quando a emissora noticiou um importante comício como um evento de comemoração ao aniversário de São Paulo, e a edição, para o Jornal Nacional, do debate do segundo turno das eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 1989, de modo a favorecer o candidato Fernando Collor de Mello frente a Luís Inácio Lula da Silva), além de uma controversa negociação envolvendo ações da NEC Corporation e contratos governamentais à época que José Sarney era presidente da República.
In Syrien auf Montage
The film is a reportage showing the help of workers from the GDR in the industrial reconstruction of Syria. We witness the friendly relationship between workers from both countries, who are jointly involved in the construction of the cotton spinning mill in Homs. In impressive pictures the exoticism of the environment and the mentality of the Syrian hosts is shown. At the same time it becomes clear that the workers from the GDR become 'ambassadors of the GDR' through their collegial behaviour and good work.
The Girl in the Lift
Frank, a tenth grade student, falls in love with his classmate Regine. His father is a well-connected plant manager in the GDR; Regine's mother is a single parent with four children. Regine wants to become a kindergarten teacher, but her grades are poor and she is not allowed to apply for technical college. Frank champions her and seeks an open discussion about these rigid regulations. But his criticism is nipped in the bud.
Eine Pyramide für mich
Als wir die Zukunft waren
Reunification in the Ice: The Story of the Last GDR Antarctic Explorers
In 1989, thirteen GDR scientists and technicians set off from East Berlin to the Georg Forster research station in the Antarctic. During their expedition the Berlin Wall fell on November 9th. Cut off from the images that go around the world, the men can only experience the historical events passively. When they returned in the spring of 1991, their homeland was a foreign country. The documentary reconstructs the thoughts and feelings of the East German researchers on the basis of eyewitness accounts, diary excerpts, letters, film material, grandiose landscape shots from the location of the action and unique photos to make the consequences of the events tens of thousands of kilometers away on the small GDR expedition in the middle of the eternal ice tangible.
Rapunzel, or The Magic of Tears
Adaptation of the classic fairytale.
Becoming Black
In the 1960s, a white couple living in East Germany tells their dark-skinned child that her skin color is merely a coincidence. As a teenager, she accidentally discovers the truth. Years before, a group of African men came to study in a village nearby. Sigrid, an East German woman, fell in love with Lucien from Togo and became pregnant. But she was already married to Armin. The child is Togolese-East German filmmaker Ines Johnson-Spain. In interviews with Armin and others from her childhood years, she tracks the astonishing strategies of denial her parents, striving for normality, developed following her birth. What sounds like fieldwork about social dislocation becomes an autobiographical essay film and a reflection on themes such as identity, social norms and family ties, viewed from a very personal perspective.
The Wall - The Final Days