The Secret Science of Sewage (2021)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 59M

Director : Craig Collinson


Dr George McGavin and Dr Zoe Laughlin set up base camp at one of the UK's biggest sewage works to investigate the revolutionary science finding vital renewable resources and undiscovered life in human waste. Teaming up with world-class scientists, they search for biological entities in sewage with potentially lifesaving medical properties, find out how pee can generate electricity, how gas from poo can fuel a car and how nutrients in waste can help solve the soil crisis. They follow each stage of the sewage treatment process, revealing what the stuff we flush can tell us about how we live today, and the mindboggling biotechnology being harnessed to clean it, making the wastewater safe enough to return to the environment.


George McGavin
George McGavin
Self - Presenter
Zoe Laughlin
Zoe Laughlin
Self - Presenter


Craig Collinson
Craig Collinson
Craig Collinson
Craig Collinson
Ruth Mulcahy
Ruth Mulcahy
Harry Bell
Harry Bell
Executive Producer
Christopher Pitbladdo
Christopher Pitbladdo
Cara Maclean
Cara Maclean
Production Manager


A Genialidade de Charles Darwin
Uma série de 3 documentários do Canal 4, apresentados pelo professor Richard Dawkins, conhecido darwinista. A série mistura segmentos sobre a vida e as descobertas de Charles Darwin, a teoria da seleção e evolução natural e as tentativas de Dawkins de convencer um grupo de estudantes de que a evolução explica o mundo que nos rodeia melhor do que qualquer religião. (e Livre - Estimado Livre) Parte 1 Vida, Darwin e Tudo Parte 2 O Quinto Macaco Parte 3 Deus Aceita a Aposta Parte 4 Extras: 3 Contos
Your Inner Fish
How did your body become the complicated, quirky, amazing machine it is today? Anatomist Neil Shubin uncovers the answers in this 3-part science series that looks at human evolution. Using fossils, embryos and genes, he reveals how our bodies are the legacy of ancient fish, reptiles and primates — the ancestors you never knew were in your family tree.
Um feiticeiro africano conta, como quem conta uma fábula, a história da criação do mundo, do nascimento do universo e das estrelas, os inícios vulcânicos, a aparição dos primeiros sinais de vida, a conquista da terra. Fala do tempo, do nascimento, do amor e da morte. E os animais são os intérpretes desta gênese encantadora, moderna e intemporal.
As Lutas de Darwin- A Evolução da Origem das Espécies
Darwin desatou uma nova visão da natureza e a evolução das espécies, que abalou a harmonia da humanidade criada por Deus. Descubra este desafio contra as crenças tradicionais que foi uma luta pessoal para Darwin.
Darwin's Struggle: The Evolution of the Origin of Species
Documentary telling the little-known story of how Darwin came to write his great masterpiece, On the Origin of Species, a book which explains the wonderful variety of the natural world as emerging out of death and the struggle of life. In the twenty years he took to develop a brilliant idea into a revolutionary book, Darwin went through a personal struggle every bit as turbulent as that of the natural world he observed. Fortunately, he left us an extraordinary record of his brilliant insights, observations of nature, and touching expressions of love and affection for those around him. He also wrote frank accounts of family tragedies, physical illnesses and moments of self-doubt, as he laboured towards publication of the book that would change the way we see the world. The story is told with the benefit of Darwin's secret notes and correspondence, enhanced by natural history filming, powerful imagery from the time and contributions from leading contemporary biographers and scientists.
What Darwin Never Knew
Earth teems with a staggering variety of animals, including 9,000 kinds of birds, 28,000 types of fish, and more than 350,000 species of beetles. What explains this explosion of living creatures—1.4 million different species discovered so far, with perhaps another 50 million to go? The source of life's endless forms was a profound mystery until Charles Darwin brought forth his revolutionary idea of natural selection. But Darwin's radical insights raised as many questions as they answered. What actually drives evolution and turns one species into another? To what degree do different animals rely on the same genetic toolkit? And how did we evolve?
O Enigma de Andrômeda
Quando praticamente todos os moradores de Piedmont, no Novo México, são encontrados mortos após a queda de um satélite espacial, o chefe do Projeto Scoop da Força Aérea dos EUA declara uma emergência. Então um grupo de cientistas, liderados pelo Dr. Jeremy Stone (Arthur Hill), vão para uma instalação ultra segura conhecida como Wildfire para tentar descobrir e isolar uma possível forma de vida extraterrestre.
O Vento Será Tua Herança
Numa cidade marcada pela forte presença da comunidade religiosa, professor é preso por ensinar a Teoria da Evolução de Darwin. O caso vai para o tribunal, onde acontece uma série de inflamados debates ideológicos, que mexem com a localidade e com seus habitantes. Baseado em caso real ocorrido em 1925, com os debates entre Clarence Darrow e William Jennings Bryan reconstruidos a partir das transcrições do julgamento real.
The Botany of Desire
Featuring Michael Pollan and based on his best-selling book, this special takes viewers on an exploration of the human relationship with the plant world -- seen from the plants' point of view. Narrated by Frances McDormand, the program shows how four familiar species -- the apple, the tulip, marijuana and the potato -- evolved to satisfy our yearnings for sweetness, beauty, intoxication.
Voyage of Time: Life's Journey
A celebration of the universe, displaying the whole of time, from its start to its final collapse. This film examines all that occurred to prepare the world that stands before us now: science and spirit, birth and death, the grand cosmos and the minute life systems of our planet. (Wide release version with narration by Cate Blanchett.)
Human Nature
Revolução científica. Dilema moral. Descubra o método de edição genética CRISPR em todos os seus ângulos.
Are the medicines and every day products we use putting us at risk RESISTANCE sheds light on the global crisis of antibiotic resistance and uncovers how our extensive use of bacteria-killing antibiotics has created a new kind of disease, resistant to the medicines created to destroy it.
Inside the Human Body
Using spectacular graphics based on the latest science and stories of remarkable people around the world, Michael Mosley takes us on a fantastic voyage through our inner universe.
Origins of Life
A documentary that explores the natural world of the sea, from the single-celled organism to more complex forms of life, OCEAN ORIGINS was originally filmed in the IMAX large format, which adds a crispness and clarity to the images. This documentary film seeks to examine the process of evolution by looking at the many creatures of the sea that can illustrate the way multi-cellular life emerged over the course of four billion years. OCEAN ORIGINS is a creative film that uses fascinating documentary footage to look at scientific theories and principles in an interesting manner
How to Grow a Planet
Geologist Ian Stewart explain in three stages of natural history the crucial interaction of our very planet's physiology and its unique wildlife. Biological evolution is largely driven bu adaptation to conditions such as climate, soil and irrigation, but biotopes were also shaped by wildlife changing earth's surface and climate significantly, even disregarding human activity.
O Desafio de Darwin
Em 1858, a vida de Darwin parecia esta se desmoronando. Sua revolucionaria teoria da evolução é contestada, enquanto seus filhos estão doentes. Com a sua carreira ameaçada e sua vida pessoal em crise, é sua esposa Emma, uma pianista clássica que estudou com Chopin, que o ajuda a perceber que o que ele chamou de mistério da vida é afinal o mistério e a verdade escondida dentre milhares de anos.
The Private Life of Plants
David Attenborough takes us on a guided tour through the secret world of plants, to see things no unaided eye could witness. Each episode in this six-part series focuses on one of the critical stages through which every plant must pass if it is to survive:- travelling, growing, and flowering; struggling with one another; creating alliances with other organisms both plant and animal; and evolving complex ways of surviving in the earth's most ferociously hostile environments.
The Magic Of Mushrooms
Professor Richard Fortey delves into the fascinating and normally-hidden kingdom of fungi. From their spectacular birth, through their secretive underground life to their final explosive death, Richard reveals a remarkable world that few of us understand or even realise exists - yet all life on Earth depends on it.
Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild
Over three very personal films, Sir David Attenborough looks back at the unparalleled changes in natural history that he has witnessed during his 60-year career.
Unlocking the Mystery of Life
Unlocking the Mystery of Life represents a unique programming opportunity for local stations. Its broadcast release coincides with the 50th anniversary of one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs in history-James Watson and Francis Crick's discovery that the DNA molecule carries hereditary information in the form of a code that many scientists have likened to computer software or a written language. This discovery (announced on April 25,1953) sparked a scientific revolution. But it also left a fundamental question unanswered. Where did the information in DNA come from? How did the software in the cell arise? Unlocking the Mystery of Life explores these questions through the stories of a growing number of scientists who no longer believe that natural selection or chemistry, alone, can explain life's origin. Instead, they think that the microscopic world of the cell provides evidence of purpose and design in nature.