
Grantham Overgrown (Infinite Regression) (2021)

Gênero : Mistério

Runtime : 19M

Director : Thomas Watchorn


A near-dead town, an encroaching overgrowth, a mysterious tower, a camera, a voice. Across 299 photographs a man who may be the filmmaker, and yet might not be real, relays a story that may not have happened, about a place that almost definitely exists.


Thomas Watchorn
Thomas Watchorn
Wahab Iqbal
Wahab Iqbal
The Man in the Lagoon


Thomas Watchorn
Thomas Watchorn
Thomas Watchorn
Thomas Watchorn
Thomas Watchorn
Thomas Watchorn
Thomas Watchorn
Thomas Watchorn
Wahab Iqbal
Wahab Iqbal
Noah Carson
Noah Carson
Assistant Camera
Wahab Iqbal
Wahab Iqbal


A Saída dos Operários da Fábrica Lumière
Trabalhadores atravessam o portão da fábrica Lumière para deixarem o local, seguidos por uma carruagem puxada por dois cavalos. Foi exibido em 22 de março de 1895, no Salon indien du Grand Café, quando Louis Lumière fez pela primeira vez uma demonstração pública de seu cinematógrafo. Pode ser considerado como o primeiro filme a ser projetado em público e originou 3 refilmagens dirigidas pelos próprios Lumière.
Noite e Neblina
Filmmaker Alain Resnais documents the atrocities behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps.
Daybreak Express
Um passeio na agora demolida IRT Third Avenue Line (“Third Avenue El”), na cidade de Nova York, em 1953. Filmado em 16mm por D. A. Pennebaker, com música de Duke Ellington, é uma das primeiras obras da carreira do diretor.
A butcher in Paris takes his revenge after his daughter is brutally attacked.
A young man journeys through a desert, where he is kidnapped by a sadistic stranger clad in a pig mask. The stranger proceeds to brutally torture the young man, who then finds himself escaping into his imagination, with fantasy and reality intersecting.
Primeira versão cinematográfica do clássico de Mary Shelley. O louco Dr. Victor Frankestein cria uma criatura que toma consciência de sua monstruosidade. Frankenstein, um jovem estudante de medicina, tentando criar o ser humano perfeito, cria um monstro disforme. Adoentado com o que fez, Frankenstein é consolado por sua noiva, mas em sua noite de núpcias é visitado pelo monstro. Uma luta sonha, mas o monstro, ao se ver no espelho, fica horrorizado e foge. Mais tarde, ele retorna, entrando no quarto da nova noiva e a encontra sozinha.
Viagem Através do Impossível
Using every known means of transportation, several savants from the Geographic Society undertake a journey through the Alps to the Sun which finishes under the sea.
Death as a global service provider? Unthinkable! So far Death has thought that too. But then his nephew Cedric had the crazy idea of founding the company AFTER LIFE while his uncle was away. This company takes over the craft of death with the latest technology and markets it worldwide.
Within the Woods
The low budget film starring the young Bruce Campbell that influenced the Evil Dead films.
The Scary Movie
Martina and Sonja, cross-dress in vampire capes and werewolf claws, re-enacting familiar horror tropes. A corresponding soundtrack of stock screams and "scary" music suggests that the girls' toying with gender roles and power dynamics may have dire consequences.
The Blacklist
CIA agent John Jessup lives a seemingly normal life in the busy capitol of Berlin. He is in one of CIA’s most important sleeper cells in Europe, but on his last mission in Italy, he made a terrible mistake, putting not only himself in danger, but also the very existence of the CIA in Europe. The past is now about to catch up with him…
Visions of Europe
Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.
The Key to Reserva
Finding an unfinished script written by Alfred Hitchcock himself, Martin Scorsese attempts to recreate it himself as Hitchcock would have.
Dinner for One
A very old woman wants to have dinner with her friends. As they are all dead, the butler has to play the role of every guest.
O Grande Roubo do Trem
Um dos primeiros filmes produzidos no cinema americano, notável como um dos primeiros filmes que apresentou uma narrativa, que contou uma história. O funcionário da estação de trem é assaltado e deixado amarrado por quatro homens, em seguida, eles roubam o trem ameaçando o operador. Eles roubam todo o dinheiro e atiram num passageiro antes de fugir. Uma menina descobre o funcionário amarrado e avisa ao xerife, que sai junto com seus homens à caça dos bandidos. Algumas cópias do filme tem algumas cenas colorizadas a mão.
Hotel Chevalier
Sofrimento? Depressão? Ambigüidade em um quarto de hotel em Paris. Jack Whitman se deita na cama, pede um sanduíche de queijo para o serviço de quarto. Seu telefone toca, é uma mulher que irá vê-lo, uma surpresa. Ela chega e as complicações do seu relacionamento emergem.
Battlefield Earth: Evolution & Creation
Travolting (unfortunately I can't take credit for this brilliant insult)!!! One of the worst movies I have ever seen; yet you(might) have to give Travolta credit for sticking it out with this obvious train-wreck, which most likely was quite evident even during the filming. One of the most infuriating things about this movie is the complete lack of any creativity in order to explain the inconsistencies and conflicts of logic in the plot and story, like using 1000 year old weapons and airplanes!; either the creators of this film think that anyone who would watch this movie are completely retarded (which may be true, and that includes me!), or the people who made this movie are freaking delusional- both are obviously true! (by n-reynolds (United States))
Candy Boy
Children are mysteriously falling ill at an orphanage. Candy Boy, the most valiant of the orphans, investigates, but the arrival of a new boarder complicates his inquiries.