In the Valley of Neretva (1959)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M

Director : Emanuel Kaněra
Escritor : Emanuel Kaněra, Vladan Slijepčević


It shows the Neretva river from its source to the shores of the Adriatic Sea. The document also captures the original four-hundred-year-old bridge in Mostar.


Otakar Brousek
Otakar Brousek
Commentary (voice)


Emanuel Kaněra
Emanuel Kaněra
Emanuel Kaněra
Emanuel Kaněra
Vladan Slijepčević
Vladan Slijepčević
Vladan Slijepčević
Vladan Slijepčević
Miloslav Třešňák
Miloslav Třešňák
Director of Photography
Josef Pejsar
Josef Pejsar
Josef Franěk
Josef Franěk
Zdeněk Novák
Zdeněk Novák
Production Manager
Nikola Kurilić
Nikola Kurilić
Production Manager
Miloslav Kuba
Miloslav Kuba
Music Director
Jovan Necić
Jovan Necić
Assistant Camera
Emanuel Kaněra
Emanuel Kaněra


O Comando 10 De Navarone
Retornando com êxito de uma missão, a destruição dos canhões de Navarone, Mallory e Miller são enviados à Iugoslávia em outra tarefa quase impossível. Durante sua jornada, eles se juntam ao Comando 10, um grupo de bravos combatentes norte-americanos liderados pelo tenente-coronel Barnsby. Mas chegando à Iugoslávia, eles são capturados pelos alemães e falham na missão que parecia segura.
Gato Preto, Gato Branco
Era uma vez uma comunidade de exuberantes ciganos. Dois avós que julgavam estarem mortos, dois jovens apaixonados, uma senhora que queria vender a filha, um rapaz gorducho, um comboio roubado e desaparecido, um burro, um porco, dois gatos e uma fanfarra suspensa na árvore.
A Vida Secreta das Palavras
Hannah (Sarah Polley) tem 30 anos, é introvertida, solitária, misteriosa e trabalha numa indústria têxtil. Ela vai passar as férias num pequeno povoado costeiro, em frente a uma plataforma petrolífera. Um incidente faz com que ela permaneça alguns dias na plataforma cuidando de Josef (Tim Robbins), que sofreu uma série de queimaduras que o deixaram cego temporariamente. Com ele trabalham vários outros homens, cada um com uma personalidade marcante.
Fragments of Humanity
In the Kosovo War, human dignity was shattered by the terrors of the Serbian government and the Albanian liberation army. Truths about the victims’ fates faded away, which is why a Finnish forensic research group led by Helena Ranta got a mission to act as an unbiased agent and investigate the real course of events.
W.R. - Mistérios do Organismo
Uma apresentação das polêmicas teorias e terapias do psicanalista Wilhelm Reich, ferrenho incentivador da liberdade sexual. Simultaneamente duas jovens iugoslavas - uma delas militante comunista - tentam seduzir um astro russo, enquanto norte-americanos adeptos do sexo livre contam suas aventuras e compartilham algumas de suas dicas.
Quando Papai Saiu Em Viagem de Negócios
Defender os ideais stalinistas logo após o rompimento do marechal Tito, líder da então Iugoslávia, com o Stalin, ditador russo, não era a melhor das ideias. Após a publicação de uma charge inoportuna de sua autoria, Mesa é enviado para um campo de trabalhos forçados, uma prisão longe de sua família – que acredita que o pai está em uma “viagem de negócios”. Desnorteado, o jovem Malik, filho de Mesa, tenta lidar com a crise que sua família e seu país enfrentam da melhor maneira possível, enquanto começa a descobrir o amor.
The Geographer Drank His Globe Away
Victor Sluzhkin signs on as a teacher of geography in a secondary school in his native Perm (in the Urals) and gets lost in a haze of hard vodka, desperate love for a nymphet-like student and the stress of educating teenagers. Geographer, as the students immediately dub Sluzhkin, attempts to escape from the grueling, dull, stultifying reality of Russia's provincial life in a rafting tour to the Urals. Accompanied by wild, adventure-seeking adolescents, faced with the numerous grim surprises of the nature, Geographer is poised to find himself and his own truth.
Bela Aldeia, Bela Chama
O ano é 1980. Halil, um muçulmano, e Milan, um sérvio, são amigos na Iugoslávia. Os dois meninos cresceram juntos. Eles moravam perto de um túnel inacabado, o Túnel da União e da Fraternidade, que deveria ligar Belgrado à Zagreb, servindo como símbolo da Iugoslávia unida. Doze anos depois, estoura a guerra da Bósnia e ambos agora encontram-se em lados opostos.
The Red Colored Grey Truck
Belgrade, the summer of 1991. Yugoslavia is falling apart. Gavran can't get a driving licence because he is color blind. He is a rural Bosnian introvert obsessed with trucks. So, as soon as he is released from prison, he steals a truck to go on a joyride. Suzana, a city girl, discovers she is pregnant, but until she's due for an abortion, she decides to go to Dubrovnik. She hitchikes and Gavran almost runs her over. She is unhurt, but she blackmails him to take her to Dubrovnik. Two people from different worlds, equally removed from the real one. For him she is the first woman he can talk to; for her he is just another idiot to add to the long list of them that she has so far compiled. But the pressure of danger and the intimations of war force them together. The world about them has become so absurd that they seem to each other the only sober people left.
Gus: Uma Mula Fora de Série
Andy vive numa pobre cidade da Iugoslávia com sua família e Gus, uma mula que chuta bola de futebol como ninguém. A fama corre e o animal vai parar nos EUA.
In 2013, the world's media reported on a shocking mountain-high brawl as European climbers fled a mob of angry Sherpas. Director Jennifer Peedom and her team set out to uncover the cause of this altercation, intending to film the 2014 climbing season from the Sherpa's point-of-view. Instead, they captured Everest's greatest tragedy, when a huge block of ice crashed down onto the climbing route...
The Ninth Circle
In order to save a friend's daughter, a 17-year-old Jewish girl, from the Ustashas, the Croatian family arranges her to be wed to their son Ivo.
Missão Perigosa em Trieste
Um mensageiro do Departamento de Estado, Mike Kells, vai para a Trieste do pós-guerra, depois de falharem na coleta da encomenda de um colega. A Polícia Militar está feliz por ele se envolver, mas as coisas ficam um pouco difíceis. Afinal, ele é apenas um carteiro.
The Bridge
In order to check the German offensive, Partizans send an elite team of explosive experts to blow up a strategically important bridge. Besides being heavily guarded, that bridge is almost indestructible and the only man who knows weak spots in the construction is the architect who built it. He is, however, reluctant to cooperate because he doesn't want to see his masterpiece destroyed.
O Peso das Correntes
The Weight of Chains is a Canadian documentary film that takes a critical look at the role that the US, NATO and the EU played in the tragic breakup of a once peaceful and prosperous European state - Yugoslavia. The film, bursting with rare stock footage never before seen by Western audiences, is a creative first-hand look at why the West intervened in the Yugoslav conflict, with an impressive roster of interviews with academics, diplomats, media personalities and ordinary citizens of the former Yugoslav republics. This film also presents positive stories from the Yugoslav wars - people helping each other regardless of their ethnic background, stories of bravery and self-sacrifice.
The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner
A study of the psychology of a champion ski-flyer, whose full-time occupation is carpentry.
Tito and Me
At his school, 10-year-old Zoran wins the competition for the best essay about Tito. His reward is participation in the march "Revolutionary trails" to Tito's hometown of Kumrovec.
The Peaks of Zelengore
During the Battle of Sutjeska, partisan troops must endure 24 hours of big and heavy attacks on German units Ljubino grave, to the main Partisan units, with the wounded and the Supreme Headquarters, pulled out the ring that is tightened around them.
Strawberry in the Supermarket
An ex-soldier storms a supermarket and takes all the cashiers captive because one of them insulted his grandmother.
The Happy Child
The Happy Child is a story of "New Wave" rock genre predominant in the ex-Yugoslavia during the socialist 70's and 80's.