
الى بغداد (2020)

Gênero : Drama, Romance

Runtime : 0M

Director : Anwar Al-Yasiri



Star Saad
Star Saad
Sulaf Jalil
Sulaf Jalil
Marina Alobaidi
Marina Alobaidi
Kamel Ibrahim
Kamel Ibrahim


Zaid Al-Khafaji
Zaid Al-Khafaji
Anwar Al-Yasiri
Anwar Al-Yasiri


Control Room
A chronicle which provides a rare window into the international perception of the Iraq War, courtesy of Al Jazeera, the Arab world's most popular news outlet. Roundly criticized by Cabinet members and Pentagon officials for reporting with a pro-Iraqi bias, and strongly condemned for frequently airing civilian causalities as well as footage of American POWs, the station has revealed (and continues to show the world) everything about the Iraq War that the Bush administration did not want it to see.
Zona Verde
Bagdá, 2003. Roy Miller (Matt Damon) lidera uma equipe, a serviço da inteligência do exército, em busca de armas de destruição em massa no Iraque. Depois de algumas tentativas frustradas, o militar se vê diante de um cenário caótico entre seus compatriotas, o que o deixa dividido entre aplacar o anseio do governo de encontrar algo que justificasse a invasão ou descobrir a verdade dos fatos.
Sniper Americano
Chris Kyle é um atirador de elite das forças especiais da marinha dos Estados Unidos. Durante a Guerra do Iraque, sua missão é proteger seus companheiros e seu dever faz dele um dos maiores atiradores da história norte-americana. Sua precisão salva inúmeras vidas, mas também o torna um alvo preferencial. Quando Kyle finalmente volta para casa, ele descobre que não tem como deixar a guerra para trás.
Vietnam: American Holocaust
VIETNAM: AMERICAN HOLOCAUST exposes one of the worst cases of sustained mass slaughter in history, carefully planned and executed by presidents of both parties. Our dedicated generals and foot soldiers, knowingly or unknowingly, killed nearly 5 million people, on an almost unimaginable scale, mostly using incendiary bombs. Vietnam has never left our national consciousness, and now, in this time, it has more relevance than ever. Claiborne documents the Whitehouse fabrication of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, and further, raises the question of whether JFK was assassinated to promote the Vietnam War. Martin Sheen, who played the leading role in Apocalypse Now almost 30 years ago, has generously lent his powerful voice to this actual history of the War in Vietnam.
Zaman - The Man from the Reeds
Zaman is a sweet and sad story about love and devotion, hope and fear. Zaman (Sami Kaftan), and his wife, Najma (Shatha Salim), have built their happy life together in their house of reeds and, though childless, adopted a boy, Yacine (Hussein Imad), orphaned by the 1991 Gulf War. They have lived a quiet, contented existence until Najma falls ill. The local doctor tells them she needs surgery or some special medicine he does not have. And so Zaman sets off in his small boat and journeys up the Tigris to Baghdad in search of the precious cure. Thus begins the journey of salvation and discovery for "Zaman, the Man of the Reeds."
Last Letters Home
Ten families read letters from their loved ones killed during Operation Iraqi Freedom in this powerful and moving HBO documentary by Oscar and Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Bill Couturie (Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam). Photos of the soldiers in military and civilian life are shown as family members read the final correspondence received from Iraq and share their thoughts and memories about the fallen troops and the realities of war.
Five marine Operatives are stranded after crash landing in the barren Iraqi desert. They are under strict orders to deliver an important package to Ramadi and they have already been trekking through enemy territory for three days in hopes of completing their mission.
Farewell Baghdad
Between the years 1950-51 close to 130 thousand Jews left Iraq. The most ancient community in the world ceased to exist.
Iraq: Children of the Crisis
Three film-makers travel to Iraq to film the ongoing crisis in which ISIS forces are trying to take over the country. The film-makers speak with locals, military, police and other media outlets to get their opinions on the crisis but it's the voices of the children which often goes unheard, so the film-makers listen to the children, and find out their views on the crisis.
The story of two Italian men who are posted to Iraq on a mysterious mission to guard the cell of a prisoner in Abu Ghraib prison. What's strange is that neither man knows who is inside; they must simply follow orders not to let anyone enter or leave the cell. As time passes their nerves are tested and they begin to wonder whether their charge could be Saddam Hussein...
Um Romance Proibido
Dois estrangeiros lutam para se dar bem em Nova York. O ex-soldado veterano Sam assimila sua volta à vida civil e a Iraquiana Amira tenta atingir a cidadania. Quando Amira enfrenta a deportação, ela encontra seu defensor, nesta história de amor proibido.
Rafea: Solar Mama
Rafea: Solar Mama follows the groundbreaking journey of one Bedouin mother living on the Jordan-Iraq border who, along with thirty illiterate grandmothers from around the world, will travel to The Barefoot College in India to become Solar Engineers. (TIFF)
Frontline: Losing Iraq
Examines the unfolding chaos in Iraq and how the U.S. is being pulled back into the conflict. Drawing on interviews with policymakers and military leaders, the film traces the U.S. role from the 2003 invasion to the current violence, showing how Iraq itself is coming undone, how we got here, what went wrong, and what happens next.
Kurdistan : De Gré Ou De Force
Journey to the heart of the conflict between Kurdistan and the armed group Islamic State. This region that has been neglected and ignored for ages is now one of the key destinations for refugees in the region. This medium-length documentary show the spectator the different groups and communities that are either fighting or residing in the Kurd area.
Castelo de Areia
Um pequeno vilarejo chamada Baquba é colocado em perigo durante a invasão americana no Iraque. A única esperança da cidadezinha é uma tropa de soldados americanos, alocada anteriormente em Bagdá, que fará de tudo para proteger o local, encarando, pela primeira vez, os verdadeiros horrores de uma grande guerra e de uma difícil e longa batalha.
Na Mira do Atirador
Em pleno campo de batalha, dois soldados americanos descobrem que estão na mira de um atirador iraquiano. Eles não sabem onde o inimigo se esconde, nem podem se comunicar um com o outro, já que o adversário está interceptando a conversa dos americanos via rádio comunicador. Escondidos atrás de uma pequena parede de pedra, eles têm que encontrar uma maneira de sair vivos.
Take Off
A group of Malayali nurses stranded in Iraq, must survive their capture by the extremists and reach out to the rescue team headed by the Indian government.
Saddam: America's Best Enemy
Documents a 40-year relationship between Saddam Hussein and the U.S., through accounts given by those who were witness to and participants in those years of violence. It is about a man and a superpower who used each other, in a marriage of convenience between strange bed-fellows. Includes selected archival footage of Saddam's beginnings, filmed to immortalise his exploits, at 20 years of age, in 1959. Includes also images from the film, Saddam Hussein, le maître de Baghdad, directed by Michel Vuillermet (Zarafa Films)
Tartarugas podem Voar
Em uma vila de curdos no Iraque, na fronteira entre o Irã e a Turquia e pouco antes do ataque americano contra o país, os moradores locais buscam desesperadamente uma antena parabólica, na intenção de ter notícias via satélite sobre a proximidade da guerra.
Jerry (Jamie Draven) was an idealist when he served in the first Gulf War. But when he was later deployed to Iraq, Jerry was an older man, a father of three and embittered by broken promises and unfulfilled desires. When Jerry returns from Iraq he has been transformed by horrors that cannot be forgiven. He lives a life of poverty, his children afraid of him and his wife, Nora (Vinessa Shaw), unsympathetic and unhappy. When Jerry discovers that Nora has betrayed him, his anger and despair drive him to commit an act so heinous and irreversible that nothing he had experienced in combat could have prepared him for.