
Before Dawn (2023)

In the darkness, before dawn...

Gênero : Ficção científica, Thriller, Mistério

Runtime : 20M

Director : William Blackwell Kinney


A boy sets out to confront the interdimensional forces responsible for his brother’s demise.


Jackson Sheire
Jackson Sheire
Adam Swanson
Adam Swanson
Matthew Blackwell Kinney
Matthew Blackwell Kinney


William Blackwell Kinney
William Blackwell Kinney
William Blackwell Kinney
William Blackwell Kinney
Matthew Blackwell Kinney
Matthew Blackwell Kinney
William Blackwell Kinney
William Blackwell Kinney
Matthew Blackwell Kinney
Matthew Blackwell Kinney


A Novata
Alex Dall, uma jovem caloura da universidade, decide integrar a equipe de remo formada por outros estudantes de elite. No entanto, ela começa a ficar obcecada com o esporte e os seus companheiros de time. Agora ela entrará no maior empreendimento de sua vida para que eles sejam o melhor barco das competições universitárias.
Without imagine the consequences, a mercenary attacks the headquarter of the Organization, an powerful entity who governs Andromeda's galaxy.
The Madman
A rookie detective investigates a reported sight of an armed man in the woods.
Dr. Mabuse the Gambler: Inferno: A Game for the People of Our Age
As the police intensify their bemusing search on Doctor Mabuse's notorious band of gangsters, the deceptive, elusive hypnotist Mabuse simultaneously begins to close in on himself.
Treed Murray
An advertising executive, trapped in a tree by a gang of would-be muggers, manipulates them into fighting to save his life.
Sitting Target
Cop/ex-special forces officer Tony Rico crosses the mob by refusing to sell-out, even after he finds that his father is on their payroll. In a shoot-out, Tony is trapped in an exploding house that leaves him near death and comatose, with over 90 percent of his body burned. Five years later, a man wakes up in a coma ward—a man with no past, whose face has been reconstructed with plastic surgery. A scientist researching memory recovery begins to piece together the unknown man's past, and consequently, the past of Tony Rico comes to light. But the mob has not forgotten and Tony's life is still in jeopardy. When Tony's father discovers that his son is alive, he attempts to rescue him from a team of mob assassins. It is only when Tony meets up with his original doctor that a final twist in his bizarre life is revealed.
The Girl in the Cornfield
Three young women traveling along a dark country road encounter a mysterious girl in a white dress who turns out to be far more than she seems.
Two lives on very different paths learn truths about each other that send them on a collision course with destiny
Nathan MacKinlay (Michael Jefferson) tem sofrido com agorafobia desde o acidente de carro que matou sua esposa (Sarah Schoofs). Desde então, ele vive isolado em sua casa, saindo da monotonia apenas pela visita do melhor amigo, do terapeuta e da mulher que traz suas comprar. Após sua casa ser violentamente invadida, sua vida passa a ficar perturbada e ele passa a acreditar em uma presença feminina malígna assombrando o local, colocando em risco sua sanidade menta.
No One Will Know
Nathan and Aubrey committed murder on the day of their engagement party. Now, they have to cover their tracks and deflect questions on Elle's disappearance, or the authorities will come knocking.
Sob o Domínio do Medo
David Sumner (Dustin Hoffman) é um acadêmico americano muito calmo. Ele se casa com a inglesa Amy (Susan George) e, buscando fugir do estilo de vida da cidade grande, os dois se mudam para a zona rural da Cornualha, onde Amy cresceu. Ali, David não é bem acolhido pela população, sobretudo pelos homens. As provocações se tornam cada vez mais agressivas e um evento brutal poderá despertar o lado espantosamente violento de David.
Operações Especiais
Um grupo de policiais honestos é enviado a uma cidade do interior para resolver o problema da alta criminalidade. Em pouco tempo eles resolvem o problema enquanto a novata Francis precisa superar seus limites para provar que tem valor. Eles são aclamados pela opinião pública. Mas em pouco tempo a aplicação do rigor da lei começa a incomodar a todos e o verdadeiro inimigo se revela.
Psychiatrist John Hatchett awakens disorientated, tied to a chair, In a dirty abandoned warehouse. David Crowe holds him captive. John has a past that he wishes to remain secret, a secret David Crowe is willing to do anything to reveal.
Money Fight
Um grupo de amigos decide documentar suas vidas enquanto procura na dark web por um clube de luta subterrâneo. Os amigos colocam tudo em risco por dinheiro, admiração e amizade. Até que os limites entre o bem e o mal são testados.
Darkman: Vingança Sem Rosto
Um brilhante cientista descobre uma forma de produzir pele humana artificialmente. Atacado por criminosos, ele fica desfigurado e recebe um tratamento experimental que o salva. Agora, ele busca vingança contra seus agressores.
Who's With Me?
Marcus, an average young man awakens to find his apartment under quarantine and completely isolated from the outside world. Ominous messages about toxins and evacuations plaster each screen of his various electronic devices, leaving his next door neighbor as the only person he has contact with. Scared, and with few resources, the two try to navigate there way through the indefinite wait - staving off hunger, boredom, and paranoia.
The Sanctuary
Edna and Harley Whalen, an elderly couple, give shelter to Wade, a suspected murderer on the run. The Whalens do all that they can to protect Wade but evil begets evil in this world, and even more so in Sanctuary.
The White Goddess
An injured Andrew ends up drawn into the complicated world of Rebecca, a solitary writer whose obsession with a divine mythological character has taken over her life.
Om Shanti Om
Reincarnated 30 years after being killed in a suspicious on-set fire, a small-time actor is determined to punish the person who ignited the blaze.