
Hololive Bloom (2021)

Hololive Bloom

Gênero : Animação, Música

Runtime : 2H 57M

Director : A-Chan


hololive IDOL PROJECT 1st Live. Bloom, is a live concert held by Hololive on February 17th, 2021 online featuring select members from Hololive Japan. It was held at Tokyo Garden Theater with no live audience. Members who performed on stage: Hololive 0th Gen. Roboco Sakura Miko Hololive 1st Gen. Yozora Mel Shirakami Fubuki Natsuiro Matsuri Aki Rosenthal Hololive 2nd Gen. Minato Aqua Murasaki Shion Nakiri Ayame Yuzuki Choco Oozora Subaru Hololive GAMERS Shirakami Fubuki Ookami Mio Hololive 3rd Gen. Usada Pekora Uruha Rushia Shiranui Flare Shirogane Noel Houshou Marine Hololive 4th Gen. Amane Kanata Tokoyami Towa Hololive 5th Gen. Yukihana Lamy Shishiro Botan Omaru Polka


Roboco - Hololive 0th Gen.
Yozora Mel
Yozora Mel
Yozora Mel - Hololive 1st Gen.
Fubuki Shirakami
Fubuki Shirakami
Shirakami Fubuki - Hololive 1st Gen.
Natsuiro Matsuri
Natsuiro Matsuri
Natsuiro Matsuri - Hololive 1st Gen.
Aki Rosenthal
Aki Rosenthal
Aki Rosenthal - Hololive 1st Gen.
Minato Aqua
Minato Aqua
Minato Aqua - Hololive 2nd Gen.
Murasaki Shion
Murasaki Shion
Murasaki Shion - Hololive 2nd Gen.
Nakiri Ayame
Nakiri Ayame
Nakiri Ayame - Hololive 2nd Gen.
Oozora Subaru
Oozora Subaru
Oozora Subaru - Hololive 2nd Gen.
Fubuki Shirakami
Fubuki Shirakami
Shirakami Fubuki - Hololive GAMERS
Ookami Mio
Ookami Mio
Ookami Mio
Usada Pekora
Usada Pekora
Usada Pekora - Hololive 3rd Gen.
Uruha Rushia
Uruha Rushia
Uruha Rushia - Hololive 3rd Gen.
Shiranui Flare
Shiranui Flare
Shiranui Flare - Hololive 3rd Gen.
Shirogane Noel
Shirogane Noel
Shirogane Noel - Hololive 3rd Gen.
Houshou Marine
Houshou Marine
Houshou Marine - Hololive 3rd Gen.
Amane Kanata
Amane Kanata
Amane Kanata - Hololive 4th Gen.
Tokoyami Towa
Tokoyami Towa
Tokoyami Towa - Hololive 4th Gen.
Yukihana Lamy
Yukihana Lamy
Yukihana Lamy - Hololive 5th Gen.
Shishiro Botan
Shishiro Botan
Shishiro Botan - Hololive 5th Gen.
Omaru Polka
Omaru Polka
Omaru Polka - Hololive 5th Gen.
Yuzuki Choco
Yuzuki Choco
Yuzuki Choco - Hololive 2nd Gen.


Director of Communications


Hololive Bloom
hololive IDOL PROJECT 1st Live. Bloom, is a live concert held by Hololive on February 17th, 2021 online featuring select members from Hololive Japan. It was held at Tokyo Garden Theater with no live audience. Members who performed on stage: Hololive 0th Gen. Roboco Sakura Miko Hololive 1st Gen. Yozora Mel Shirakami Fubuki Natsuiro Matsuri Aki Rosenthal Hololive 2nd Gen. Minato Aqua Murasaki Shion Nakiri Ayame Yuzuki Choco Oozora Subaru Hololive GAMERS Shirakami Fubuki Ookami Mio Hololive 3rd Gen. Usada Pekora Uruha Rushia Shiranui Flare Shirogane Noel Houshou Marine Hololive 4th Gen. Amane Kanata Tokoyami Towa Hololive 5th Gen. Yukihana Lamy Shishiro Botan Omaru Polka
hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish Day 1
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Hololive 2nd Fes. Beyond the Stage
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hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish Day 2
hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish is a live concert held by Hololive Production on March 19-20, 2022 at Makuhari Messe Event Hall alongside Hololive Super Expo, featuring all members of Hololive 0th Generation, Hololive 1st Generation, Hololive 2nd Generation, Hololive Gamers, Hololive 3rd Generation, Hololive 4th Generation, Hololive 5th Generation, Hololive Indonesia 1st Generation, and Hololive English -Myth-.
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