
The Plague (2019)

You shouldn't have trusted me

Gênero : Ação, Crime

Runtime : 12M

Director : Emmanuel López


A funny teenager is bullied by a pair of bastards.


Andreo Chimal
Andreo Chimal
Otoniel Noris
Otoniel Noris
Emmanuel López
Emmanuel López
César Ramírez Laurel
César Ramírez Laurel
El Basto


Emmanuel López
Emmanuel López
Emmanuel López
Emmanuel López
Emmanuel López
Emmanuel López


Gangster Land
The story of America's most famous mobsters and their rise to power. Examine Al Capone's ascension through the eyes of his second in command, “Machine Gun” Jack McGurn.
Escritores da Liberdade
Uma jovem e idealista professora chega a uma escola de um bairro pobre, que está corrompida pela agressividade e violência. Os alunos se mostram rebeldes e sem vontade de aprender, e há entre eles uma constante tensão racial. Assim, para fazer com que os alunos aprendam e também falem mais de suas complicadas vidas, a professora Gruwell aposta em métodos diferentes de ensino. Aos poucos, os alunos vão retomando a confiança em si mesmos, aceitando mais o conhecimento e reconhecendo valores.
Conexão Jamaica
História de dois gangsters jamaicanos, Biggs e Wayne, que querem subir na vida como criminosos. Eles vão de Kingston até Miami em uma longa jornada de violência, extorsão e tráfico de drogas, até dominarem o submundo do crime.
Garotas Sem Rumo
Cansada das palhaçadas inofensivas de seus amigos suburbanos, as alunas Allison e Emily vão encontrar alguns gângsters reais nas ruas de Los Angeles. Após a reunião com Hector, o bandido da cidade, as meninas começam a passar seu tempo com um tipo totalmente diferente de multidão. Porém quando Allison e Emily se empreendem mais profundamente no mundo do crime, o estilo de vida violento e as conexões perigosas de Hector ameaçam consumi-las.
Justiceiros de Rua
Jake Travor (Jim Brown), boxeador famoso, retornou a sua cidade natal e encontrou os lugares de sua infância completamente destruídos pela violência, e seu pai no hospital depois de levar um tiro de uma gangue local. A primeira proposta de Jake é um acordo entre as gangues e a comunidade, a ideia de paz é chacinada com mais mortes. “Hot City” é a história de uma comunidade obrigada a tomar uma decisão, uma cruel e audaciosa decisão, resgatar uma vida pacífica através das armas ou viver para sempre numa verdadeira zona de guerra.
Narco Cultura
To a growing number of Mexicans and Latinos in the Americas, narco-traffickers have become iconic outlaws and the new models of fame and success. They represent a pathway out of the ghetto, nurturing a new American dream fueled by the war on drugs. Narco Cultura looks at this explosive phenomenon from within, exposing cycles of addiction to money, drugs, and violence that are rapidly gaining strength on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border
Guerreiros do Leste
De volta à região sem lei de Los Angeles, homem com passado tenebroso tenta ensinar a um grupo de rapazes maneiras de sobreviver na selva da cidade.
Sem Saída
Steve planejou um fim de semana romântico com sua namorada Jenny, à beira de um belo lago, onde pretende pedir a mão dela em casamento. Logo que chegaram, foram incomodados pela presença de adolescentes arruaceiros, que não gostaram nem um pouco dos visitantes. Depois de um acidente entre os grupos, o líder da gangue adolescente, Brett, instiga seus amigos a apedrejar o carro do casal e segui-los pela floresta.
Você nunca estará sozinho
Primeiro filme dirigido por Alex Anwandter. Você nunca estará sozinho conta a história de Juan, um gerente de uma fábrica de manequim que depois que seu filho gay sofre um ataque violento, enfrenta as lutas entre pagar as contas médicas exorbitantes e sua última tentativa de se tornar parceiro do seu patrão. Se deparando com becos sem saída e traições inesperadas, ele vai descobrir que o mundo que ele conhecia já estava à espera de ser violento com ele também.
Sudden Fury
Intent on seizing control of South East England's cocaine business, small-time crime boss Randall hires notorious hit-man Walker to take out his competition. When Randall betrays the hit-man, however, the tables are turned.
What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?
Five years have passed and Jake has turned his back on his family. He's still up to his usual tricks in McClutchy's Bar, unaware, as he downs his latest opponent, that his eldest son, Nig, has died in a gang fight. The uncomfortable family reunion at Nig's funeral sparks a confrontation with second son, Sonny, and sets Jake and Sonny on a downward spiral.
Ibrahim El Abyad
Ibraham Al Abyad young child is exposed and his father killed before his eyes by a great band trading in drugs say takbeer the child and the image of his father's death does not leave his eyes and hoped that the proceeding by the time quickly in order to take revenge on all its members, led, of course, the gang leader and for this train Ibrahim Abyad exercises cruel and violent and finds that the best way to take revenge on the gang members is to approach them and join them to be able to kill them in his own way. in order to this shared their operations dangerous to gain their trust and before he began to implement the old dream is captured in one of the processes and able leader of the gang smuggled out and save his neck from a rope the gallows.
This documentary explores the aftermath of a 2015 mass shooting that took place during an anti-violence community basketball tournament at the Boys and Girls Club in Rochester, New York. Members of the Community along with family members of the victims join together to speak out against the needless violence that took the lives of multiple children and young adults and injured many others.
Kung Fu Warrior
In the year 1985, the young Jei Lon begins his crusade to avenge his father, who died at the hands of a mysterious assassin. In his quest, Jei Lon meets Gu Fu, a master in the ancient Dragon Techniques willing to train him in these mystical martial arts. But as the adventure goes on, Jei Lon discovers the true mystery of his life.
Welcome to Warlock
Rattie (Junior McIntyre) plots his revenge on Machine (Raphael Joseph) after losing $3000 in a gamble. This guerrilla film touches every emotion with its realistic feel and indigenous style. Focusing on gang violence Welcome to Warlock is an alternative look at Trinidadian society.
Black Thoughts
A man that is a stranger, is an incredibly easy man to hate. However, walking in a stranger’s shoes, even for a short while, can transform a perceived adversary into an ally. Power is found in coming to know our neighbor’s hearts. For in the darkness of ignorance, enemies are made and wars are waged, but in the light of understanding, family extends beyond blood lines and legacies of hatred crumble.
Hallows Eve
The Hallows Estate is on alert as strange graffiti tags with messages declaring the streets will be taken over on Halloween night begin to appear on walls around the place, along with sightings of strange figures lurking in the shadows. One of the gangs responsible for the serious anti social behavior that give the estate a bad name, decide to take these threats head on and ignore the curfew on Halloween night. But who ever, or what ever, this new threat is, they seem to have the very night on their side as they make good on their promise of claiming the streets by frightening and violent means.
Dark Town
The vampires have taken over suburbia, and the only hope for escape is to dismantle the white picket fences and drive them through the hearts of the undead in this tale of bloodlust.
The Naked City
A gritty tale of survival set against a city ripe with violence and corruption. The Naked City tells the tale of Alfonso and Aurelia, who with their infant daughter flee the scene of a traffic accident they inadvertently caused, leaving several people seriously injured. On the run, they check into a hotel in a different part of the town. By coincidence, or fate, the hotel is about to be attacked by a violent gang, who resume to hold everyone hostage, moving room to room raping, killing and brutalizing the guests. When it is turn to visit with the young couple it is their time to decide to succumb to the violence, or fight back.