
King Bee (2020)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 19M

Director : Vladislava Sárkány
Escritor : Vladislava Sárkány


King Bee is a time-lapse documentary/comedy about contemporary society and times. The collective portrait of the people of Spišský Hrhov – a Slovak village featured in the New York Times – strives to find answers to whether or not ideal community life is still attainable. In the 21st century, our society emphasises the importance of individual self-realisation, thus forgetting about our interdependence. Are we just going to bitterly, yet with admiration, watch the prosperous bee kingdom?


Vladimír Ledecký
Vladimír Ledecký
Michal Smetanka
Michal Smetanka
Pavol Urda
Pavol Urda
Táňa Pastoreková
Táňa Pastoreková
Veronika Šarišská
Veronika Šarišská


Vladislava Sárkány
Vladislava Sárkány
Vladislava Sárkány
Vladislava Sárkány
Vladislava Sárkány
Vladislava Sárkány
Ivo Miko
Ivo Miko
Director of Photography
Pavol Hospodár
Pavol Hospodár
Director of Photography
Radka Šišuláková
Radka Šišuláková
Director of Photography
Zuzana Cséplö
Zuzana Cséplö
Michal Smetanka
Michal Smetanka
Igor Baar
Igor Baar


An analysis of the flow of water from mountain to aqueduct, city to sea. Shot at and around the Eastern Sierra Nevada, Owens Valley, Los Angeles Aqueduct, Los Angeles River and Pacific Ocean.
Timelapse of the Future: A Journey to the End of Time
How's it all gonna end? This experience takes us on a journey to the end of time, trillions of years into the future, to discover what the fate of our planet and our universe may ultimately be. We start in 2019 and travel exponentially through time, witnessing the future of Earth, the death of the sun, the end of all stars, proton decay, zombie galaxies, possible future civilizations, exploding black holes, the effects of dark energy, alternate universes, the final fate of the cosmos - to name a few.
A Breath Of Summer
Feel the rush of the breathtakingly beautiful National Parks of California with one deep breath of the summer air.
King Bee
King Bee is a time-lapse documentary/comedy about contemporary society and times. The collective portrait of the people of Spišský Hrhov – a Slovak village featured in the New York Times – strives to find answers to whether or not ideal community life is still attainable. In the 21st century, our society emphasises the importance of individual self-realisation, thus forgetting about our interdependence. Are we just going to bitterly, yet with admiration, watch the prosperous bee kingdom?
Time-lapse of a Nut
After long decades of suspended solitude in a theater's out-of-use electrical grid, a nut becomes the focal point of the night for a few college students.
Eternal Jožo
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A 1963 timelapse recording shows the effects of air pollution during an entire day on Santa Monica Bay in Los Angeles. A machine interpretation of an unstable version of the original file is divided into slits and rearranged in time, giving rise to a time panorama that mirrors an uncertain, abstract future lying ahead of us.
Forest Products
Tiny parasols sprout up like fungi across a beautiful wooded landscape in this hybrid stop motion/timelapse short film.
Timelapse of Fall in NYC by Jamie Scott.
This is a companion piece to the Fall time-lapse. Intended to be the polar opposite of the first one. Not just the Fall vs Spring. But wide shots vs close ups, everything in focus vs shallow depth of field, very cutty vs one shot, contemporary music vs classical, static camera vs moving camera.
The Making of 'Jurassic Park'
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Avatar: Criando o Mundo de Pandora
Com 22 minutos de duração, “Creating the World of Pandora” faz o que seu título diz: mostra o diretor, armado de um pequeno exército de especialistas em efeitos especiais, criando um novo planeta do zero. Sem contar os anos em que James Cameron passou em seu próprio estúdio desenvolvendo a técnica 3D de filmagem que utilizaria em “Avatar”, o mini-doc começa mostrando o primeiro dia de produção de fato, em 2007, passando pela fase de captura de movimentos até a composição da trilha sonora. Um trabalho realmente épico, que merece reconhecimento e milhares de prêmios técnicos, até para seu diretor, mas nunca de “melhor filme”.
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After Porn Ends
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Zumbis Uma História Viva
A maioria das pessoas acredita que os zumbis são um fenômeno recente, que surgiu a partir das histórias em quadrinhos, de filmes e da televisão. A verdade é muito diferente. Este especial de duas horas explora a sua verdadeira história desde os primórdios da civilização até a atualidade. Veremos como o Antigo e o Novo Testamento da Bíblia revelam inúmeras histórias de mortos-vivos, e vamos detalhar como a Peste Negra na Europa tornou-se um dos períodos mais prolíficos em mitos e lendas sobre zumbis. Examine conosco ainda outras lendas sobre essas criaturas, incluindo as histórias secretas da China e os rituais do vodu no Haiti.
Avatar: Scene Deconstruction
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Halo Effect
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Duna de Jodorowsky
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Marvel Studios: Construindo um Universo
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