
11 de Setembro: No Gabinete de Crise do Presidente (2021)

See the crisis unfold through the eyes of the president and his closest advisors.

Gênero : Documentário, História

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Adam Wishart


O 11 de setembro da perspectiva do presidente, com acesso exclusivo às informações do tomador de decisões durante o ataque ao World Trade Center.


George W. Bush
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney
Condoleezza Rice
Condoleezza Rice
Colin Powell
Colin Powell
Norman Mineta
Norman Mineta
Ari Fleischer
Ari Fleischer
Joshua Bolten
Joshua Bolten
Ted Olson
Ted Olson
Jeff Daniels
Jeff Daniels


Adam Wishart
Adam Wishart
Adam Wishart
Adam Wishart
Neil Grant
Neil Grant
Executive Producer
Serena Kennedy
Serena Kennedy
Line Producer
Simon Finch
Simon Finch
Creative Producer
Danny Collins
Danny Collins
Mark Hammill
Mark Hammill

Cartazes e fundos



Os Caça-Fantasmas
Em Nova York, Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz e Egon Spengler são três cientistas do departamento de psicologia da Universidade de Columbia que se dedicam ao estudo de casos paranormais. Quando a subvenção termina, eles são despedidos e Venkman sugere que abram um negócio próprio, a exterminadora de fantasmas Ghostbusters. Inicialmente eles só têm despesas e nenhum cliente, mas eis que surge Dana Barrett, uma violoncelista que teve uma experiência assustadora em seu apartamento.
Filme documentário franco-estadunidense de 2002, sobre os ataques de 11 de Setembro de 2001 à cidade de Nova Iorque, dirigido por Jules Naudet, Gédéon Naudet e James Hanlon, e apresentado por Robert De Niro.
Vôo United 93
Em 11 de setembro de 2001 o vôo 93 da United Airlines é sequestrado por terroristas, que têm por objetivo abatê-lo junto a algum símbolo norte-americano. Durante 90 minutos o avião permanece no ar, sendo que neste período os passageiros decidem reagir para evitar que os planos terroristas sejam concluídos.
King Kong
Uma expedição de exploração de petróleo chega a uma ilha isolada e encontra um colossal gorila gigante.
Homem no Arame
A 7 de Agosto de 1974, e após oito meses de preparativos feitos no mais absoluto sigilo, Philippe Petit realiza o sonho de uma vida: ao longo de quarenta e cinco minutos, dançou na corda bamba entre os topos das duas torres do novíssimo World Trade Center, então o edifício mais alto do mundo.
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers
One of the most exciting and memorable stories in the history of the World Trade Towers is that of Philippe Petit, a French man who walked a tightrope between the massive monuments in 1974. Narrated by Oscar nominee Jake Gyllenhaal, this is an animated adaptation of the lyrical Caldecott Award-winning book by Mordecai Gerstein. Directed and animated by Michael Sporn, with music by Michael Bacon (of the Bacon Brothers).
Afghan Stories
Horrified by the 9/11 attacks on America, filmmaker Taran Davies and Afghan American, Walied Osman, set out for Afghanistan to observe how the Afghan people have survived 24 years of war. They meet a member of the Afghan royal family once tortured by the Taliban, a refugee family stuck in a one-room apartment, a revered Muslim elder, an aid worker and a warlord. A unique and intimate film, Afghan Stories documents the torment, resolve and dreams of a people whose lives have been torn apart by war.
Blocking the Path to 9/11
With Blocking the Path to 9/11, Citizens United Productions exposes the amazing untold story behind the public firestorm surrounding The Path to 9/11. It presents courageous interviews with the original film's writer/producer, director, and editors, as well as numerous terrorism experts and the head of the 9/11 Commission. This documentary sets the historical record straight with explosive new revelations. For all those who seek the truth about 9/11 and want to learn the real story behind this shocking saga, Blocking the Path to 9/11 is required viewing.
The Walk - O Desafio
A história verídica de um jovem sonhador, Philippe Petit, e um grupo de improváveis aliados que juntos conseguem o impossível: colocar um fio ilegal no tremendo espaço entre as torres do World Trade Center, em Nova Iorque. Com pouco mais do que coragem e ambição cega, Petit e o seu pouco convencional grupo ultrapassam intimidantes obstáculos físicos, traições, inúmeras tentativas falhadas e probabilidades esmagadoras na sua luta para vencer o sistema e executar o seu louco plano...
11 Settembre 2001 - Inganno Globale
Starting immediately after the first siege of Vienna took place in the previous century narrates the conflicts that preceded the events of September 11, 1683, known as the Battle of Vienna. The film shows the circumstances of the second siege of Vienna and the onslaught of the Ottoman Turks led by Kara Mustafa against the Habsburg Monarchy: the massive attack was stopped by King John III of Poland, who managed to reduce the Ottoman expansion in the Old Continent.
Beyond 9/11: Portraits of Resilience
The untold stories from 40 men and women who led America, moved the nation, and sacrificed for it, in the hours, days and months that followed Sept. 11, 2001.
Die Falle 9-11
Die zahlreichen Bilder vom 11. September bewahren die Erinnerung an eine beispiellose Katastrophe. Zu ihrem zehnten Jahrestag wird der Anschlag im Fernsehen wieder und wieder nachgestellt, dokumentiert, analysiert und kommentiert werden. Zum Auftakt zeigt die ARD die Dokumentation "Die Falle 9/11". Der in Teilen bestechende Film kann seine reißerische These allerdings nicht erhärten.
Lazarus Fell, a former naval intelligence officer trained in black ops and tasked with tracking down the most wanted Terrorist in the world, has gone rogue, realizing his mission has been inexplicably compromised by his own chain of command. As a result, Lazarus has faked his own death, forsaken his life, his family and all that matters to him in the world, to continue his solitary pursuit. But he has personal motivations as well, believing his father, Solomon Fell, Chief of Operations for the Office of Naval Intelligence, was killed in the attacks of 9/11 – the event masterminded by the selfsame Terrorist.
American Vesuvius
On August 25th, 79 AD, the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were flash-frozen in time when Mount Vesuvius erupted, destroying all life in its path. Noted paleontologist, archaeologist, and forensic physicist Charles Pellegrino is the author of Ghosts of Vesuvius, a fascinating look at this ancient volcanic eruption. In AMERICAN VESUVIUS, Pellegrino uses the emerging science of forensic archaeology to decipher clues and gather evidence that helps him reconstruct the final moments of the victims. Using the same forensic techniques, Pellegrino undertakes an investigation of the ruins of the World Trade Center. By processing evidence and interviewing witnesses, he illustrates dramatic physical parallels between Vesuvius's eruption and the collapse of the Twin Towers. His scientific exploration results in an array of startling connections between the destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum and the man-made devastation at Ground Zero.
Filmed over the ensuing years after the attack on New York's World Trade Center, this documentary takes a look a the physical and emotional healing process involved in the aftermath of such a tragedy.
The Flight That Fought Back
It took the terrorists on Flight 93 two years to plan their attack. It took the 40 strangers aboard 30 minutes to defeat it. On September 11, 2001, passengers aboard United Flight 93 – one of four planes hijacked by terrorists that day and the only one to be diverted from its intended target – faced the unthinkable and inspired a nation. This is the story of their courage as told through unparalleled access to actual voice recordings, the personal accounts of family and friends, and extensive research into the events on board. Follow the account of their "first strike back at terrorism" and learn how these complete strangers – united by adversity – came together to thwart the terrorists' plans.
The 9/11 Commission Report
Esteja preparado para assistir a uma versão nova e surpreendente sobre o ataque terrorista aos E.U.A., diferente de tudo o que você já sabe a respeito! “11 de Setembro – Eles Já Sabiam”, é baseado no best-seller “September 11th – Comission Report”, que conta em suas páginas toda a conspiração por trás dos ataques, bem como evidências de que o terror poderia ter sido evitado. No filme, o diretor Leigh Scott apresenta um trabalho minucioso de investigação sobre os acontecimentos que conduziram ao evento que mudou a história dos E.U.A. para sempre, de uma maneira que, sem dúvidas, não tinha sido mostrada ainda. Intenso e extremamente intrigante, os minutos que seguem trazem os diferentes pontos de vista dos E.U.A., Afeganistão, Israel, e Inglaterra, a respeito dos reais motivos que levaram aos ataques terroristas de setembro de 2001, transformando Osama Bin Laden no maior terrorista de todos os tempos!
Operation Enduring Freedom
Documentary which examines the September 11 attacks, and America's military response, including previously unseen and recently declassified battle footage on American troops in combat in Afghanistan. After terrorists attacked New York City and Washington D.C. on September 11, 2001, America's military went into action and launched a counterattack on the men believed to be responsible -- Osama bin Laden, Sheik Omar, and the terrorist network al-Qaida.
Kill the Messenger
It's a sordid tale of a true American patriot, who, after discovering high-levels of espionage, corruption and bribery of high-level U.S. officials by Turkish nationals, was turned into a pariah by the Bush Administration instead of being congratulated.
World Trade Center: Anatomy of the Collapse
Originally produced for The Learning Channel, this documentary aims to dissect the events surrounding the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, addressing many of the questions that still continue to haunt the public. Through CGI graphics, interviews with witnesses and discussions with those who designed and engineered the buildings, this program examines the horrific incident in full detail.