
Island of the Doomed (1967)

What Was the Terrifying Secret of the Vampire Tree?

Gênero : Terror, Ficção científica

Runtime : 1H 28M

Director : Mel Welles
Escritor : Mel Welles, Ernst Ritter von Theumer


We take six diverse people--an unhappy married couple with a younger wife, a scientist, an older eccentric lady who is voiced in a Fran Drescher manner, a heroic young man (George Martin), and a desirable young woman for him to be interested in--who choose to vacation at the estate of a Count who is engaged in odd scientific research, and watch them deal with the gradual sense of doom...and the gradually more aggressive killer plants developed by Cameron Mitchell. The film is well-paced, and it leads to an exciting climax. MANEATER OF HYDRA/ISLAND OF THE DOOMED must have looked great on a massive drive-in screen back in 1967--it's still worth seeing today for the fan of 60's Euro-horror and for fans of the great Cameron Mitchell.


Cameron Mitchell
Cameron Mitchell
Baron von Weser
Elisa Montés
Elisa Montés
Beth Christiansen
George Martin
George Martin
David Moss
Kai Fischer
Kai Fischer
Cora Robinson
Rolf von Nauckhoff
Rolf von Nauckhoff
James Robinson
Hermann Nehlsen
Hermann Nehlsen
Prof. Julius Demerist
Matilde Muñoz Sampedro
Matilde Muñoz Sampedro
Myrtle Callahan
Ricardo Valle
Ricardo Valle
Mike Brendel
Mike Brendel
Baldi / Baldi's Brother


Mel Welles
Mel Welles
Mel Welles
Mel Welles
Mel Welles
Mel Welles
Ernst Ritter von Theumer
Ernst Ritter von Theumer
George Ferrer
George Ferrer
Antón García Abril
Antón García Abril
Original Music Composer
Cecilio Paniagua
Cecilio Paniagua
Director of Photography
Antonio Cánovas
Antonio Cánovas
Francisco Canet
Francisco Canet
Art Direction


In a contemporary New York City, members of a dysfunctional family of vampires are trying to come to terms with each other, in the wake of their father's death. Meanwhile, they are being hunted by Dr. Van Helsing and his hapless nephew. As in all good vampire movies, forces of love are pitted against forces of destruction.
O Monstro Sanguinário
A college paleontology professor acquires a newly discovered specimen of a coelecanth, but while examining it, he is accidentally exposed to its blood, and finds himself periodically turning into a murderous Neanderthal man.
Carmilla, a Vampira de Karnstein
In the heart of Styria the Karnstein Family, even after their mortal deaths, rise from their tombs spreading evil in the countryside in their lust for fresh blood. Baron Hartog whose family are all victims of Karnstein vampirism, opens their graves and drives a stake through their diabolical hearts. One grave he cannot locate is that of the legendary beautiful Mircalla Karnstein. Years of peace follow that grisly night until Mircalla reappears to avenge her family's decimation and satisfy her desire for blood.
O Filho do Drácula
O maior filme de vampiros de todos os tempos renova seu reino de terror nesse espetacular filme de 1840. Lon Chaney Jr., conhecido por seus papéis como Lobisomem e Frankenstein, estrela como Conde Alucard, o sanguinolento filho do famoso vampiro da Transilvânia. Quando Katherine (Louise Allbritton), uma bela garota do sul obcecada por pensamentos sobre a vida eterna, convida o conde para sua mansão nos Estados Unidos, ela abre uma caixa de pandora do maldoso conde. Juntos eles procuram saciar sua sede por sangue humano com assassinatos noturnos, nessa experiência no gênero de terror dirigida por Robert Siodmak.
Uma escuna naufraga na costa da Inglaterra em 1913, e o único sobrevivente é o Conde Drácula. Charmoso e educado, ele faz amigos e procura uma noiva, mas Van Helsing não dá tréguas e continua sua obcecada caça ao Senhor das Trevas.
White Night Wedding
Jon, a middle-aged professor is going to get married tomorrow, for the second time, to one of his ex-students half his age. But it's not all roses. First, there's his cranky mother-in-law-to-be who violently opposes the marriage and who demands repayment of Jon's loan before the wedding night. Second, his plans to build a golf course on the little island of Flatey where they live aren't going at all to plan. Third, his extremely drunk best man is on the loose without any shoes and lastly, the continual presence of his emotional first wife is haunting his every move. When the guests start flocking to the island, Jon starts getting cold feet. After a very long night of drinking and thinking, will Jon be able to make it to the church on time?
Fúria de uma Região Perdida
Cientistas despertam no Ártico uma espécie de Louva-a-Deus gigante que provoca um rastro de pânico e destruição por onde passa. Clássico dos filmes de insetos gigantes dos anos 1950.
No Mundo dos Monstros Pré-Históricos
Navy Commander Alan Roberts is assigned to lead an expedition to Little America in Antarctica to investigate reports of a mysterious warm water inland lake discovered a decade earlier. His helicopter and its small party, including reporter Maggie Hathaway, is forced down into a volcanic crater by a fierce storm. They find themselves trapped in a lush tropical environment that has survived from prehistoric times.
A rural Colombian village is attacked by a horrible sea serpent, aroused by industrial pollution of a nearby lake. Based on a real event that took place in June of 1971.
Creature from Black Lake
Two men exploring the Louisiana swamps run into a Bigfoot-type creature.
Song of the Islands
With his sidekick Rusty, Jeff Harper sails to paradisiacal tropical isle Ahmi-Oni to bargain on behalf of his cattle baron father for land owned by transplanted Irishman Dennis O'Brien. But Jeff falls in love with O'Brien's daughter, Eileen, and even his father can't break them up after he arrives and himself falls under the spell of island splendor.
The Giant Behemoth
Marine atomic tests cause changes in the ocean's ecosystem resulting in dangerous blobs of radiation and the resurrection of a dormant dinosaur which threatens London.
The H-Man
Nuclear tests create a radioactive man who can turn people into slime.
Missile to the Moon
Two escaped convicts are found hiding in a rocketship built by a renegade inventor, who forces them to become the crew for a trip to the Moon. Also on board, as inadvertent stowaways, are his assistant and his secretary; and none of them are aware that the inventor is actually a Lunarian explorer sent to Earth by the dying Lunar civilization and the only remaining male member of that civilization.
The Crawling Eye
An American investigator for the U.N., a German scientist and a British reporter join forces to investigate a series of disappearances and mutilation-deaths confined to a Swiss Alp and involving a thick, mobile cloud, a telepathic girl, an animate dead man, and tentacled, cyclopean beings from another planet.
The Vampire Bat
When the villagers of Kleinschloss start dying of blood loss, the town fathers suspect a resurgence of vampirism. While police inspector Karl Brettschneider remains skeptical, scientist Dr. Otto von Niemann cares for the vampire's victims one by one, and suspicion falls on simple-minded Herman Gleib because of his fondness for bats. A blood-thirsty mob hounds Gleib to his death, but the vampire attacks don't stop.
O Filho de King Kong
A história começa aproximadamente um mês após o dramático final de King Kong, no filme original de 1933. As aventuras do filmmaker Carl Denham (interpretado novamente por Robert Armstrong), agora com graves problemas jurídicos pela destruição feita por Kong. Denham sai de New York no navio Venture, do capitão Englehorn. Um marinheiro (Nils Helstrom) vendeu para Denham um mapa com a localização da Ilha da Caveira (Skull Island), onde acreditam existir um tesouro escondido. Também no navio viaja uma bela jovem (Hilda Peterson), que treinou macacos para um show de circo. Eles retornam a Ilha da Caveira, encontram um filhote albino de King Kong (Kiko - nome usado pela produção, mas não citado no filme), que os salva, tornando-se assim amigos. Foi produzido e lançado ainda em 1933, para aproveitar o sucesso estrondoso de King Kong. Porém, não alcançou o mesmo sucesso.
Esta obra cinematográfica é baseada no histórico documento narrativo “A Odisséia”, escrito por Homero. Aqui Ulysses (Kirk Douglas) realiza, após 10 anos de guerra na batalha por Tróia, a uma jornada por terra e mar para tentar voltar para casa, em Ítaca, e para sua esposa Penélope (Silvana Mangano), depois de ter perdido da frota de navios durante uma tempestade. Em sua Odisséia, ele percorre mares e caminhos desconhecidos, enfrentando batalhas contra o gigantesco ciclope Polifemo, soldados, encarando a fúria e as mentiras dos deuses na figura de Poseidon, e derramando seu sangue e suor para tentar permanecer vivo, mesmo já tendo perdido todos os seus companheiros. Até que finalmente, após 20 anos de luta, em sua terra natal, ele enfrente o último e mais perigoso desafio…
The Werewolf
The arrival in a small mountain town of a dissheveled stranger launches a series of murders committed by some sort of animal. As the town doctor and his daughter attempt to help the stranger, the sheriff investigates the murders; and they uncover a sinister experiment involving two rogue scientists, a car accident victim, his wife and children, and a serum that causes a man to turn into a ravaging werewolf.
Sacred Heart
Irene, a workaholic, is forced to re-evaluate her priorities after the suicide of her two best friends.