
Letter From a Priest (2021)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M

Director : Choi Jong-tae


In 1845, the first Korean to ascend to priesthood was born. His first name is Andrew Kim Tae Gon. Despite all the persecution and suffering against Catholicism, he wanted to practice equality and philanthropy. Arrested during an expedition, he chooses martyrdom after bitter torture. He was 25 years old. Kim Tae Gon, a young man who took a journey toward hope until the last moment, asks young people in 2021. "Are you a Catholic?"


Kim Hakryul
Kim Hakryul
Kim Yongtae
Kim Yongtae
Kim Okhee
Kim Okhee
Byun Kiyoung
Byun Kiyoung
Lee Yongho
Lee Yongho
Seo Jongtae
Seo Jongtae


Choi Jong-tae
Choi Jong-tae
Kim Byeong-jeong
Kim Byeong-jeong
Director of Photography


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