Pica-Pau Ataca Novamente (1940)
Gênero : Animação
Runtime : 7M
Director : Walter Lantz, Alex Lovy
Knock Knock é um filme de curta-metragem de animação estadunidense, sendo o 5º da série Andy Panda. Este desenho é marcado pela primeira aparição do mais famoso personagem criado por Walter Lantz: o Pica-Pau.
Compilation of cartoons raising money for the National Children's Home charity. Featuring Mickey Mouse ("The Simple Things"), Bugs Bunny ("Duck Rabbit Duck"), Tom and Jerry ("The Bowling Alley Cat"), Pluto ("Canine Casanova"), Sylvester and Tweety ("Hyde and Go Tweet"), The Pink Panther ("Sky Blue Pink"), Donald Duck ("Drip Dippy Donald"), Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner ("Hot Rod and Reel") and Daffy Duck ("Ain't That Ducky").
USA government agents Mutt and Jeff have been assigned to track down SMOGPOO's top secret agent Bugoff, a master of disguise attempting to steal secrets all across the globe.
Enjoy 4 hours of classic Popeye the Sailor Man cartoons. Popeye is one of the most beloved cartoon characters of all time! Watch as Popeye eats his spinach and saves the day and rescues Olive Oyl and Little Swee' Pea from the likes of Bluto. The rest of the gang is all here too (including Wimpy) with cartoons from the 1930s - 1950s. Features remastered sound!
No schoolbus. No teacher. No long division. But lots and lots of cartoons. It was Saturday! And that meant Bugs Bunny, Road Runner, Tom and Jerry, Shazzan, the Hair Bear Bunch and more. You came back every Saturday for them. Now in Vol. 2 they're back-to-back-to-back-to...well, you get the idea. They and many of their friends are here for you in two glorious discs loaded with hours of back-in-the-day fun and nostalgia from the '70s. Watch 'em. Share 'em with your family. Wake up and smell the cereal. Enjoy Saturday morning any day of the week.
A banana-loving gorilla - Magilla's the name - leaves his pet-shop home and stirs up lots of ape-roarious trouble. A tiny ant provides colossal-size heroics. A horse short on horse sense enforces the law. (Of course, no one knows he's a horse because he wears a bandana. And a cowboy hat.) Must be the '60s. Have a blast with Volume 2 of the blasts from the past that made Saturday your favorite day of the week. From do-you-remember rarities (The Space Kidettes) to time-honored favorites (The Bugs Bunny Show), from a pig (Porky!) to a Potamus (Peter!), hours and hours of up-and-at-'em, cereal-crunching, don't-touch-that-dial cartoon fun await you on these two discs. Check your calendar - it's Saturday!
Celebrate America with 2.5 hours of classic cartoons for Victory from the war era. Characters include Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, Popeye, Superman, Mr. Hook and Private Snafu (a character that Dr. Seuss help create).
O Natal está chegando e Gasparzinho só pensa em festejar. Mas Kibosh, o manda-chuva do mundo dos fantasmas, dá um ultimato ao fantasminha camarada: como não tem assombrado ninguém ultimamente, ou ele deixa alguém aterrorizado na noite de Natal ou será banido para um lugar nada amistoso. Mas, por mais que se empenhe, o máximo que o simpático Gasparzinho consegue provocar é risos. E se não conseguir ajuda vai ter mesmo um Natal de arrepiar.
Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, Rei Julien, Maurice, os pinguins e os chimpanzés estão no longínquo litoral de Madagascar. Para deixar o local os pinguins consertam um velho avião de guerra, mas logo em seu 1º voo ele cai. Isto faz com que os animais do zoológico de Nova York tenham que lidar, pela 1ª vez na vida, com espécies semelhantes a eles, só que habituadas à vida selvagem.
An original satire about women of the 90s in search of the men of their dreams. Franzy believes she's through with men, but desperately needs new amorous story lines for the comic strip she writes for a newspaper. So she observes her friend Maischa struggling to satisfy her need for love -- and someone who knows how to install her new shelf. Since joiner Klaus demands too much attention, she sets her eyes on the good-looking footballer Rene.
No Egito, Júlio César insulta Cleópatra ao dizer que sua nação está condenada a viver sob o regime de semiescravidão dos romanos. Decidida a provar que seu povo não está decadente, Cleópatra diz que construirá um magnífico palácio em Alexandria, em apenas 3 meses. Sem saber o que fazer, o engenheiro da obra decide contactar o druida Panoramix, para que ele possa ajudá-lo disponibilizando um pouco da poção mágica que dá força sobrehumana a quem a bebe.
Dive Bombing Crashes (1945) is a Warner Brothers Cartoon made as a training film for US Navy pilots. The film warns pilots not to neglect observing their altimeters during bombing dives.
Mr. Freeze vive no ártico com sua esposa conservada criogenicamente. Quando um submarino destrói a cápsula que a mantinha congelada, Mr. Freeze enlouquece com a idéia de perdê-la e sai à procura de uma doadora de tipo sangüíneo compatível para substituir seu coração. A escolhida é Barbara Gordon, filha do comissário Gordon, e também a garota por trás da heroína Batgirl. Agora, a Dupla Dinâmica tem pouco tempo para resgatá-la e tirá-la dessa tremenda fria.
The entire Disney menagerie appears in a parade urging the purchase of war bonds.
Join Jiminy Cricket as he hosts and performs in this all-star celebration of yuletide fun for the whole family. Featuring the holiday antics of Donald Duck, Chip N Dale, and Goofy, this cavalcade also offers special Christmas surprises: Mickey's Good Deed, a vintage gem from 1932 starring Mickey Mouse and Pluto, that has never been released on video! Enjoy scenes from such great Disney Classics as Fantasia, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Cinderella and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. And hear these Disney song favorites: "You Can Fly" - Peter Pan; "Cinderella" - Cinderella; and "I've Got No Strings" and "When I Wish Upon A Star" from Pinocchio.
O herói do espaço Duck Dodgers, junto com o Guaguinho, viajam para o Planeta X em busca de Illudium Phosdex, o átomo de creme de barbear. Infelizmente, o Comandante X-2 chega em sua nave "Martian Maggot" com seus próprios projetos no local.
Donald's nephews use a mountain lion costume to scare Donald away so they can grab a pie off the windowsill. The deception is exposed, but a short while later, a real mountain lion comes along.
Goofy buys a pet dog (Bowser) and has trouble training it. As Bowser gets bigger, he becomes a larger problem, angering the neighbors. Goofy goes out for the night, and Bowser proves not to be much of a guard dog until Goofy comes home and tries to get in.
Mickey Mouse inadvertidamente traz para casa uma foca bebê do zoológico, Pluto é o único que sabe disso.
Mickey cuida de um pequeno elefante chamado Bobo.