
Inside the Circle (2021)

The purpose of our lives is to be happy.

Gênero : Romance, Comédia, Drama

Runtime : 1H 33M

Director : Javier Colón Ríos


A quirky romantic dramedy that tells the story of a girl who believes in relationships and marriage, and who falls for a comic book and superhero-loving man who does not share her same beliefs.


Omar Mora
Omar Mora
Stefy Garcia
Stefy Garcia
Valeria Gonzalez
Valeria Gonzalez
Justin Lee
Justin Lee


Omar Mora
Omar Mora
Javier Colón Ríos
Javier Colón Ríos


Hot-tempered and fiercely independent, Julia is a gearhead who thrives in hostile environments and turns every situation to her advantage. She has a talent for scamming condescending men who think it’s cute that she shows interest in their used motorbikes–and can’t fathom her riding away with gleeful abandon. Her obsession with the high-octane world of urban ‘Rodeos’ – illicit gatherings where riders show off their bikes and latest daring stunts – sparks a chance meeting with a volatile clique. Julia strives to prove herself to the ultra-masculine gang by performing cons and running errands for their incarcerated ring leader, Dom. She finds a surprising connection with Dom’s wife, Ophélie, and son, a risky move that puts a target on her back. Julia is unsure who she can trust as the ultimate heist comes down the pike.
Marked each year by celebrations, Israel’s Independence Day coincides with the commemoration of Al-Nakba (the Catastrophe) — the day Palestinians memorialize their dispossession and displacement. For Tamer (Mahmoud Bakri, a member of the acting dynasty begun by veteran Palestinian performer Mohammad Bakri) and his high-school friends — Safwat (Mohammed Abd El Rahman), Shekel (Mohammad Karaki), and Rida (Ahmed Zaghmouri) — the social and psychological dissonance of being Palestinian in Israel is a daily struggle that is only heightened in the lead-up to Nakba Day.
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