
Green Jail (2021)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 41M

Director : Yin-Yu Huang


The film follows the last 4 years life of Grandma Hashima, the last existent from colonial Taiwan, who knows the secrets of "Green Jail," the notorious coal mine before World War II on Iriomote Island, Okinawa, Japan.


Yoshiko Hashima
Yoshiko Hashima
Yoshiko Hashima
Louis Leslie Kimura
Louis Leslie Kimura
Louis Leslie Kimura


Shungo Nakatani
Shungo Nakatani
Valérie Pico
Valérie Pico
Mon-cher Ho
Mon-cher Ho
Thomas Foguenne
Thomas Foguenne
Yin-Yu Huang
Yin-Yu Huang
Yin-Yu Huang
Yin-Yu Huang


Which Side Are You On?
The documentary features the British miners and their family experiences told through songs, poems, pictures and words.
Pierre, a retired professor in his early sixties ends up making a short, unsettling trip around Okinawa with Junko, a 40-year-old runaway wife. The confused intellectual would rather not get involved with this unlikely and unexpected lover but decides to follow his destiny, wherever it (she?) may take him.
The Pig's Retribution
A virginal boy travels with three hookers to a small island to collect his estranged father's washed up and sun-bleached bones.
An old woman forgets her car has a hand brake. How will she stop the car driving downhill?
Okinawa Yakuza War
Chiba, looking gnarly, and acting as animalistic as ever, stars alongside Matsukata as violent gangsters battling their way through fight after bloody fight with rival yakuza on the streets of Okinawa.
A pretty girl arrives on a small island on a dark and stormy night. She becomes an excuse for the turbulence and evil that occurs when one man forgets his dignity and becomes a beast.
Warlock Moon
Young lovers John and Jenny decide to go for a drive in the countryside one day when they happen upon the remains of a long-abandoned resort spa. After doing some exploring, they find that an elderly woman, Agnes Abercrombie, is living in the crumbling building. As they learn the gruesome history of the place, involving cannibalism and a ghost bride, Jenny becomes the victim of violent attacks and supernatural visions. But no one will believe her and now she's stuck in the dilapidated resort overnight. Will she survive until morning?
Sympathy for the Underdog
A yakuza gang gets driven out of Yokohama by a big gang from Tokyo. They relocate to Okinawa to violently start over.
“Laura” is based on a true story about a dramatic search and rescue mission at Halemba coal mine that gripped Poland in February of 2006. A miner was trapped underground, and by the fourth day when everyone was beginning to lose hope of his safe return, the rescue team heard a faint knocking on the pipeline. After a nearly a week long search, the miner was rescued. Those who followed the story closely called it a miracle. But the miner claimed that what saved him was stronger than a miracle – his love for his daughter Laura, and his wife Marlena.
Documentary about a miner's strike in Borinage.
An Evening With My Comatose Mother
Dorothy Pritchard thought it would be easy: Housesit for the Poe's on Halloween while making out with her hot boyfriend. But when the Poe's comatose mother ends up needing a bit of babysitting, Dorothy's night just went from good to bad... and it's about to get worse after she discovers she'll be spending it with the hosts of hell.
Nome de Código: Paulette
Paulette mora sozinha num projeto habitacional nos subúrbios de Paris. Com a sua pensão escassa, ela não consegue sobreviver. Uma noite, ao assistir a um curioso incidente de trânsito fora de seu prédio, Paulette vê o sinal do destino. Ela decide começar a vender cannabis. Afinal, porque não deveria? Paulette foi ex-chef pasteleiro. Seu dom para o comércio e habilidades culinárias são vantagens para encontrar soluções originais na condução de seu novo negócio.
Seven Days' Leave
While a Canadian soldier recovers in London, a nurse tells him that a Scottish widow believes he is her son. To comfort the widow, the soldier agrees to pretend to be her Scottish son. Seven Days Leave is a screen adaption of one of James M. Barrie's plays, The Old Lady Shows Her Medals.
Standing Army
Standing Army, directed by Enrico Parenti and Thomas Fazi, is an award-winning documentary film about the global network of U.S. military bases, the impact that these have on local populations, and the military-industrial complex that lies behind it.
Luca regularly visits her bedridden mother-in-law. Luca's husband, János, has been arrested on a trumped up political charge, and Luca does not know if he is still alive. Luca hides this from his mother by making up letters purporting to be from János who is directing a big film in New York. Luca discovers that János is alive, and is dismissed from her teaching job because of her husband. The dying mother anxiously awaits the return of her son from New York.
Dia dos Namorados Macabro
A Delegacia da pequena cidade de Valentine's Bluff recebe uma caixa de bombons contendo um coração humano. É o primeiro de uma série que chegarão para tirar o sono do xerife da anteriormente pacata localidade.
O Pranto de um Ídolo
Em uma partida de rúgbi um jogador é duramente atingido e perde vários dentes. Em uma sucessão de flashbacks é mostrada a trajetória de sua vida, desde quando ainda era mineiro de carvão e sonhava se tornar um profissional de rúgbi. Ele consegue seu objetivo e é considerado um jogador bom mas brutal, além de ter fama de ser uma pessoa arrogante. Ele consegue algum sucesso financeiro e se envolve com a viúva de quem é inquilino, sendo também assediado por uma rica mulher.
O Grito
Uma enfermeira americana que mora e trabalha em Tóquio é exposta a uma maldição misteriosa em que um espírito se apodera da pessoa, desencadeando um violento surto de raiva, antes de clamar sua vida e passar à próxima vítima.
A Flor do Meu Segredo
A romancista de meia-idade Leo escreve usando um pseudônimo e despreza o próprio trabalho. Em casa, ela também se sente miserável. Seu marido trabalha no exterior e é distante física e emocionalmente. No entanto, a aparição de um novo editor oferece a Leo a oportunidade de reavaliar sua vida.
Karatê Kid 2: A Hora da Verdade Continua
Ao descobrir que seu pai está à beira da morte, o professor Miyagi volta para Okinawa, no Japão, junto com seu aprendiz, Daniel LaRusso. Na terra natal, o mestre de caratê é surpreendido com a notícia de que Yukie, seu grande e antigo amor, está solteira.