
My Sassy Girl (2022)

Gênero : Comédia, Drama, Romance

Runtime : 1H 57M

Director : Fajar Bustomi


Gian, a young man saves Sisy, a woman who makes drunk, depressed and wants to kill herself at a train station at night. Their love story started from this.


Jefri Nichol
Jefri Nichol
Tiara Andini
Tiara Andini
Raja Giannuca
Raja Giannuca
Petrus Mahendra
Petrus Mahendra
Ibnu Wardani
Ibnu Wardani
Ferry Salim
Ferry Salim
Saleh (Sisy's Father)
Aida Nurmala
Aida Nurmala
Mirna (Sisy's Mother)
Surya Saputra
Surya Saputra
Yudha (Gian's Father)
Indy Barends
Indy Barends
Ratih (Gian's Mother)
Vonny Cornellya Permatasari
Vonny Cornellya Permatasari
Aunt Ruth
Jaja Mihardja
Jaja Mihardja
Front Desk Hotel
Iang Darmawan
Iang Darmawan
Bapak Pohon (Tree Father)
Dewa Dayana
Dewa Dayana
Depressed Youth
Axel Matthew Thomas
Axel Matthew Thomas
Pacar Bak Mie
Mahalini Raharja
Mahalini Raharja
Nisa (Pelayan Bak Mie)
Maudy Effrosina
Maudy Effrosina
Gian's Date Friend
Anrez Putra Adelio
Anrez Putra Adelio
Cakra (Pacar Sisi)
Ence Bagus
Ence Bagus
Azzura Pinkan
Azzura Pinkan
Pregnant Mother
Ivan Leonardy
Ivan Leonardy
Prof. Engineering
Ozan Arkananta
Ozan Arkananta
Mahasiswa Serius
Bagas Ran
Bagas Ran
MRT Youth
Petugas CR01
Rickyy Hidayat
Rickyy Hidayat
Petugas CR02
Adli Manoppo
Adli Manoppo
Petugas CR03


Fajar Bustomi
Fajar Bustomi
Titien Wattimena
Titien Wattimena
Dimas Imam Subhono
Dimas Imam Subhono
Director of Photography
Eros Eflin
Eros Eflin
Art Direction
Sentot Sahid
Sentot Sahid
Febby Gozal
Febby Gozal
Fajar Ahadi
Fajar Ahadi
Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar
Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar
Sound Designer
Ichsan Rachmaditta
Ichsan Rachmaditta
Sound Recordist
Aktris Handradjasa
Aktris Handradjasa
Makeup & Hair
Ifan Rivaldi
Ifan Rivaldi
Makeup & Hair
Quartini Sari
Quartini Sari
Costume Designer
HB Naveen
HB Naveen
Executive Producer
Dallas Sinaga
Dallas Sinaga
Executive Producer
Chul Shin
Chul Shin
Executive Producer
Paul Kim
Paul Kim
Associate Producer
David Castellanos
David Castellanos
Associate Producer
Dewi Soemartojo
Dewi Soemartojo
Line Producer
Nova Sardjono
Nova Sardjono
Casting Director
Gilang Numerouno
Gilang Numerouno
Casting Director
Ganda Hartadi
Ganda Hartadi
Visual Effects Supervisor
Andhika Triyadi
Andhika Triyadi
Music Director
Arif Rahman Hakim
Arif Rahman Hakim
Production Manager
Syahda Safa
Syahda Safa
Production Assistant
Ibnu Bayu Chikem
Ibnu Bayu Chikem
Unit Production Manager
Iwang Sadewa
Iwang Sadewa
Location Manager
Ersan Rahmana
Ersan Rahmana
Location Manager
Aditiya Arlandia
Aditiya Arlandia
Aditiya Arlandia
Aditiya Arlandia
Bambang Hertanto
Bambang Hertanto
Sylvia Widjaja
Sylvia Widjaja
First Assistant Director
Ardi Maulana
Ardi Maulana
Second Assistant Director
Talita Badrudin
Talita Badrudin
Casting Assistant
Casting Assistant
Putri Nur Fadhila
Putri Nur Fadhila
Casting Assistant
Ramadhan Setiawan
Ramadhan Setiawan
Script Supervisor
Muhammad Rahaditya Fauzi
Muhammad Rahaditya Fauzi
Clapper Loader
Tara Amelia Fianda
Tara Amelia Fianda
Assistant Camera
Andri Supiyanto
Andri Supiyanto
Boom Operator
Frans Hambali
Frans Hambali
Still Photographer
Ilham Rizki Pratama
Ilham Rizki Pratama
Still Photographer
Oka Mahesa
Oka Mahesa
Still Photographer
Nico Kasim
Nico Kasim
BTS Videographer
Gilang Canvistha
Gilang Canvistha
Assistant Art Director
Suci Widya Putri
Suci Widya Putri
Set Dresser
Sipa Nismara
Sipa Nismara
Assistant Makeup Artist
Timami Yestha P.
Timami Yestha P.
Assistant Costume Designer
Fazhila Anandya
Fazhila Anandya
Assistant Editor
Wahyu Sulaeman
Wahyu Sulaeman
VFX Artist
Adi Febrianto
Adi Febrianto
VFX Artist
M. Rafsanjani
M. Rafsanjani
VFX Artist
Izak Nurman
Izak Nurman
VFX Artist
Ahmad Khoerul Fahmi
Ahmad Khoerul Fahmi
VFX Artist
Trio Saputra
Trio Saputra
Rotoscoping Artist
Anjayani Cholee
Anjayani Cholee
Rotoscoping Artist
Yohannes Yulianto
Yohannes Yulianto
Sound Engineer
Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar
Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar
Dialogue Editor
Jonet Sri Untoro
Jonet Sri Untoro
Dialogue Editor
Yordana Alfarisyi
Yordana Alfarisyi
Sound Effects Editor
Christopher Chayadi
Christopher Chayadi
Sound Effects Editor
Moch. Zaqi
Moch. Zaqi
Foley Mixer
Joko Prawoto
Joko Prawoto
Foley Artist
Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar
Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Andika Ridho Kadifa
Andika Ridho Kadifa
ADR Mixer


A Névoa
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FC Venus
Procura-se uma Noiva
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Os Infiltrados
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O Silêncio do Lago
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Xie pi ai cha ren
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Return is a methodical construction of the approach of an individual towards an unseen goal, which assumes metaphorical significance. Viola moves toward the camera/viewer, pausing every few steps to ring a bell, at which point he is momentarily thrust back to his starting place, and then advanced again. Finally reaching his destination, he is taken through all of the previous stages in a single instant and returned to the source of his journey.
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The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..
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