Le banquet des loutres (2010)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M

Director : Ronan Fournier-Christol




Ronan Fournier-Christol
Ronan Fournier-Christol
Yannis Dumoutiers
Yannis Dumoutiers


Mergulhando com os Golfinhos
Uma crônica da criação de "Aventuras no Fundo do Mar " da Disneynature, a história de um jovem golfinho do Pacífico chamado Echo. De surfar ondas com golfinhos na África do Sul a dançar com baleias jubarte no Havaí, os cineastas fazem grandes esforços - e profundidades - para lançar uma nova luz sobre os mistérios do oceano.
Professor Polvo
Em uma floresta subaquática na África do Sul, um cineasta desenvolve uma amizade improvável com um polvo e descobre mais sobre os mistérios do mundo submarino.
Apresentando um ano na vida de uma família de ursos, onde a mãe ensina seus dois impressionáveis filhotes as lições mais importantes da vida. Situado em um cenário majestoso do Alasca, sua jornada começa quando o inverno termina. Emergindo da hibernação, os três enfrentam o emocionante e muito arriscado mundo exterior. Surpreendente captura de imagens de uma família carinhosa aprendendo a viver a vida ao máximo, em uma das últimas grandes regiões selvagens do planeta. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Flash, The Teenage Otter
Created for Walt Disney Presents television series then expanded by popular demand into a full feature, Flash, the Teenage Otter follows one of Disney’s most beloved animal stars as he strikes out from his home at a Wisconsin wildlife sanctuary to see the wider world with all of its wonders and perils.
Sea Otters: A Million Dollar Baby
The trials and tribulations of a sea otter pup growing up on the coast of California. The Californian sea otter is one of the rarest, and possibly cutest animals in the world. So when a sea otter mum decides to have her pup amongst the yachts of a millionaires' marina, it is a unique event. The mum must teach her baby how to dodge the boats and find the food in this busy harbour. However, the arrival of a tough male sea otter signals disaster for the family. When mum is attacked, the poor pup is left on her own and must fight for survival.
Springwatch - Guide to Otters
The otter is one of the UK's most charismatic yet enigmatic animals. Living not only along our rivers but also at the coast, otters have remarkable adaptations to a life both in and out of water. This documentary brings you the very latest scientific discoveries as well as a review of the turbulent history of the otter in the UK. It looks like the otter is making a steady comeback around the country but not everybody agrees this is good news.
Seasons of the Otter
Otters are so proficient at capturing the fish they live on, that they have lots of time left over for play. And they seem to play with reckless abandon, sliding down steep canyons in deep snow, swimming under the ice in Yellowstone Lake. They submerge us into the lake to find strange underwater spires only recently discovered by man. Other creatures sometimes survive bitter winter seasons by stealing fish from the otter. Actually, they're pretty good at defending themselves, and this program catches some astonishing action between them, coyotes, eagles, beaver, even an occasional grizzly bear.
An Otter Study
An Otter Study is a 1912 British short black-and-white silent documentary film, produced by Kineto, featuring an otter in its natural habitat, including groundbreaking footage of underwater hunting scenes. The film provided a novel treatment of the creature, which had previously appeared on film only as the victim of hunt films, with the unique underwater footage, shot by a cameraman behind glass in a tank concealed on the bed of the river in the opening scene, and a concluding scene, excised from the surviving print, in which it escapes the hunters. It was long thought lost until footage from a 1920s Visual Education re-release of the film, re-edited under the supervision of Professor J Arthur Thomson of Aberdeen University's Natural History Department, was rediscovered.
Solo Fértil
Lança luz sobre uma abordagem alternativa à agricultura chamada "agricultura regenerativa" que poderia equilibrar nosso clima, reabastecer nossos vastos suprimentos de água e alimentar o mundo.
Ilha dos Lêmures: Madagascar
The incredible true story of nature’s greatest explorers—lemurs. Through footage captured with IMAX 3D, audiences go on a spectacular journey to the remote and wondrous world of Madagascar. Join trailblazing scientist Patricia Wright on her lifelong mission to help these strange and adorable creatures survive in the modern world.
A Marcha dos Pinguins
Assim que os pinguins deixam seu habitat natural na faixa costeira, tem de lutar para executar qualquer tarefa em uma terra congelada. A Marcha dos Pinguins, de Luc Jacquet, que estréia na sexta-feira, cativam o espectador. A Warner Independent, que adquiriu os direitos do documentário francês no Festival de Sundance, acrescentou uma narração em Português feita por Antônio Fagundes e Patricia Pilar, de olho no mercado brasileiro, dando uma linda dramatização ao documentário. O ritmo da música de Wurman é um achado a mais, atenta ao humor e à gravidade do tradicional ritual de acasalamento dos pinguins.a
Koyaanisqatsi - Uma Vida Fora de Equilíbrio. As relações entre os seres humanos, a natureza, o tempo e a tecnologia. Cidade, campo, paisagem, rotina, pessoas, construções, destruição. Um documentário sem atores e sem diálogos, composto por uma impressionante coleção de imagens e uma marcante trilha sonora.
The Elephant Queen
Junte-se a Athena, a majestosa matriarca, enquanto ela conduz sua manada de elefantes por uma paisagem africana implacável.
Microcosmos: Fantástica Aventura da Natureza
Um belo registro daquilo que os nossos olhos não conseguem ver. Com o uso das tecnologias mais avançadas para a época, uma viagem pela natureza microscópica. O ciclo da vida de insetos e outros pequenos seres invertebrados na luta pela sobrevivência, por alimento e em sua relação com o meio ambiente.
Attenborough and the Giant Egg
David Attenborough returns to the island of Madagascar on a very personal quest. In 1960 he visited the island to film one of his first ever wildlife series, Zoo Quest. Whilst he was there, he acquired a giant egg. It was the egg of an extinct bird known as the 'elephant bird' - the largest bird that ever lived. It has been one of his most treasured possessions ever since. Fifty years older, he now returns to the island to find out more about this amazing creature and to see how the island has changed. Could the elephant bird's fate provide lessons that may help protect Madagascar's remaining wildlife? Using Zoo Quest archive and specially shot location footage, this film follows David as he revisits scenes from his youth and meets people at the front line of wildlife protection. On his return, scientists at Oxford University are able to reveal for the first time how old David's egg actually is - and what that might tell us about the legendary elephant bird.
Jane Goodall: A Esperança
Acompanhe Goodall nas suas infindáveis viagens, captando o seu compromisso e determinação inabaláveis para difundir uma mensagem de esperança. O filme oferece uma perspectiva íntima da transformação crítica de Goodall, de cientista a ativista e líder inspiradora, e de como está a galvanizar uma geração futura para criar mudanças perduráveis.
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales takes audiences to Alaska, Hawaii and the Kingdom of Tonga for a close-up look at how these whales communicate, sing, feed, play and take care of their young. Humpbacks were nearly driven to extinction 50 years ago, but today are making a steady recovery. Join a team of researchers as they explore what makes humpbacks the most acrobatic of all whales, why only the males sing, and why these intelligent 50-foot, 48-ton animals migrate more than 6,000 miles round-trip every year.
Nascido para Reinar
Sabi Sands, África do Sul, é o palco da história de leão mais dramática já testemunhada pelo homem.
Attenborough's Wonder of Eggs
David Attenborough has a passion for birds' eggs. These remarkable structures nurture new life, protecting it from the outside world at the same time as allowing it to breathe. They are strong enough to withstand the full weight of an incubating parent and weak enough to allow a chick to break free. But how is an egg made? Why are they the shape they are? And perhaps most importantly, why lay an egg at all? Piece by piece, from creation to hatching, David reveals the wonder behind these miracles of nature.