
Terror on Tape (1985)

A video nightmare you can't erase!

Gênero : Terror, Documentário

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Robert Worms


A compilation of scenes from various horror/exploitation films released on Continental Video.


Cameron Mitchell
Cameron Mitchell
Video Store Clerk
Michelle Bauer
Michelle Bauer
Third Customer
Mark Fenske
Mark Fenske
First Customer
Tim Noyes
Tim Noyes
Second Customer
Lenka Novak
Lenka Novak
Suzy ("Vampire Hookers") (uncredited)


Robert Worms
Robert Worms
Eric Parkinson
Eric Parkinson
Michael Swartz
Michael Swartz
Jim Silverman
Jim Silverman
Executive Producer
Danny Kopels
Danny Kopels
Art Direction


Zombie Zinger: A Bedtime Story
Duct Dann recalls an earlier adventure involving zombie kidnapping.
Terror em Los Angeles
Alguém está matando e mutilando pessoas durante a noite. Frustrado pela ineficiência da polícia, o pai da primeira vítima está procurando respostas, não importa o quão distantes elas estejam.
Blood Screams
When the townspeople of a small Mexican village start disappearing, the locals point the suspicion at two young visitors. The only solution is for the two to unearth the legend of a madman in this supernatural thriller.
Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis
The reincarnation of a 10th century Japanese general haunts 1920's Tokyo.
15 Metros de Mulher
Nancy Archer é uma herdeira rica e ex-alcoólica que ama seu marido Harry. Esse só quer o dinheiro dela e deseja sua morte para dividir a fortuna com a amante “Honey” Parker. Quando Nancy chega certa noite à cidade, dizendo ter sido perseguida por um satélite com um gigante alienígena a bordo, Harry percebe que é a oportunidade para se livrar dela. Mas Nancy foi contaminada pelo contato com o alienígena e de repente cresce de tamanho. E parte atrás de Harry como uma monstruosa mulher de quinze metros de altura!
Absolutamente Impossível
Neil (Simon Pegg), um professor desiludido com a vida, vê sua vida mudar após ser atropelado por uma van e ser atingido por um raio alienígena que lhe dá poderes mágicos. Com eles, Neil pode fazer tudo que quiser: desde calar a boca de seus alunos até ressuscitar pessoas! O problema é saber utilizar as palavras certas para conseguir o que ele quer. O uso dessas novas habilidades vai gerar uma série de confusões.
O Testamento Fatal
An aristocratic English family gather for the reading of their father's will. The family are dismayed to find that everything has been left to Barbara, the deceased's favourite daughter. The butler is soon found stabbed to death and Sergeant Thorpe, the local bobby, telephones Scotland Yard for assistance. Inspector Grey arrives and he and Barbara narrowly escape being shot. Cousin Ted and his wife Pauline are both killed. Sergeant Thorpe recalls some photos which Ted asked to have developed...
Young female embalmer Miyako is called in to restore the body of a young man who has committed suicide, before the funeral. While performing the embalming process she finds herself pricks by a needle buried deep in the boy’s flesh where it should not be. During the night the head is removed from the body and stolen, Miyako begins a desperate search for it so she can finish her work. Miyako search finds her encountering organ harvesting, religious cults, incest, psychopathic schizophrenics as well as some very dark secrets from here own past.
Zombi Fourest: The Tanzwut
Pat the Vampire has been given a pair of impostor sunglasses that he must destroy. The glasses must be destroyed before any zombie can get them, or that zombie will become the king of the zombies and have the power to leave the Cottontail Fourest. Pat is sent out but when he gets loft, he calls Soldier Chris for help. Soldier Chris enlists the help of Simon and Duct Dann to create the Fellowship of the Blood Pack. Sporting powerful sunglasses, the pack races for the fourest as fast as they can. Duct Dann picks up a weird man by hitting him while racing to the fourest. Neddy Walker, a blind photographer joins the pack. Pat is must face the burden of the sunglasses, as he faces zombies dancing and flapping like they never have before, in order to gain control over the glasses.
Riddick 3
Riddick, o homem mais procurado da galáxia, foi abandonado à própria morte em um planeta habitado apenas por animais selvagens. Ele deseja retornar ao seu planeta natal, mas como não tem uma nave precisa encontrar um jeito de sobreviver neste ambiente inóspito. A situação muda quando dois grupos de mercenários chegam ao planeta separadamente, ambos com o objetivo de capturar Riddick. Conhecendo muito bem os perigos do local, Riddick passa a usá-los a seu favor na tentativa de conseguir uma das naves para si.
A Morning Stroll
In three distinct eras, a man walking down the street has an unexpected encounter with a chicken.
A horror film about a screenwriter who loses the ability to distinguish between his fantasy world and the real world, with disastrous consequences. As he ruminates on his place in any world and loses his grip, he also loses his wife and his children's respect, and critics tear him apart. The final undoing of this screenwriter is a deadline that must be met at all costs, costs that perhaps are too great.
Visions of Suffering
Demons cross the divide between the world of dreams and waking reality to capture a victim and drag him back to their nightmarish realm.
O Porão
O confronto de uma família com as forças do mal, vindas do passado. O filho de um casal que acaba de comprar uma casa antiga percebe uma estranha presença no porão. Crimes se sucedem, mas ninguém acredita nele.
Some time after the events of The Ring, a subculture of people voluntarily watch Samara Morgan's video and wait to see how close to the seven-day deadline they can get before showing it to the next person. They record everything they see and share their experiences on a secret website dedicated to the videotape. No one has ever recorded a day seven.
F.M. discovers that different sonic frequencies induce different patterns of behaviour in listeners, first in his own studio but later in the local "H-Burger" restaurant where the passive muzak appears to be wiping people's emotions.
Night of the Sinner
A young insurance agent flies to central Italy to evaluate the library of an eccentric Prince. She will learn about the man's terrifying past and encounter the very essence of evil.
A small community is besieged by vampires. After he watches friends ravaged in a convenience store, a lone avenger goes off to do battle with the undead, armed with shotgun, chainsaw, and Holy water. Later he finds other survivors and they try to stay alive long enough to do battle with Liven, king of the vampires.
Bloody Murder
Julie McConnell is one of a dozen camp counselors working to re-open a summer camp when a series of murders and disappearances begin commited by a hockey masked killer who may be the urban legend killer Trevor Moorehouse. When Julie looks into the murders by herself, she finds that she may be the killer's next target when she gets too close to some dark secrets of the camp which may lead to the killer's identity.
Poor Albert and Little Annie
Albert tried to kill his rich snobby mother once. Then he was institutionalized. Now he's escaped. Albert is after his mother again. And he will torture and kill anything that lays in the way...