
Strangler Figs: The Deadly Grasp (2000)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 43M

Director : Klaus Scheurich


Some ficus species are strangler figs. The seeds are eaten by birds and pass through the digestive tract undamaged. If they are excreted on the branch of a tree in the feces of the birds and remain stuck there thanks to the mistletoe-like slimy seed coat, the seeds germinate on the branch. The fig plants grow directly there, so they are initially epiphytes. But their aerial roots grow down to the ground. When the roots reach the ground, the figs begin to grow faster and form many more aerial roots. They gradually enclose their supporting or host tree, which eventually dies, forming a cavity inside the strangler fig. The strangler fig also benefits from the nutrients released during the decomposition of the dead supporting tree.


Meredith Davies
Meredith Davies
Narrator - German (voice)
Susan Tackenberg
Susan Tackenberg
Narrator - English (voice)


Klaus Scheurich
Klaus Scheurich
Wolf Lengwenus
Wolf Lengwenus
Annette Scheurich
Annette Scheurich
Klaus Scheurich
Klaus Scheurich
Armin Riegel
Armin Riegel
Barbara Meyer
Barbara Meyer
Production Manager
Bernd Curschmann
Bernd Curschmann
Assistant Camera
Abel & Bouché
Abel & Bouché
Wilmont Schulze
Wilmont Schulze
Annette Scheurich
Annette Scheurich
Sound Recordist
Jürgen Offermann
Jürgen Offermann
Sound Mixer
Wolfgang Deiters
Wolfgang Deiters
Warren Eagles
Warren Eagles
Albert Fölsing
Albert Fölsing
Wolf Lengwenus
Wolf Lengwenus


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