
Kamen Rider Backwards-Kiva: Queen of the Demonic Castle (2008)

Gênero : Ação, Fantasia, Drama, Comédia

Runtime : 0M


On June 2, 2008, Toei announced on its various official websites that there would be a series of short five-minute internet movies that are spin-offs of Kamen Rider Kiva: King of the Demonic Castle. The featurettes are called Kamen Rider Backwards-Kiva: Queen of the Demonic Castle. In these shorts, Otoya and Yuri are brought into the present by Castle Doran when the mysterious Queen of the Legendorga is about to be revived. The shorts themselves are all zany misadventures of everyone in the Kiva cast.


Koji Seto
Koji Seto
Wataru Kurenai / Kamen Rider Kiva
Kouhei Takeda
Kouhei Takeda
Otoya Kurenai / Kamen Rider Ixa (1986)
Kato Keisuke
Kato Keisuke
Keisuke Nago / Kamen Rider Kiva (2008)
Nana Yanagisawa
Nana Yanagisawa
Megumi Aso
Yu Takahashi
Yu Takahashi
Yuri Aso
Kohei Kumai
Kohei Kumai
Kengo Eritate
Shouma Yamamoto
Shouma Yamamoto
Takato Shirimine / Kamen Rider Rey
Rina Koike
Rina Koike
Shizuka Nomura
Yuuki Ogoe
Yuuki Ogoe
Yuuki Ogoe
Yuuki Ogoe
Eiji Takigawa
Eiji Takigawa



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